Number of records found: 232
To tax or to ban? A discrete choice experiment to elicit public preferences for phasing out glyphosate use in agriculture”. Bjørnåvold A, David M, Mermet-Bijon V, Beaumais O, Crastes dit Sourd R, Van Passel S, Martinet V, PLoS ONE 18, 1 (2023).
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Undoing the development army : a paradigm shift from transfer of technology to agricultural innovation system in Ethiopian extension”. Gebremariam YA, Dessein J, Wondimagegnhu BA, Breusers M, Lenaerts L, Adgo E, Van Passel S, Minale AS, Nyssen J, Environment, development and sustainability , 1 (2023).
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Using natural language processing to monitor circular activities and employment”. Borms L, Multani M, Bachus K, Dams Y, Brusselaers J, Van Passel S, Sustainable Production and Consumption 46, 42 (2024).
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The working future : an analysis of skills needed by circular startups”. Borms L, Van Opstal W, Brusselaers J, Van Passel S, Journal of cleaner production 409, 137261 (2023).
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Reducing winter peaks in electricity consumption: A choice experiment to structure demand response programs”. Srivastava A, Van Passel S, Kessels R, Valkering P, Laes E, Energy Policy 137, 111183 (2020).
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Ecosystem services assessment tools for African Biosphere Reserves: A review and user-informed classification”. Hugé, J, Rochette Aj, de Béthune S, Parra Paitan Cc, Vanderhaegen K, Vandervelden T, Van Passel S, Vanhove Mpm, Verbist B, Verheyen D, Waas T, Janssens I, Janssens de Bisthoven L, Ecosystem Services 42, 101079 (2020).
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The effect of policy leveraging climate change adaptive capacity in agriculture”. Vanschoenwinkel J, Moretti M, Van Passel S, European Review Of Agricultural Economics (2020).
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Eliciting policymakers&rsquo, preferences for technologies to decarbonise transport: A discrete choice experiment”. Bjørnåvold A, Lizin S, Van Dael M, Arnold F, Van Passel S, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 21 (2020).
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The effect of waste incineration taxation on industrial plastic waste generation: A panel analysis”. De Weerdt L, Sasao T, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, De Jaeger S, Resources Conservation And Recycling 157, 104717 (2020).
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Identifying Social Indicators for Sustainability Assessment of CCU Technologies: A Modified Multi-criteria Decision Making”. Rafiaani P, Dikopoulou Z, Van Dael M, Kuppens T, Azadi H, Lebailly P, Van Passel S, Social Indicators Research 147, 15 (2020).
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Investigating market power in the Belgian pork production chain”. Maes D, Vancauteren M, Van Passel S, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 100, 93 (2019).
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Adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers toward climate change: evidence from Hamadan province in Iran”. Jamshidi O, Asadi A, Kalantari K, Movahhed Moghaddam S, Dadrass Javan F, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Witlox F, Climate And Development , 1 (2020).
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Conflict, fraud, and distrust in Ethiopian agricultural cooperatives”. Sebhatu KT, Gezahegn TW, Berhanu T, Maertens M, Van Passel S, D’Haese M, Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 8, 100106 (2020).
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Drought risk assessment: Towards drought early warning system and sustainable environment in western Iran”. Sharafi L, Zarafshani K, Keshavarz M, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Ecological Indicators 114, 106276 (2020).
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Modeling the Impact of Urbanization on Land-Use Change in Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia: An Integrated Cellular Automata–Markov Chain Approach”. Fitawok MB, Derudder B, Minale AS, Van Passel S, Adgo E, Nyssen J, Land 9, 115 (2020).
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Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Northeast of Brazil: An Integrated Assessment of the Aquaponics Technology”. Finizola e Silva M, Van Passel S, Sustainability 12, 3734 (2020).
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Integrated techno-economic assessment of a biorefinery process: The high-end valorization of the lignocellulosic fraction in wood streams”. Tschulkow M, Compernolle T, Van den Bosch S, Van Aelst J, Storms I, Van Dael M, Van den Bossche G, Sels B, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 266, 122022 (2020).
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Urban green infrastructure: A review on valuation toolkits from an urban planning perspective”. Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Cools J, Journal Of Environmental Management 267, 110603 (2020).
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Economic performance of pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste: Open-loop versus closed-loop recycling”. Larrain M, Van Passel S, Thomassen G, Kresovic U, Alderweireldt N, Moerman E, Billen P, Journal Of Cleaner Production , 122442 (2020).
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Economic performance of pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste: Open-loop versus closed-loop recycling”. Larrain M, Van Passel S, Thomassen G, Kresovic U, Alderweireldt N, Moerman E, Billen P, Journal Of Cleaner Production , 122442 (2020).
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A review on learning effects in prospective technology assessment”. Thomassen G, Van Passel S, Dewulf J, Renewable &, Sustainable Energy Reviews 130, 109937 (2020).
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How an incineration tax changes waste management practices among firms”. De Weerdt L, De Jaeger S, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Resources Conservation And Recycling 180, 106172 (2022).
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