Number of records found: 232
Agricultural land conversion drivers in Northeast Iran : application of structural equation model”. Azadi H, Akbar Barati A, Rafiaani P, Raufirad V, Zarafshani K, Mamoorian M, Van Passel S, Lebailly P, Applied Spatial Analysis And Policy 9, 591 (2016).
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Access to preferential loans for poverty reduction and rural development : evidence from Vietnam”. Lan Thanh Nguyen, Anh Pham Hoai Nguyen, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Lebailly P, Journal Of Economic Issues 52, 246 (2018).
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Advantages and limitations of exergy indicators to assess sustainability of bioenergy and biobased materials”. Maes D, Van Passel S, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 45, 19 (2014).
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A techno-economic evaluation of a biomass energy conversion park”. Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Pelkmans L, Guisson R, Reumermann P, Luzardo NM, Witters N, Broeze J, Applied Energy 104, 611 (2013).
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A stochastic techno-economic assessment of seabed mining of polymetallic nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone”. Van Nijen K, Van Passel S, Squires D, Marine Policy 95, 133 (2018).
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A patent landscape analysis for organic photovoltaic solar cells : identifying the technology's development phase”. Lizin S, Leroy J, Delvenne C, Dijk M, De Schepper E, Van Passel S, Renewable Energy 57, 5 (2013).
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A Hotelling model for the circular economy including recycling, substitution and waste accumulation”. Hoogmartens R, Eyckmans J, Van Passel S, Resources Conservation And Recycling 128, 98 (2018).
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A critical view on social performance assessment at company level : social life cycle analysis of an algae case”. Rafiaani P, Kuppens T, Thomassen G, Van Dael M, Azadi H, Lebailly P, Van Passel S, International Journal Of Life Cycle Assessment (2020).
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Pathways how irrigation water affects crop revenue of smallholder farmers in northwest Ethiopia: A mixed approach”. Zewdie MC, Van Passel S, Moretti M, Annys S, Tenessa DB, Ayele ZA, Tsegaye EA, Cools J, Minale AS, Nyssen J, Agricultural Water Management 233, 106101 (2020).
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A cross-European analysis of the impact of electricity pricing on battery uptake in residential microgrids with photovoltaic units”. Saviuc I, Milis K, Peremans H, Van Passel S, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 9, 1080368 (2021).
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Accounting for externalities in cross-sectional economic models of climate change impacts”. Moretti M, Vanschoenwinkel J, Van Passel S, Ecological Economics 185, 107058 (2021).
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Agricultural technical efficiency of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia : a stochastic frontier approach”. Chekol Zewdie M, Moretti M, Tenessa DB, Ayele ZA, Nyssen J, Tsegaye EA, Minale AS, Van Passel S, Land 10, 246 (2021).
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An attempt to develop ecotourism in an unknown area : the case of Nehbandan County, South Khorasan Province, Iran”. Ghorbani A, Mousazadeh H, Taheri F, Ehteshammajd S, Azadi H, Yazdanpanah M, Khajehshahkohi A, Tanaskovik V, Van Passel S, Environment, development and sustainability 23, 11792 (2021).
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Beyond focus : exploring variability of service provision of agricultural cooperatives”. Sebhatu KT, Taheri F, Berhanu T, Maertens M, Van Passel S, D'Haese M, Annals of public and cooperative economics 92, 207 (2021).
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Climate variability and macroeconomic output in Ethiopia : the analysis of nexus and impact via asymmetric autoregressive distributive lag cointegration method”. Berihun D, Van Passel S, Environment, development and sustainability (2021).
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The conceptualization of societal impacts of landfill mining : a system dynamics approach”. Einhäupl P, Van Acker K, Peremans H, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 296, 126351 (2021).
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Determinants of commercial bank loan and advance disbursement : the case of private Ethiopian commercial banks”. Birhanu T, Deressa SB, Azadi H, Viira A-H, Van Passel S, Witlox F, International journal of bank marketing 39, 1227 (2021).
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Eliciting farmers' preferences and willingness to pay for land use attributes in Northwest Ethiopia : a discrete choice experiment study”. Admasu WF, Van Passel S, Nyssen J, Minale AS, Tsegaye EA, Land Use Policy 109 (2021).
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Ex-ante LCA of emerging carbon steel slag treatment technologies : fast forwarding lab observations to industrial-scale production”. Buyle M, Maes B, Van Passel S, Boonen K, Vercalsteren A, Audenaert A, Journal Of Cleaner Production 313, 127921 (2021).
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Exploring variability across cooperatives : economic performance of agricultural cooperatives in northern Ethiopia”. Sebhatu KT, Gezahegn TW, Berhanu T, Maertens M, Van Passel S, D'Haese M, The international food and agribusiness management review 24, 397 (2021).
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Farmers' decision to use drought early warning system in developing countries”. Sharafi L, Zarafshani K, Keshavarz M, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Science Of The Total Environment 758, 142761 (2021).
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Farmers' preferences towards water hyacinth control : a contingent valuation study”. Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Cools J, Janssens de Bisthoven L, Huge J, Berihun D, Ejigu N, Nyssen J, Journal Of Great Lakes Research 46, 1459 (2020).
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Farmers' willingness to contribute to the restoration of an Ethiopian Rift Valley lake : a contingent valuation study”. Girma H, Huge J, Gebrehiwot M, Van Passel S, Environment, development and sustainability 23, 10646 (2021).
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From fast-track implementation to livelihood deterioration: The dam-based Ribb Irrigation and Drainage Project in Northwest Ethiopia”. Annys S, Van Passel S, Dessein J, Adgo E, Nyssen J, Agricultural Systems 184, 102909 (2020).
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Influence of information provided at the moment of a fire alarm on the choice of exit”. Peeters M, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Fire Safety Journal 117, 103221 (2020).
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An integrated techno-sustainability assessment (TSA) framework for emerging technologies”. Van Schoubroeck S, Thomassen G, Van Passel S, Malina R, Springael J, Lizin S, Venditti RA, Yao Y, Van Dael M, Green Chemistry 23, 1700 (2021).
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Integrating PV+battery residential microgrids in distribution networks : how is the point of common coupling agreed upon?”.Saviuc I, Van Passel S, Peremans H in Sustainable Energy for Smart Cities : First EAI International Conference, SESC 2019, Braga, Portugal, December 4–6, 2019: proceedings, page 150 (2020).
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Inventory and assessment of geosites for geotourism development in the eastern and southeastern Lake Tana Region, Ethiopia”. Tessema GA, van der Borg J, Minale AS, Van Rompaey A, Adgo E, Nyssen J, Asrese K, Van Passel S, Poesen J, Geoheritage 13, 43 (2021).
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Vicca S, Crabbé, A, Van Passel S (2020) Is het coronavirus goed nieuws voor het klimaat? = Is the coronavirus good news for the climate?
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Leasing out unused meeting room capacity to reduce future office space needs : a case study of The Hague, Netherlands”. Peeters M, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Journal of building engineering 44, 102953 (2021).
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