Publication Records (up)
Ceramics international 4
Acs Sensors 4
Construction And Building Materials 4
The journal of pathology 4
Renewable Energy 4
Laser physics review 4
Surface and interface analysis 4
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 4
Corrosion science 4
Microbeam analysis 4
ACS materials letters 4
Acta physica Polonica: A: general physics, solid state physics, applied physics 4
Journal of environmental monitoring 4
Materials 4
Environmental science : processes & impacts 4
Frontiers in Chemistry 4
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 4
The review of scientific instruments 4
European journal of solid state and inorganic chemistry 4
Conference series of the Institute of Physics 4
Advanced Electronic Materials 4
Materials Today Physics 4
Computer physics communications 4
AIMS Agriculture and Food 4
Condensed Matter 4
Plants 4
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes 4
Physical review: B: condensed matter and materials physics 4
Redox Biology 4
Journal of chemical theory and computation 4