Number of records found: 2704
Single-organoid analysis reveals clinically relevant treatment-resistant and invasive subclones in pancreatic cancer”. Le Compte M, Cardenas De La Hoz E, Peeters S, Rodrigues Fortes F, Hermans C, Domen A, Smits E, Lardon F, Vandamme T, Lin A, Vanlanduit S, Roeyen G, van Laere S, Prenen H, Peeters M, Deben C, npj Precision Oncology 7, 128 (2023).
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Single-cell yolk-shell nanoencapsulation for long-term viability with size-dependent permeability and molecular recognition”. Wang L, Li Y, Yang X-Y, Zhang B-B, Ninane N, Busscher HJ, Hu Z-Y, Delneuville C, Jiang N, Xie H, Van Tendeloo G, Hasan T, Su B-L, National Science Review 8 (2021).
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Single particle characterisation of the aerosol in the marine boundary layer and free troposphere over Tenerife, NE Atlantic, during ACE-2”. Hoornaert S, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 46, 271 (2003).
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic suspension in Lake Baikal”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 31, 1525 (1997)
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic North Sea suspensions”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic and organic North Sea suspension”. Jambers W, Dekov V, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 67, 17 (1999).
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Single particle and inorganic characterization of rainwater collected above the North Sea”. Jambers W, Dekov V, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 256, 133 (2000).
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Single particle analysis techniques”. de Bock LA, Van Grieken RE page 243 (1999).
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Single particle analysis of suspended matter in the Makasar Strait and Flores Sea with particular reference to tin-bearing particles”. Dekov VM, van Put A, Eisma D, Van Grieken R, Journal of sea research 41, 35 (1999).
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Single particle analysis of Hungarian background aerosol”. Török S, Sandor S, Xhoffer C, Van Grieken R, Meszaros E, Molnar A, Idojaras: quarterly journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service 96, 223 (1992)
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Single particle analysis of aerosols, observed in the marine boundary layer during the Monterey Area Ship Tracks Experiment (MAST), with respect to cloud droplet formation”. de Bock LA, Joos PE, Noone KJ, Pockalny RA, Van Grieken RE, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 37, 299 (2000).
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Single particle analysis of aerosols from Siberia”. van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, Khodzher TV, Grachev M, Bufetov NS, Koutsenogii KP, Proceedings of the Russian-Ukrainian-Austrian-German Analytical Symposium (1994)
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Single layer graphene controlled surface and bulk indentation plasticity in copper”. Bahrami F, Hammad M, Fivel M, Huet B, D'Haese C, Ding L, Nysten B, Idrissi H, Raskin JP, Pardoen T, International Journal Of Plasticity 138, 102936 (2021).
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Single and coupled type II quantum dots in magnetic and electric fields”. Janssens KL, Partoens B, Peeters FM, Physicalia magazine 24, 211 (2002)
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Simultaneous determination of silicon and phosphorus in cast iron by 14 MeV neutron activation analysis”. Van Grieken R, Speecke A, Hoste J, Journal of radioanalytical chemistry 6, 385 (1970).
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Simultaneous determination of chromium and silicon in steel by 14-mev neutron activation analysis”. Vandecasteele C, Van Grieken R, Hoste J, Analytica chimica acta 72, 31 (1974).
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Piñ,era Herná,ndez I (2014) Simulation of atom displacements induced by photons and electrons in solids. 137 p
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Chuon S (2019) Simulation numérique multi-échelles du procédé de dépôt par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron. 137 p
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Simulating highly activated sticking of H₂, on Al(110) : quantum versus quasi-classical dynamics”. Tchakoua T, Powell AD, Gerrits N, Somers MF, Doblhoff-Dier K, Busnengo HF, Kroes G-J, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 127, 5395 (2023).
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Simple systems, complicated physics : an interview with Nir Navon”. Jorissen B, Fernandes L, Belgian journal of physics 1, 4 (2023)
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Simon Stevin as a central figure in the development of abstract algebra and generic programming”. Gielis J, Symmetry : culture and science 34, 155 (2023).
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Silicon and germanium adamantane and diamantane monolayers as two-dimensional anisotropic direct-gap semiconductors”. Santos-Castro G, Pandey T, Bruno CHV, Santos Caetano EW, Milošević, MV, Chaves A, Freire VN, Physical review B 108, 035302 (2023).
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Signatures of subband excitons in few-layer black phosphorus”. Chaves A, Sousa GO, Khaliji K, da Costa DR, Farias GA, Low T, Physical Review B 103, 165428 (2021).
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Sidestream deammonification on thermal hydrolysis process digestate : strategies to overcome nitritation inhibition”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, , 11 p. T2 (2015)
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Siberian Haze: complex study of aerosols in Siberia”. Koutsenogii PK, van Malderen H, Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R, Koutsenogii KP, Boufetov N, Makarov VI, Smoljakov BS, Nemirovski AM, Osipova LP, Krjukov JA, Ivakin EA, Posukh OL, Bronstein EL, Optics of the atmosphere and ocean 9, 712 (1996)
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Short and long term effect of decreasing temperature on anammox activity and enrichment in mainstream granular sludge process”. De Cocker P, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Dubos S, Mercade M, Sun XY, Mozo I, Barillon B, Gaval G, Caligaris M, Martin Ruel S, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, 4, 50 (2017).
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Short and long term effect of decreasing temperature on anammox activity and enrichment in mainstream granular sludge process”. De Cocker P, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Dubos S, Mercade M, Sun XY, Mozo I, Barillon B, Gaval G, Caligaris M, Ruel SM, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Frontiers In Wastewater Treatment And Modelling, Ficwtm 2017 4, 50 (2017).
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Shifts in mycorrhizal types of fungi and plants in response to fertilisation, warming and herbivory in a tundra grassland”. Le Noir de Carlan C, Kaarlejarvi E, De Tender C, Heinecke T, Eskelinen A, Verbruggen E, New phytologist (2024).
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Shearing and rotation of β'' and β' precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si alloy under tensile deformation : in-situ and ex-situ studies”. Yang M, Orekhov A, Hu Z-Y, Feng M, Jin S, Sha G, Li K, Samaee V, Song M, Du Y, Van Tendeloo G, Schryvers D, Acta Materialia 220, 117310 (2021).
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Shear banding-activated dynamic recrystallization and phase transformation during quasi-static loading of β-metastable Ti &ndash, 12 wt % Mo alloy”. Choisez L, Ding L, Marteleur M, Kashiwar A, Idrissi H, Jacques PJ, Acta materialia 235, 118088 (2022).
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