Number of records found: 502
Manganese‐Doping‐Induced Quantum Confinement within Host Perovskite Nanocrystals through Ruddlesden–Popper Defects”. Paul S, Bladt E, Richter AF, Döblinger M, Tong Y, Huang H, Dey A, Bals S, Debnath T, Polavarapu L, Feldmann J, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 59, 6794 (2020).
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Conceptual frame rationalizing the self-stabilization of H-USY zeolites in hot liquid water”. Ennaert T, Geboers J, Gobechiya E, Courtin CM, Kurttepeli M, Houthoofd K, Kirschhock CEA, Magusin PCMM, Bals S, Jacobs PA, Sels BF, ACS catalysis 5, 754 (2015).
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A Comprehensive Study of the Electrodeposition of Nickel Nanostructures from Deep Eutectic Solvents: Self-Limiting Growth by Electrolysis of Residual Water”. Mernissi Cherigui EA, Sentosun K, Bouckenooge P, Vanrompay H, Bals S, Terryn H, Ustarroz J, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 121, 9337 (2017).
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Correction of non-linear thickness effects in HAADF STEM electron tomography”. van den Broek W, Rosenauer A, Goris B, Martinez GT, Bals S, Van Aert S, van Dyck D, Ultramicroscopy 116, 8 (2012).
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Solution-processable ultrathin size- and shape-controlled colloidal Cu2-xS nanosheets”. van der Stam W, Akkerman QA, Ke X, van Huis MA, Bals S, de Donega CM, Chemistry of materials 27, 283 (2015).
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Single-site metal-organic framework catalysts for the oxidative coupling of arenes via C-H/C-H activation”. Van Velthoven N, Waitschat S, Chavan SM, Liu P, Smolders S, Vercammen J, Bueken B, Bals S, Lillerud KP, Stock N, De Vos DE, Chemical science 10, 3616 (2019).
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Combined TiO2/SiO2 mesoporous photocatalysts with location and phase controllable TiO2 nanoparticles”. Beyers E, Biermans E, Ribbens S, de Witte K, Mertens M, Meynen V, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Vansant EF, Cool P, Applied catalysis : B : environmental 88, 515 (2009).
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Statistical estimation of atomic positions from exit wave reconstruction with a precision in the picometer range”. Bals S, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, Avila-Brande D, Physical review letters 96, 096106 (2006).
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Nanorattles with tailored electric field enhancement”. Schnepf MJ, Mayer M, Kuttner C, Tebbe M, Wolf D, Dulle M, Altantzis T, Formanek P, Förster S, Bals S, König TAF, Fery A, Nanoscale 9, 9376 (2017).
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Collective Plasmonic Properties in Few-Layer Gold Nanorod Supercrystals”. Hamon C, Novikov SM, Scarabelli L, Solís DM, Altantzis T, Bals S, Taboada JM, Obelleiro F, Liz-Marzán LM, ACS Photonics 2, 1482 (2015).
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Chemical cutting of perovskite nanowires into single-photon emissive low-aspect-ratio CsPbX3(X = Cl, Br, I) nanorods”. Tong Y, Fu M, Bladt E, Huang H, Richter AF, Wang K, Mueller-Buschbaum P, Bals S, Tamarat P, Lounis B, Feldmann J, Polavarapu L, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 57, 16094 (2018).
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Preventing the reconstruction of the polar discontinuity at oxide heterointerfaces”. Boschker H, Verbeeck J, Egoavil R, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Huijben M, Houwman EP, Koster G, Blank DHA, Rijnders G, Advanced functional materials 22, 2235 (2012).
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Interfacial oxidation and photoluminescence of InP-Based core/shell quantum dots”. Tessier MD, Baquero EA, Dupont D, Grigel V, Bladt E, Bals S, Coppel Y, Hens Z, Nayral C, Delpech F, Chemistry of materials 30, 6877 (2018).
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A Facet-Specific Quantum Dot Passivation Strategy for Colloid Management and Efficient Infrared Photovoltaics”. Kim Y, Che F, Jo JW, Choi J, de Arquer FPG, Voznyy O, Sun B, Kim J, Choi M-J, Quintero-Bermudez R, Fan F, Tan CS, Bladt E, Walters G, Proppe AH, Zou C, Yuan H, Bals S, Hofkens J, Roeffaers MBJ, Hoogland S, Sargent EH, Advanced materials 31, 1805580 (2019).
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Galvanic Replacement Coupled to Seeded Growth as a Route for Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Plasmonic Nanorattles”. Polavarapu L, Zanaga D, Altantzis T, Rodal-Cedeira S, Pastoriza-Santos I, Pérez-Juste J, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 11453 (2016).
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Quantitative three-dimensional reconstruction of catalyst particles for bamboo-like carbon nanotubes”. Bals S, Batenburg J, Verbeeck J, Sijbers J, Van Tendeloo G, Nano letters 7, 3669 (2007).
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Fluorescent nanodiamonds embedded in biocompatible translucent shells”. Rehor I, Slegerova J, Kucka J, Proks V, Petrakova V, Adam MP, Treussart F, Turner S, Bals S, Sacha P, Ledvina M, Wen AM, Steinmetz NF, Cigler P;, Small 10, 1106 (2014).
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Measuring porosity at the nanoscale by quantitative electron tomography”. Biermans E, Molina L, Batenburg KJ, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Nano letters 10, 5014 (2010).
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Plasmonic Au@Pd Nanorods with Boosted Refractive Index Susceptibility and SERS Efficiency: A Multifunctional Platform for Hydrogen Sensing and Monitoring of Catalytic Reactions”. Rodal-Cedeira S, Montes-García V, Polavarapu L, Solís DM, Heidari H, La Porta A, Angiola M, Martucci A, Taboada JM, Obelleiro F, Bals S, Pérez-Juste J, Pastoriza-Santos I, Chemistry of materials 28, 9169 (2016).
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High-quality sample preparation by low kV FIB thinning for analytical TEM measurements”. Bals S, Tirry W, Geurts R, Yang Z, Schryvers D, Microscopy and microanalysis 13, 80 (2007).
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Three-Dimensional Quantification of the Facet Evolution of Pt Nanoparticles in a Variable Gaseous Environment”. Altantzis T, Lobato I, De Backer A, Béché, A, Zhang Y, Basak S, Porcu M, Xu Q, Sánchez-Iglesias A, Liz-Marzán LM, Van Tendeloo G, Van Aert S, Bals S, Nano letters 19, 477 (2019).
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The role of MOFs in Thin-Film Nanocomposite (TFN) membranes”. Van Goethem C, Verbeke R, Pfanmoeller M, Koschine T, Dickmann M, Timpel-Lindner T, Egger W, Bals S, Vankelecom IFJ, Journal of membrane science 563, 938 (2018).
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Steric hindrance induces crosslike self-assembly of gold nanodumbbells”. Grzelczak M, Sánchez-Iglesias A, Heidari Mezerji H, Bals S, Pérez-Juste J, Liz-Marzán LM, Nano letters 12, 4380 (2012).
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Three-dimensional valency mapping in ceria nanocrystals”. Goris B, Turner S, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, ACS nano 8, 10878 (2014).
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Interplay between surface chemistry, precursor reactivity, and temperature determines outcome of ZnS shelling reactions on CuInS2 nanocrystals”. Berends AC, van der Stam W, Hofmann JP, Bladt E, Meeldijk JD, Bals S, de Donega CM, Chemistry of materials 30, 2400 (2018).
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Defect engineering in oxide heterostructures by enhanced oxygen surface exchange”. Huijben M, Koster G, Kruize MK, Wenderich S, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Slooten E, Shi B, Molegraaf HJA, Kleibeuker JE, Van Aert S, Goedkoop JB, Brinkman A, Blank DHA, Golden MS, Van Tendeloo G, Hilgenkamp H, Rijnders G;, Advanced functional materials 23, 5240 (2013).
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Measuring lattice strain in three dimensions through electron microscopy”. Goris B, de Beenhouwer J, de Backer A, Zanaga D, Batenburg KJ, Sánchez-Iglesias A, Liz-Marzán LM, Van Aert S, Bals S, Sijbers J, Van Tendeloo G, Nano letters 15, 6996 (2015).
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Near-Infrared Emitting CuInSe/CuInS Dot Core/Rod Shell Heteronanorods by Sequential Cation Exchange”. van der Stam W, Bladt E, Rabouw FT, Bals S, de Mello Donega C, ACS nano 9, 11430 (2015).
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Independent tuning of size and coverage of supported Pt nanoparticles using atomic layer deposition”. Dendooven J, Ramachandran RK, Solano E, Kurttepeli M, Geerts L, Heremans G, Ronge J, Minjauw MM, Dobbelaere T, Devloo-Casier K, Martens JA, Vantomme A, Bals S, Portale G, Coati A, Detavernier C, Nature communications 8, 1074 (2017).
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Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage : a review of the achievement of COST Action MP1103”. Callini E, Aguey-Zinsou KF, Ahuja R, Ares JR, Bals S, Biliškov N, Chakraborty S, Charalambopoulou G, Chaudhary AL, Cuevas F, Dam B, de Jongh P, Dornheim M, Filinchuk Y, Grbović, Novaković, J, Hirscher M, Jensen TR, Jensen PB, Novaković, N, Lai Q, Leardini F, Gattia DM, Pasquini L, Steriotis T, Turner S, Vegge T, Züttel A, Montone A, International journal of hydrogen energy T2 –, E-MRS Fall Meeting / Symposium C on Hydrogen Storage in Solids -, Materials, Systems and Aplication Trends, SEP 15-18, 2015, Warsaw, POLAND 41, 14404 (2016).
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