Publication Records (down)
Materials science forum T2 – 9th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2012), SEP 09-16, 2012, St Petersburg, RUSSIA 1
Electronics (Basel) 1
Journal of aersol science 1
Mass spectrometry reviews 1
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 1
Journal Of Agricultural And Resource Economics 1
Respiration 1
Ecological modelling 1
Dentistry in Japan 1
Oncoimmunology 1
Optics communications 1
CRC critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences 1
Electronic Applications; Vol 2: Large Scale And Power Applications 1
X-ray spectrometry T2 – MA-XRF Workshop on Developments and Applications of Macro-XRF in, Conservation, Art, and Archeology, SEP 24-25, 2017, Trieste, ITALY 1
Lab on a chip 1
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials T2 – 2nd Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM 2001), JUN 20-24, 2001, MOSCOW STATE UNIV, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 1
Earth surface processes and landforms 1
(mbt18) 1
Functions II 1
Madoqua 1
1-4 1
Geostandards newsletter 1
Monterey Institute for Advances Studies 1
Journal of luminescence 1
Recent advances in the chemistry and physics of fullerenes and related materials 1
Water environment research 1
Journal of physics: B : atomic and molecular physics 1
Soil Science Society of America journal 1
2018 Ieee 7th World Conference On Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (wcpec)(a Joint Conference Of 45th Ieee Pvsc, 28th Pvsec & 34th Eu Pvsec) 1
International journal of applied and computational mathematics 1