Number of records found: 7465
Origin of the apparent delocalization of the conduction band in a high-mobility amorphous semiconductor”. de de Meux AJ, Pourtois G, Genoe J, Heremans P, Journal of physics : condensed matter 29, 255702 (2017).
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Real-time measurement of the emergence of superconducting order in a high-temperature superconductor”. Madan I, Kusar P, Baranov VV, Lu-Dac M, Kabanov VV, Mertelj T, Mihailovic D, Physical review B 93, 224520 (2016).
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Relationship between the Size of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Efficiency of MRT Imaging of Cerebral Glioma in Rats”. Semkina AS, Abakumov MA, Abakumov AM, Nukolova NV, Chekhonin VP, Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine 161, 292 (2016).
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Density functional theory study of interface interactions in hydroxyapatite/rutile composites for biomedical applications”. Grubova IY, Surmeneva MA, Huygh S, Surmenev RA, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 121, 15687 (2017).
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Thermal creep properties of Ti-stabilized DIN 1.4970 (15-15Ti) austenitic stainless steel pressurized cladding tubes”. Cautaerts N, Delville R, Dietz W, Verwerft M, Journal of nuclear materials 493, 154 (2017).
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Efficient solution of the Wigner-Liouville equation using a spectral decomposition of the force field”. Van de Put ML, Sorée B, Magnus W, Journal of computational physics 350, 314 (2017).
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Synthesis and in vitro investigation of halogenated 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl)triazenide salts as antitubercular compounds”. Torfs E, Vajs J, Bidart de Macedo M, Cools F, Vanhoutte B, Gorbanev Y, Bogaerts A, Verschaeve L, Caljon G, Maes L, Delputte P, Cos P, Komrlj J, Cappoen D, Chemical biology and drug design , 1 (2017).
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Do Binary Supracrystals Enhance the Crystal Stability?”.Yang Z, Altantzis T, Bals S, Tendeloo GV, Pileni M-P, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 122, 13515 (2018).
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Atomistic simulations of plasma catalytic processes”. Neyts EC, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 12, 145 (2018).
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Epitaxial CVD Growth of Ultra-Thin Si Passivation Layers on Strained Ge Fin Structures”. Loo R, Arimura H, Cott D, Witters L, Pourtois G, Schulze A, Douhard B, Vanherle W, Eneman G, Richard O, Favia P, Mitard J, Mocuta D, Langer R, Collaert N, ECS journal of solid state science and technology 7, P66 (2018).
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High-temperature properties of (La,Ca)(Fe,Mg,Mo)O3-\delta perovskites as prospective electrode materials for symmetrical SOFC”. Istomin SY, Morozov AV, Abdullayev MM, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Kazakov SM, Sobolev AV, Presniakov IA, Antipov EV, Journal of solid state chemistry 258, 1 (2018).
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Band-Tails Tunneling Resolving the Theory-Experiment Discrepancy in Esaki Diodes”. Bizindavyi J, Verhulst AS, Smets Q, Verreck D, Sorée B, Groeseneken G, IEEE journal of the Electron Devices Society 6, 633 (2018).
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Supersonic Microwave Plasma: Potential and Limitations for Energy-Efficient CO2Conversion”. Vermeiren V, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 122, 25869 (2018).
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Impact of the Particle Diameter on Ion Cloud Formation from Gold Nanoparticles in ICPMS”. Fuchs J, Aghaei M, Schachel TD, Sperling M, Bogaerts A, Karst U, Analytical chemistry 90, 10271 (2018).
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Quantitative modeling of secondary electron emission from slow-ion bombardment on semiconductors”. Bercx M, Partoens B, Lamoen D, Physical review B 99, 085413 (2019).
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Overcoming Old Scaling Relations and Establishing New Correlations in Catalytic Surface Chemistry: Combined Effect of Charging and Doping”. Bal KM, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 6141 (2019).
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Transmission electron microscopy study of complex oxide scales on DIN 1.4970 steel exposed to liquid Pb-Bi eutectic”. Charalampopoulou E, Delville R, Verwerft M, Lambrinou K, Schryvers D, Corrosion science 147, 22 (2019).
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Plasma for cancer treatment: How can RONS penetrate through the cell membrane? Answers from computer modeling”. Bogaerts A, Yusupov M, Razzokov J, Van der Paal J, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering (2019).
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Transport of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species across Aquaporin: A Molecular Level Picture”. Yusupov M, Razzokov J, Cordeiro RM, Bogaerts A, Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2019, 1 (2019).
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Oxidation destabilizes toxic amyloid beta peptide aggregation”. Razzokov J, Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 9, 5476 (2019).
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Graphene-based heterostructures with moire superlattice that preserve the Dirac cone: a first-principles study”. Kong X, Li L, Peeters FM, Journal of physics : condensed matter 31, 255302 (2019).
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Decoupling the roles of carbon and metal oxides on the electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen on La1-xSrxCoO3-\delta perovskite composite electrodes”. Mefford JT, Kurilovich AA, Saunders J, Hardin WG, Abakumov AM, Forslund RP, Bonnefont A, Dai S, Johnston KP, Stevenson KJ, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 21, 3327 (2019).
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Superconductor-insulator transition driven by pressure-tuned intergrain coupling in nanodiamond films”. Zhang G, Zhou Y, Korneychuk S, Samuely T, Liu L, May PW, Xu Z, Onufriienko O, Zhang X, Verbeeck J, Samuely P, Moshchalkov VV, Yang Z, Rubahn H-G, Physical review materials 3, 034801 (2019).
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Evolution of phosphorus-vacancy clusters in epitaxial germanium”. Vohra A, Khanam A, Slotte J, Makkonen I, Pourtois G, Loo R, Vandervorst W, Journal of applied physics 125, 025701 (2019).
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Physical properties of epitaxial SrMnO2.5−δFγoxyfluoride films”. Wang J, Shin Y, Gauquelin N, Yang Y, Lee C, Jannis D, Verbeeck J, Rondinelli JM, May SJ, Journal of physics : condensed matter 31, 365602 (2019).
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Depth-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at a superconductor/half-metallic-ferromagnet interface through standing wave excitation”. Kuo C-T, Lin S-C, Ghiringhelli G, Peng Y, De Luca GM, Di Castro D, Betto D, Gehlmann M, Wijnands T, Huijben M, Meyer-Ilse J, Gullikson E, Kortright JB, Vailionis A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Gerber T, Balestrino G, Brookes NB, Braicovich L, Fadley CS, Physical review B 98, 235146 (2018).
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Accelerated ageing of shales of palaeontological interest : impact of temperature conditions”. Odin GP, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Lelièvre H, Mertz J-D, Rouchon V, Annales de paléontologie 100, 137 (2014).
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Characterization of epicuticular wax structures on leaves of urban plant species and its association with leaf wettability”. Muhammad S, Wuyts K, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Samson R, Urban Forestry &, Urban Greening 47, 126557 (2020).
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Concentration profiles of metal contaminants in fluvial sediments of a rural-urban drainage basin in Tanzania”. Hellar-Kihampa H, Potgieter-Vermaak S, De Wael K, Lugwisha E, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 94, 77 (2014).
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Effect of operating and sampling conditions on the exhaust gas composition of small-scale power generators”. Smits M, Vanpachtenbeke F, Horemans B, De Wael K, Hauchecorne B, Van Langenhove H, Demeestere K, Lenaerts S, PLoS ONE 7, e32825 (2012).
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