Publication Records (down)
Nature energy 2
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology: C: photochemistry reviews 2
Nuclear instruments and methods: B 2
Ecological Indicators 2
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 2
Trends in biotechnology : regular edition 2
AIChE journal 2
Agricultural Water Management 2
e-Preservation Science 2
Clinical chemistry : international journal of laboratory medicine and molecular diagnostics 2
European physical journal : D : atomic, molecular and optical physics 2
Ecology and evolution 2
Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des sciences 2
Inverse Problems 2
Journal of solid state electrochemistry 2
Science China : materials 2
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2
Conference digest T2 – 76th Device Research Conference (DRC), JUN 24-27, 2018, Santa Barbara, CA 2
American journal of physics 2
Marine structures 2
N P J Computational Materials 2
Revue des fermentations et des industries alimentaires 2
ACS ES&T engineering 2
Steel research international 2
Reviews of modern physics 2
Boundary-layer meteorology 2
Current opinion in biotechnology 2
Materialia 2
Water, air, and soil pollution : focus 2
Advanced Optical Materials 2