Number of records found: 232
Enhanced landfill mining in view of multiple resource recovery : a critical review”. Jones PT, Geysen D, Tielemans Y, Van Passel S, Pontikes Y, Blanpain B, Quaghebeur M, Hoekstra N, Journal Of Cleaner Production 55, 45 (2013).
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Life cycle analyses of organic photovoltaics : a review”. Lizin S, Van Passel S, De Schepper E, Maes W, Lutsen L, Manca J, Vanderzande D, Energy &, Environmental Science 6, 3136 (2013).
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Measuring farm sustainability and explaining differences in sustainable efficiency”. Van Passel S, Nevens F, Mathijs E, Van Huylenbroeck G, Ecological Economics 62, 149 (2007).
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MOTIFS : a monitoring tool for integrated farm sustainability”. Meul M, Van Passel S, Nevens F, Dessein J, Rogge E, Mulier A, Van Hauwermeiren A, Agronomy For Sustainable Development 28, 321 (2008).
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Bridging the gap between LCA, LCC and CBA as sustainability assessment tools”. Hoogmartens R, Van Passel S, Van Acker K, Dubois M, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 48, 27 (2014).
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The economics of enhanced landfill mining : private and societal performance drivers”. Van Passel S, Dubois M, Eyckmans J, de Gheldere S, Ang F, Jones PT, Van Acker K, Journal Of Cleaner Production 55, 92 (2013).
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Multilevel and multi-user sustainability assessment of farming systems”. Van Passel S, Meul M, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 32, 170 (2012).
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A techno-economic evaluation of a biomass energy conversion park”. Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Pelkmans L, Guisson R, Reumermann P, Luzardo NM, Witters N, Broeze J, Applied Energy 104, 611 (2013).
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Sustainable value assessment of farms using frontier efficiency benchmarks”. Van Passel S, Van Huylenbroeck G, Lauwers L, Mathijs E, Journal Of Environmental Management 90, 3057 (2009).
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Renewable energy development in rural areas of Iran”. Afsharzade N, Papzan A, Ashjaee M, Delangizan S, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 65, 743 (2016).
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Organic farming and small-scale farmers : main opportunities and challenges”. Jouzi Z, Azadi H, Taheri F, Zarafshani K, Gebrehiwot K, Van Passel S, Lebailly P, Ecological Economics 132, 144 (2017).
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Phytoremediation, a sustainable remediation technology? 2 : economic assessment of CO2 abatement through the use of phytoremediation crops for renewable energy production”. Witters N, Mendelsohn R, Van Passel S, Van Slycken S, Weyens N, Schreurs E, Meers E, Tack F, Vanheusden B, Vangronsveld J, Biomass &, Bioenergy 39, 470 (2012).
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Techno-economic assessment of fast pyrolysis for the valorization of short rotation coppice cultivated for phytoextraction”. Kuppens T, Van Dael M, Vanreppelen K, Thewys T, Yperman J, Carleer R, Schreurs S, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 88, 336 (2015).
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Safe use of metal-contaminated agricultural land by cultivation of energy maize (Zea mays)”. Van Slycken S, Witters N, Meers E, Peene A, Michels E, Adriaensen K, Ruttens A, Vangronsveld J, Du Laing G, Wierinck I, Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Tack FMG, Environmental Pollution 178, 375 (2013).
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Assessment of environmental and economic feasibility of Enhanced Landfill Mining”. Danthurebandara M, Van Passel S, Vanderreydt I, Van Acker K, Waste Management 45, 434 (2015).
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Social sustainability assessments in the biobased economy : towards a systemic approach”. Rafiaani P, Kuppens T, Van Dael M, Azadi H, Lebailly P, Van Passel S, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, 1839 (2018).
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A systematic review of environmental and economic impacts of smart grids”. Moretti M, Njakou Djomo S, Azadi H, May K, De Vos K, Van Passel S, Witters N, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 68, 888 (2017).
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Cognitive mapping : a method to elucidate and present farmers' risk perception”. van Winsen F, de Mey Y, Lauwers L, Van Passel S, Vancauteren M, Wauters E, Agricultural Systems 122, 42 (2013).
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Higher sustainability performance of intensive grazing versus zero-grazing dairy systems”. Meul M, Van Passel S, Fremaut D, Haesaert G, Agronomy For Sustainable Development 32, 629 (2012).
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Environmental and economic assessment of 'open waste dump' mining in Sri Lanka”. Maheshi D, Van Passel S, Van Karel A, Resources Conservation And Recycling 102, 67 (2015).
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The future of organic photovoltaic solar cells as a direct power source for consumer electronics”. Lizin S, Van Passel S, De Schepper E, Vranken L, Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 103, 1 (2012).
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Potential of life cycle assessment to support environmental decision making at commercial dairy farms”. Meul M, Van Middelaar CE, de Boer IJM, Van Passel S, Fremaut D, Haesaert G, Agricultural Systems 131, 105 (2014).
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Determinants of risk behaviour : effects of perceived risks and risk attitude on farmer's adoption of risk management strategies”. van Winsen F, de Mey Y, Lauwers L, Van Passel S, Vancauteren M, Wauters E, Journal Of Risk Research 19, 56 (2016).
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Assessment of the sustainability guidelines of EU Renewable Energy Directive : the case of biorefineries”. Maes D, Van Dael M, Vanheusden B, Goovaerts L, Reumerman P, Luzardo NM, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 88, 61 (2015).
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A techno-economic assessment of an algal-based biorefinery”. Thomassen G, Egiguren Vila U, Van Dael M, Lemmens B, Van Passel S, Clean Technologies And Environmental Policy 18, 1849 (2016).
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A review of the sustainability of algal-based biorefineries : towards an integrated assessment framework”. Thomassen G, Van Dael M, Lemmens B, Van Passel S, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 68, 876 (2017).
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Determining potential locations for biomass valorization using a macro screening approach”. Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Pelkmans L, Guisson R, Swinnen G, Schreurs E, Biomass &, Bioenergy 45, 175 (2012).
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Battery pack recycling : behaviour change interventions derived from an integrative theory of planned behaviour study”. Lizin S, Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Van Dael M, Resources Conservation And Recycling 122, 66 (2017).
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Analyzing a self-managed CHP system for greenhouse cultivation as a profitable way to reduce CO2-emissions”. Compernolle T, Witters N, Van Passel S, Thewys T, Energy 36, 1940 (2011).
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The sustainable value approach : a clarifying and constructive comment”. Ang F, Van Passel S, Ecological Economics 69, 2303 (2010).
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