Number of records found: 166
TEM investigation of the microstructure and defects of CuZr martensite: 2: planar defects”. Seo JW, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 46, 1177 (1998).
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TEM study on precipitation behavior in Cu-Co alloys”. Takeda M, Suzuki N, Shinohara G, Endo T, van Landuyt J, Physica status solidi: A: applied research 168, 27 (1998).<27::AID-PSSA27>3.0.CO;2-S
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Time dependent properties of classical artificial atoms”. Schweigert VA, Peeters FM, Journal of physics : condensed matter 10, 2417 (1998).
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The origin of diffuse intensity in electron diffraction patterns”. Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, Phase transitions 67, 101 (1998).
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Recrystallization and grain growth in a B2 iron aluminide alloy”. Samajdar I, Ratchev P, Verlinden B, Schryvers D, Intermetallics 6, 419 (1998).
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Synthesis and structural study of hexagonal pervoskites in the Ba5>Ta4O15-MZrO3 (M=Ba, Sr) system”. Abakumov AM, Shpanchenko RV, Antipov EV, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, Journal of solid state chemistry 141, 492 (1998).
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High resolution electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of heteroepitaxial SixGe1-x alloys produced through laser induced processing”. Frangis N, van Landuyt J, Lartiprete R, Martelli S, Borsella E, Chiussi S, Castro J, Leon B, Applied physics letters 72, 2877 (1998).
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Magnetoplasma excitations of two vertically coupled dots”. Partoens B, Matulis A, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 57, 13039 (1998).
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Structural characterization of colloidal Ag2Se nanocrystals”. Buschmann V, Van Tendeloo G, Langmuir 14, 1528 (1998).
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Charge transfer and polymer phases in AC60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) fullerides”. Nikolaev AV, Prassides K, Michel KH, The journal of chemical physics 108, 4912 (1998).
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Austenite and martensite microstructures in splat-cooled Ni-Al”. Schryvers D, Holland-Moritz D, Intermetallics 6, 427 (1998).
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'Natural' and 'man-made' platelets in type-la diamonds”. Kiflawi I, Bruley J, Luyten W, Van Tendeloo G, Philosophical magazine: B: physics of condensed matter: electronic, optical and magnetic properties 78, 299 (1998).
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Structural studies of diamond thin films grown from the arc plasma”. Nistor LC, van Landuyt J, Journal of materials research 12, 2533 (1998)
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Automated particle analysis of populations of silver halide microcrystals by electron probe microanalysis under cryogenic conditions”. Gregory CL, Nullens HA, Gijbels RH, van Espen PJ, Geuens I, de Keyzer R, Analytical chemistry 70, 2551 (1998).
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Binding energy and structure of localized biexcitons in quantum wells”. Riva C, Varga K, Schweigert VA, Peeters FM, Physica status solidi: B: basic research 210, 689 (1998).<689::AID-PSSB689>3.0.CO;2-M
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Conductance quantization in a periodically modulated quantum channel: backscattering and mode mixing”. Deo PS, Gupta BC, Jayannavar AM, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 58, 10784 (1998).
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Influence of sticking coefficients on the behavior of sputtered atoms in an argon glow discharge: modeling and comparison with experiment”. Bogaerts A, Naylor J, Hatcher M, Jones WJ, Mason R, Journal of vacuum science and technology: A: vacuum surfaces and films 16, 2400 (1998).
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Precision magnetometry on a submicron scale: magnetisation of superconducting quantum dots”. Geim AK, Grigorieva IV, Lok JGS, Maan JC, Dubonos SV, Li XQ, Peeters FM, Nazarov YV, Superlattices and microstructures 23, 151 (1998).
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Modulated structures in KAISi3O8: a study by high resolution electron microscopy and 29Si MAS-NMR spectroscopy”. Sanchez-Munoz L, Nistor L, Van Tendeloo G, Sanz J, Journal of electron microscopy 47, 17 (1998).
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A new model for the (2x1) reconstructed CoSi2-Si(100) interface”. Buschmann V, Fedina L, Rodewald M, Van Tendeloo G, Philosophical magazine letters 77, 147 (1998).
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Comparative analysis of the low-energy He+ ions scattering on Al and Al2O3 surfaces”. Fomin VM, Misko VR, Devreese JT, Brongersma HH, Nuclear Instruments &, Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 145, 545 (1998).
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Effects of fluorination on the structure and superconducting properties of Y2Ba4Cu7O14+ phases”. Abakumov A, Rozova M, Shpanchenko R, Kovba M, Putilin S, Antipov E, Lebedev O, Van Tendeloo G, Kopnin E, Karpinski J, Physica: C : superconductivity 301, 155 (1998).
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Natural titanite and malayite: structural investigations and the 500K anomaly”. Meyer HW, Bismayer U, Adiwidjaja G, Zhang M, Nistor L, Van Tendeloo G, Phase transitions 67, 27 (1998).
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Comprehensive three-dimensional modeling network for a dc glow discharge plasma”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Plasma physics reports 24, 573 (1998)
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Defects and growth mechanisms of AgCl(100) tabular crystals”. van Renterghem W, Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, Verrept P, Bollen D, van Roost C, de Keyzer R, Journal of crystal growth 187, 410 (1998).
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High resolution electron microscopy in materials research”. Van Tendeloo G, Journal of materials chemistry 8, 797 (1998).
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Interface effects on magnetopolarons in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells at high magnetic fields”. Hai GQ, Peeters FM, Studart N, Wang YJ, McCombe BD, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 58, 7822 (1998).
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Phase diagram for large two dimensional bipolarons in a magnetic field”. da Costa WB, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 57, 10569 (1998).
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Synthesis and structure of Ln4Re6-xO19 (Ln=Ce, Pr, Nd) complex oxides”. Bramnik KG, Abakumov AM, Shpanchenko RV, Antipov EV, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of alloys and compounds 278, 98 (1998).
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Transmission electron microscopy studies of (111) twinned silver halide microcrystals”. Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, Microscopy research and technique 42, 85 (1998).<85::AID-JEMT3>3.0.CO;2-M
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