Number of records found: 189
Ion Clouds in the Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch: A Closer Look through Computations”. Aghaei M, Lindner H, Bogaerts A, Analytical chemistry 88, 8005 (2016).
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Impact of the Particle Diameter on Ion Cloud Formation from Gold Nanoparticles in ICPMS”. Fuchs J, Aghaei M, Schachel TD, Sperling M, Bogaerts A, Karst U, Analytical chemistry 90, 10271 (2018).
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Analysis of Short-Lived Reactive Species in Plasma–Air–Water Systems: The Dos and the Do Nots”. Gorbanev Y, Privat-Maldonado A, Bogaerts A, Analytical Chemistry 90, 13151 (2018).
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Modeling plasmas in analytical chemistry—an example of cross-fertilization”. Bogaerts A, Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry 412, 6059 (2020).
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Identifying Electrochemical Fingerprints of Ketamine with Voltammetry and Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for Its Detection in Seized Samples”. Schram J, Parrilla M, Sleegers N, Samyn N, Bijvoets SM, Heerschop MWJ, van Nuijs ALN, De Wael K, Analytical Chemistry 92, 13485 (2020).
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Flowing Atmospheric Pressure Afterglow for Ambient Ionization: Reaction Pathways Revealed by Modeling”. Aghaei M, Bogaerts A, Analytical Chemistry 93, 6620 (2021).
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Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale 34, Antwerp, Belgium, 4-9 September 2005: preface”. Janssens K, Bogaerts A, van Grieken R, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 70, 907 (2006).
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Fast steel-cleanness characterization by means of laser-assisted plasma spectrometric methods”. Mueller G, Stahnke F, Bleiner D, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry T2 –, 34th Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, SEP 04-09, 2005, Univ Antwerp, Antwerp, BELGIUM (2006).
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FIB, TEM and LA-ICPMS investigations on melt inclusions in Martian meteorites –, Analytical capabilities and geochemical insights”. Bleiner D, Macri M, Gasser P, Sautter V, Maras A, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry (2006).
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