Number of records found: 198
Engelmann Y, van &rsquo,t Veer K, Gorbanev Y, Neyts EC, Schneider WF, Bogaerts A (2021) Plasma Catalysis for Ammonia Synthesis: A Microkinetic Modeling Study on the Contributions of Eley–Rideal Reactions. 13151–13163
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Foundations of plasma catalysis for environmental applications”. Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, Guaitella O, Murphy AB, Plasma Sources Science &, Technology (2022).
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Identification of a Robust and Durable FeN4CxCatalyst for ORR in PEM Fuel Cells and the Role of the Fifth Ligand”. Nematollahi P, Barbiellini B, Bansil A, Lamoen D, Qingying J, Mukerjee S, Neyts EC, ACS catalysis , 7541 (2022).
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Comment on “Misinterpretation of the Shuttleworth equation””. Faraji F, Neyts EC, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Scripta Materialia 250, 116186 (2024).
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Capillary Condensation of Water in Graphene Nanocapillaries”. Faraji F, Neyts EC, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Nano Letters 24, 5625 (2024).
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Improving Molecule–Metal Surface Reaction Networks Using the Meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation: CO2Hydrogenation”. Cai Y, Michiels R, De Luca F, Neyts E, Tu X, Bogaerts A, Gerrits N, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 8611 (2024).
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Neyts E (2014) Algemene chemie : van atomen tot thermodynamica. Acco, Leuven, 317 p
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Catalyst preparation with plasmas : how does it work?”.Wang Z, Zhang Y, Neyts EC, Cao X, Zhang X, Jang BW-L, Liu C-jun, ACS catalysis 8, 2093 (2018).
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Effect of hydrogen on the growth of thin hydrogenated amorphous carbon films from thermal energy radicals”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, van de Sanden MCM, Applied physics letters 88, 141922 (2006).
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Integrated atomistic chemical imaging and reactive force field molecular dynamic simulations on silicon oxidation”. Dumpala S, Broderick SR, Khalilov U, Neyts EC, van Duin ACT, Provine J, Howe RT, Rajan K, Applied physics letters 106, 011602 (2015).
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Molecular dynamics simulations of Cl+ etching on a Si(100) surface”. Gou F, Neyts E, Eckert M, Tinck S, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 107, 113305 (2010).
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Particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo simulations of a low-pressure capacitively coupled radio-frequency discharge: effect of adding H2 to an Ar discharge”. Neyts E, Yan M, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Journal of applied physics 93, 5025 (2003).
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Unraveling the deposition mechanism in a-C:H thin-film growth: a molecular-dynamics study for the reaction behavior of C3 and C3H radicals with a-C:H surfaces”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, van de Sanden MCM, Journal of applied physics 99, 014902 (2006).
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Modeling aspects of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of carbon-based materials”. Neyts E, Mao M, Eckert M, Bogaerts A CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla, page 245 (2012).
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Modeling the growth of SWNTs and graphene on the atomic scale”. Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, ECS transactions 45, 73 (2012).
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Special issue on fundamentals of plasmasurface interactions”. Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, Rousseau A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 47, 220301 (2014).
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Understanding plasma catalysis through modelling and simulation : a review”. Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 47, 224010 (2014).
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A comparative study for the inactivation of multidrug resistance bacteria using dielectric barrier discharge and nano-second pulsed plasma”. Hoon Park J, Kumar N, Hoon Park D, Yusupov M, Neyts EC, Verlackt CCW, Bogaerts A, Ho Kang M, Sup Uhm H, Ha Choi E, Attri P;, Scientific reports 5, 13849 (2015).
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