Number of records found: 39
Resonant tunnelling through D- states”. Lok JGS, Geim AK, Maan JC, Marmorkos I, Peeters FM, Mori N, Eaves L, McDonnell P, Henini M, Sakai JW, Main PC;, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces T2 –, 11th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of 2-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS XI), August 07-11, 1995, Univ. Nottingham, Nottingham, England 362, 247 (1996).
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Non-uniform strain in lattice-mismatched heterostructure tunnel field-effect transistors”. Verreck D, Verhulst AS, Sorée B, Collaert N, Mocuta A, Thean A, Groeseneken G, Solid-State Device Research (ESSDERC), European Conference T2 –, 46th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) / 42nd, European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), SEP 12-15, 2016, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND , 412 (2016)
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HREM investigation of a Fe/GaN/Fe tunnel junction”. Nistor L, Bender H, van Landuyt J, Nemeth S, Boeve H, De Boeck J, Borghs G, Institute of physics conference series T2 –, Royal-Microscopical-Society Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting, Materials, MAR 25-29, 2001, Univ of Oxford, Oxford, England , 53 (2001)
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Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage : a review of the achievement of COST Action MP1103”. Callini E, Aguey-Zinsou KF, Ahuja R, Ares JR, Bals S, Biliškov N, Chakraborty S, Charalambopoulou G, Chaudhary AL, Cuevas F, Dam B, de Jongh P, Dornheim M, Filinchuk Y, Grbović, Novaković, J, Hirscher M, Jensen TR, Jensen PB, Novaković, N, Lai Q, Leardini F, Gattia DM, Pasquini L, Steriotis T, Turner S, Vegge T, Züttel A, Montone A, International journal of hydrogen energy T2 –, E-MRS Fall Meeting / Symposium C on Hydrogen Storage in Solids -, Materials, Systems and Aplication Trends, SEP 15-18, 2015, Warsaw, POLAND 41, 14404 (2016).
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Quantum magnetotransport of a 2-dimensional electron-gas subject to periodic electric or magnetic modulations”. Vasilopoulos, Peeters FM, Physica scripta : supplements T2 –, 11TH GENERAL CONF OF THE CONDENSED MATTER DIVISION OF THE EUROPEAN, PHYSICAL SOC, APR 08-11, 1991, EXETER, ENGLAND T39, 177 (1991).
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Possible (bi) polaron effects in the high-tc superconductors”. Peeters FM, Devreese JT, Verbist G, Physica scripta T2 –, 11TH General Conf. Of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, April 08-11, 1991, Exeter, England T39, 66 (1991).
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Extended defects formation in Si crystals by clustering of intrinsic point defects studied by in-situ electron irradiation in an HREM”. Fedina L, Gutakovskii A, Aseev A, van Landuyt J, Vanhellemont J, Physica status solidi: A: applied research T2 –, International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS 98), Sept. 06-11, 1998, Jaszowiec, Poland 171, 147 (1999).<147::AID-PSSA147>3.0.CO;2-U
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Structural characterization of SnS crystals formed by chemical vapour deposition”. Mehta AN, Zhang H, Dabral A, Richard O, Favia P, Bender H, Delabie A, Caymax M, Houssa M, Pourtois G, Vandervorst W, Journal of microscopy T2 –, 20th International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, (MSM), APR 09-13, 2017, Univ Oxford, Univ Oxford, Oxford, ENGLAND 268, 276 (2017).
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Superconducting nanowires: quantum-confinement effect on the critical magnetic field and supercurrent”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Peeters FM, International journal of modern physics: B: condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics T2 –, 32nd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, Aug 12-19, 2008, Loughborough Univ, Loughborough, England 23, 4257 (2009).
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