Number of records found: 259
Excitonic properties of strained triple quantum-ring molecules”. Tadić, M, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : solid state 79, 153305 (2009).
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Orientational ordering in solid C60 fullerene-cubane”. Verberck B, Vliegenthart GA, Gompper G, The journal of chemical physics 130, 154510 (2009).
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Refinement of the 200 structure factor for GaAs using parallel and convergent beam electron nanodiffraction data”. Müller K, Schowalter M, Jansen J, Tsuda K, Titantah J, Lamoen D, Rosenauer A, Ultramicroscopy 109, 802 (2009).
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Swift heavy ion irradiation of Cu-Zn-Al and Cu-Al-Ni alloys”. Zelaya E, Tolley A, Condo AM, Schumacher G, Journal of physics : condensed matter 21, 185009 (2009).
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Vortex matter in oblate mesoscopic superconductors with a hole: broken symmetry vortex states and multi-vortex entry”. Xu B, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, New journal of physics 11, 013020 (2009).
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Holstein polarons near surfaces”. Goodvin GL, Covaci L, Berciu M, Physical Review Letters 103, 176402 (2009).
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Crystal structure of the group of optical materials Ln2MeGe4O12 (Me = Ca, Mn)”. Tarakina NV, Zubkov VG, Leonidov II, Tyutunnik AP, Surat LL, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie , 401 (2009).
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Possibilities and limitations of synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction with double crystal and double multilayer monochromators for microscopic speciation studies”. de Nolf W, Jaroszewicz J, Terzano R, Lind OC, Salbu B, Vekemans B, Janssens K, Falkenberg G, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 64, 775 (2009).
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Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation in InSb/AlxIn1-xSb quantum wells”. Li J, Chang K, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : solid state 80, 153307 (2009).
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Many-body effects in the cyclotron resonance of a magnetic dot”. Nguten NTT, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : solid state 80, 115335 (2009).
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Observation of nanostripes and -clusters in (Nd, EuGd)Ba2Cu3Ox superconductors”. Koblischka MR, Winter M, Das P, Koblischka-Veneva A, Muralidhar M, Wolf T, Babu NH, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Hartmann U, Physica: C : superconductivity 469, 168 (2009).
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Artificial molecular quantum rings under magnetic field influence”. Castelano LK, Hai GQ, Partoens B, Peeters FM, Journal of applied physics 106, 073702 (2009).
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Modeling single-particle energy levels and resonance currents in a coherent electronic quantum dot mixer”. Payette C, Partoens B, Yu G, Gupta JA, Austing DG, Nair SV, Amaha S, Tarucha S, Applied physics letters 94, 222101 (2009).
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Original close-packed structure and magnetic properties of the Pb4Mn9O20 manganite”. Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Tsirlin AA, Tan H, Verbeeck J, Zhang H, Dikarev EV, Shpanchenko RV, Antipov EV, Journal of solid state chemistry 182, 2231 (2009).
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Comment on ALaMn2O6-y (A = K, Rb): novel ferromagnetic manganites exhibiting negative giant magnetoresistance”. Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Van Rompaey S, Mankevich AS, Korsakov IE, Chemistry of materials 21, 2000 (2009).
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Dielectric mismatch effect on coupled impurity states in a freestanding nanowire”. Li B, Partoens B, Peeters FM, Magnus W, Microelectronics journal 40, 446 (2009).
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Modeling drive currents and leakage currents : a dynamic approach”. Magnus W, Brosens F, Sorée B, Journal of computational electronics 8, 307 (2009).
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Synthesis and magnetic properties of rare earth ruthenates, Ln5Ru2O12 (Ln=Pr, Nd, SmTb)”. Bharathy M, Gemmill WR, Fox AH, Darriet J, Smith MD, Hadermann J, Remy MS, zur Loye H-C, Journal of solid state chemistry 182, 1164 (2009).
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Violation of Onsager symmetry for a ballistic channel Coulomb coupled to a quantum ring”. Szafran B, Poniedziałek MR, Peeters FM, Europhysics letters 87, 47002 (2009).
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Ballistic current in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors: the role of device topology”. Pourghaderi MA, Magnus W, Sorée B, Meuris M, de Meyer K, Heyns M, Journal of applied physics 106, 053702 (2009).
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Effects of nanocracks on the magnetic and electrical properties of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 single crystals”. Dominiczak M, Ruyter A, Limelette P, Monot-Laffez I, Giovannelli F, Rossell MD, Van Tendeloo G, Solid state communications 149, 1543 (2009).
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Elusive s-f intrasite interactions and double exchange in solids: ferromagnetic versus nonmagnetic ground state”. Nikolaev AV, Michel KH, Journal of experimental and theoretical physics 109, 286 (2009).
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Impurity-induced modulations of orders in d-wave superconductors”. Zha G-Q, Chen Y, Peeters FM, Zhou S-P, Physical review : B : solid state 80, 064518 (2009).
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Orientational disorder in some molecular solids in relation to the boson peak in glasses”. Lamoen D, March NH, Physics letters : A 373, 799 (2009).
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Synthesis and structural mechanisms of the 2201-type ferrites and polytypes: Fe2(Sr2-xAx)FeO6.5-\delta/2 (A = Ba, La, Tl, Pb and Bi)”. Lepoittevin C, Malo S, Van Tendeloo G, Hervieu M, Solid state sciences 11, 595 (2009).
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Transmission electron microscopy study of low-hysteresis shape memory alloys”. Delville R, James RD, Salman U, Finel A, Schryvers D, , 02005 (2009).
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Control and readout of current-induced magnetic flux quantization in a superconducting transformer”. Kerner C, Hackens B, Golubović, DS, Poli S, Faniel S, Magnus W, Schoenmaker W, Bayot V, Maes H, Superconductor science and technology 22, 025001 (2009).
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Ground state configurations and melting of two-dimensional non-uniformly charged classical clusters”. Tomecka DM, Kamieniarz G, Partoens B, Peeters FM, Journal of physics : condensed matter 21, 155301 (2009).
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Numerical simulation of hydrocarbon plasmas for nanoparticle formation and the growth of nanostructured thin films”. Neyts E, Eckert M, Mao M, Bogaerts A, Plasma physics and controlled fusion 51, 124034 (2009).
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Particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo collisions model for the reactive sputter deposition of nitride layers”. Bultinck E, Mahieu S, Depla D, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 6, S784 (2009).
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