Number of records found: 2109
A general leaf area geometric formula exists for plants evidence from the simplified Gielis equation”. Shi P, Ratkowsky DA, Li Y, Zhang L, Lin S, Gielis J, Forests (19994907) 9, 714 (2018).
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A hybrid monitoring and modelling approach to assess the contribution of sources of glyphosate and AMPA in large river catchments”. Desmet N, Touchant K, Seuntjens P, Tang T, Bronders J, The science of the total environment 573, 1580 (2016).
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A mobile scanner for xrpd-imaging of paintings in transmission and reflection geometry”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Storme P, ACTA ARTIS ACADEMICA 2017: PAINTING AS A STORY T2 –, 6th Interdisciplinary ALMA Conference, JUN 01-03, 2017, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC , 29 (2017)
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A multidimensional indicator set to assess the benefits of WEEE material recycling”. Nelen D, Manshoven S, Peeters JR, Vanegas P, D'Haese N, Vrancken K, Journal of cleaner production 83, 305 (2014).
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A qualitative model structure sensitivity analysis method to support model selection”. Van Hoey S, Seuntjens P, van der Kwast J, Nopens I, Journal of hydrology 519, 3426 (2014).
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A robust nitrifying community in a bioreactor at 50 degrees C opens up the path for thermophilic nitrogen removal”. Courtens ENP, Spieck E, Vilchez-Vargas R, Bode S, Boeckx P, Schouten S, Jauregui R, Pieper DH, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, The ISME journal : multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology 10, 2293 (2016).
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A spatial approach to identify priority areas for pesticide pollution mitigation”. Quaglia G, Joris I, Broekx S, Desmet N, Koopmans K, Vandaele K, Seuntjens P, Journal of environmental management 246, 583 (2019).
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Ab initio modeling of few-layer dilute magnetic semiconductors”. Tiwari S, Van de Put ML, Sorée B, Vandenberghe WG, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices : [proceedings] T2 –, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and, Devices (SISPAD), SEP 27-29, 2021, Dallas, TX , 141 (2021).
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Ab-initio study of magnetically intercalated Tungsten diselenide”. Reyntjens PD, Tiwari S, Van de Put ML, Sorée B, Vandenberghe WG, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices : [proceedings] T2 –, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and, Devices (SISPAD), SEP 23-OCT 06, 2020 , 97 (2020).
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About “bulky” links, generated by generalized Möbius-Listing bodies”. Gielis J, Tavkelidze I, Ricci PE page 115 (2011).
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About “bulky&rdquo, links generated by generalized Möbius-Listing bodies GML2n”. Gielis J, Tavkhelidze I, Ricci PE, Journal of mathematical sciences 193, 449 (2013).
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About “bulky&rdquo, links, generated by generalized Möbius Listing's bodies GML3n”. Tavkhelidze I, Cassisa C, Gielis J, Ricci PE, Matematica e applicazioni : atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei 24, 11 (2013).
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About some methods of analytic representation and classification of a wide set of geometric figures with “complex&rdquo, configuration”. Tavkhelidze I, Gielis J, Pinelas S, Sn –, 1512-0066 34, 81 (2020)
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About some methods of analytic representation and classification of a wide set of geometric figures with “complex” configuration”. Tavkhelidze I, Gielis J, Pinelas S page 347 (2020).
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Absorption correction for X-ray-fluorescence analysis of aerosol loaded filters”. Adams FC, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 47, 1767 (1975).
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Absorption correction in electron probe x-ray microanalysis of thin samples”. Markowicz AA, Storms HM, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 58, 1282 (1986).
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Absorption correction via scattered radiation in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis for samples of variable composition and thickness”. Van Dyck PM, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 52, 1859 (1980).
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Accelerated microstructural evolution of a calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) phase in pozzolanic pastes using fine siliceous sources: comparison with historic pozzolanic mortars”. Moropoulou A, Cakmak A, Labropoulos KC, Van Grieken R, Torfs K, Cement and concrete research 34, 1 (2004).
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Accounting for land-use efficiency and temporal variations between brownfield remediation alternatives in life-cycle assessment”. Beames A, Broekx S, Heijungs R, Lookman R, Boonen K, Van Geert Y, Dendoncker K, Seuntjens P, Journal of cleaner production 101, 109 (2015).
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Achieving Fast Kinetics and Enhanced Li Storage Capacity for Ti3C2O2 by Intercalation of Quinone Molecules”. Siriwardane EMD, Demiroglu I, Sevik C, Cakir D, ACS applied energy materials 2, 1251 (2019).
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Active site titration of immobilized beta-galactosidase for the determination of active enzymes”. Jochems P, Mueller T, Satyawali Y, Diels L, Dejonghe W, Hanefeld U, Biochemical engineering journal 93, 137 (2015).
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Acute changes in pulse pressure in relation to constituents of particulate air pollution in elderly persons”. Jacobs L, Buczyńska A, Walgraeve C, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Van Grieken R, et al, Environmental research 117, 60 (2012).
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The addition of organic carbon and nitrate affects reactive transport of heavy metals in sandy aquifers”. Satyawali Y, Seuntjens P, Van Roy S, Joris I, Vangeel S, Dejonghe W, Vanbroekhoven K, Journal of contaminant hydrology 123, 83 (2011).
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Legrand S (2021) Advanced chemical imaging of artworks. 315 p
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Aerodynamic characterisation of green wall vegetation based on plant morphology : an experimental and computational fluid dynamics approach”. Koch K, Samson R, Denys S, Biosystems engineering 178, 34 (2019).
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Aerosol characteristics and sources for the Amazon Basin during the wet season”. Artaxo P, Maenhaut W, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Journal of geophysical research 95, 16971 (1990).
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Aerosol composition as a function of particle size”. Koleleni YIA, Van Grieken R, Tanzanian journal of science 19, 49 (1993)
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Aerosol composition studies using accelerator proton bombardment”. Van Grieken R, (1974)
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Aerosol-soil fractionation for Namib Desert samples”. Eltayeb MAH, Van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, Annegarn HAJ, Atmospheric environment: part A : general topics 27, 669 (1993).
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Aerosol-soil fractionation for Namib desert samples”. Eltayeb MAH, Van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, Annegarn HAJ, Journal of aersol science 23, 983 (1992)
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