Number of records found: 2255
Bandgap engineering of two-dimensional semiconductor materials”. Chaves A, Azadani JG, Alsalman H, da Costa DR, Frisenda R, Chaves AJ, Song SH, Kim YD, He D, Zhou J, Castellanos-Gomez A, Peeters FM, Liu Z, Hinkle CL, Oh S-H, Ye PD, Koester SJ, Lee YH, Avouris P, Wang X, Low T, npj 2D Materials and Applications 4, 29 (2020).
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Barrier permeation effects on the inversion layer subband structure and its applications to the electron mobility”. Lujan GS, Magnus W, Sorée B, Ragnarsson LA, Trojman L, Kubicek S, De Gendt S, Heyns A, De Meyer K, Microelectronic engineering 80, 82 (2005).
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BCS-BEC crossover in quantum confined superconductors”. Guidini A, Flammia L, Milošević, MV, Perali A, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 29, 711 (2016).
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Beating of oscillations in transport coefficients of a one-dimensionally periodically modulatedtwo-dimensional electron gas in the presence of spin-orbit interaction”. Wang XF, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 71, 125301 (2005).
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Biaxial strain tuning of exciton energy and polarization in monolayer WS2”. Kourmoulakis G, Michail A, Paradisanos I, Marie X, Glazov MM, Jorissen B, Covaci L, Stratakis E, Papagelis K, Parthenios J, Kioseoglou G, Applied Physics Letters 123 (2023).
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Biexciton binding energy in fractional dimensional semiconductors”. Rønnow TF, Pedersen TG, Partoens B, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 85, 045412 (2012).
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Biexciton spin and angular momentum transitions in vertically coupled quantum dots”. Anisimovas E, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 71, 115319 (2005).
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Bilayer crystals of charged magnetic dipoles : structure and phonon spectrum”. Ramos IRO, Ferreira WP, Munarin FF, Farias GA, Peeters FM, Physical review : E : statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 85, 051404 (2012).
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Bilayer graphene Hall bar with a pn-junction”. Milovanovic SP, Masir MR, Peeters FM, Journal of applied physics 114, 113706 (2013).
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Bilayer graphene with single and multiple electrostatic barriers: band structure and transmission”. Barbier M, Vasilopoulos P, Peeters FM, Pereira JM, Physical review : B : solid state 79, 155402 (2009).
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Bilayer SnS2 : tunable stacking sequence by charging and loading pressure”. Bacaksiz C, Cahangirov S, Rubio A, Senger RT, Peeters FM, Sahin H, Physical review B 93, 125403 (2016).
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Binary dusty plasma Coulomb balls”. Apolinario SWS, Peeters FM, Physical review : E : statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics 83, 041136 (2011).
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Binding energies of positive and negative trions: From quantum wells to quantum dots”. Bracker AS, Stinaff EA, Gammon D, Ware ME, Tischler JG, Park D, Gershoni D, Filinov AV, Bonitz M, Peeters F, Riva C, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 72, 035332 (2005).
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Binding energy and structure of localized biexcitons in quantum wells”. Riva C, Varga K, Schweigert VA, Peeters FM, Physica status solidi: B: basic research 210, 689 (1998).<689::AID-PSSB689>3.0.CO;2-M
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Binding energy of the barbell exciton”. Peeters FM, Golub JE, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 43, 5159 (1991)
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Binding of electrons, holes, and excitons in symmetric strained InP/ In0.49Ga0.51P triple quantum-dot molecules”. Tadić, M, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 70, 195302 (2004).
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Binding of remote and spatial separated D- centers in double barrier resonant tunneling semiconductor devices”. Marmorkos IK, Schweigert VA, Peeters FM, Lok JGS, , 2769 (1996)
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Bipolaron stability in an ellipsoidal potential well”. Pokatilov EP, Croitoru MD, Fomin VM, Devreese JT, Physica status solidi: B: basic research 237, 244 (2003).
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Black phosphorus as tunable Van der Waals quantum wells with high optical quality”. Zhang G, Huang S, Chaves A, Yan H, ACS nano 17, 6073 (2023).
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Bloch and localized electrons in semiconductor superlattices”. Helm M, Hilber W, Fromherz T, Peeters FM, Alavi K, Pathak RN, Semiconductor science and technology 9, 1989 (1994).
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Blocking of the polaron effect and spin-split cyclotron resonance in a two-dimensional electron gas”. Wu XG, Peeters FM, Wang YJ, McCombe BD, Physical review letters 84, 4934 (2000).
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Blue energy conversion from holey-graphene-like membranes with a high density of subnanometer pores”. Wang H, Su L, Yagmurcukardes M, Chen J, Jiang Y, Li Z, Quan A, Peeters FM, Wang C, Geim AK, Hu S, Nano Letters 20, 8634 (2020).
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Bond geometry and phase transition mechanism of H-bonded ferroelectricity”. Bussmann-Holder A, Michel KH, Physical review letters 80, 2173 (1998).
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Boosting Monte Carlo simulations of spin glasses using autoregressive neural networks”. McNaughton B, Milošević, MV, Perali A, Pilati S, Physical Review E 101, 053312 (2020).
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Boosting quantum yields in two-dimensional semiconductors via proximal metal plates”. Lee Y, Forte JD'arf S, Chaves A, Kumar A, Tran TT, Kim Y, Roy S, Taniguchi T, Watanabe K, Chernikov A, Jang JI, Low T, Kim J, Nature Communications 12, 7095 (2021).
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Boron nitride mono layer : a strain-tunable nanosensor”. Neek-Amal M, Beheshtian J, Sadeghi A, Michel KH, Peeters FM, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 13261 (2013).
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Bound states and lifetime of an electron on a bulk helium surface”. Degani MH, Farias GA, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 72, 125408 (2005).
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Bound vortex states and exotic lattices in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates : the role of vortex-vortex interaction”. Dantas DS, Lima ARP, Chaves A, Almeida CAS, Farias GA, Milošević, MV, Physical review : A : atomic, molecular and optical physics 91, 023630 (2015).
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Braess paradox at the mesoscopic scale”. de Sousa AA, Chaves A, Farias GA, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 88, 245417 (2013).
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Branch current behavior at two level anti-crossings in vertical quantum dot single-particle spectra”. Payette C, Austing DG, Yu G, Gupta JA, Nair SV, Partoens B, Amaha S, Tarucha S, AIP conference proceedings 1199, 271 (2010).
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