Number of records found: 1493
Atmospheric concentrations and deposition of heavy metals over the North Sea: a literature review”. Injuk J, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 20, 179 (1995).
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Characterisation of soot emitted by domestic heating, aircraft and cars using diesel or biodiesel”. Smekens A, Godoi RHM, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 52, 45 (2005).
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Characterization of individual soot aggregates from different sources using image analysis”. Smekens A, Godoi RHM, Vervoort M, van Espen P, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 56, 211 (2007).
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Chemical characterization and multivariate analysis of atmospheric PM2.5 particles”. Ravindra K, Stranger M, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 59, 199 (2008).
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Elemental and single particle aerosol characterisation at a background station in Kazakhstan”. Hoornaert S, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 48, 301 (2004).
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Elemental composition of mineral aerosol generated from Sudan Sahara sand”. Eltayeb MAH, Injuk J, Maenhaut W, Van Grieken RE, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 40, 247 (2001).
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Single particle analysis of aerosols, observed in the marine boundary layer during the Monterey Area Ship Tracks Experiment (MAST), with respect to cloud droplet formation”. de Bock LA, Joos PE, Noone KJ, Pockalny RA, Van Grieken RE, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 37, 299 (2000).
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Single particle characterisation of the aerosol in the marine boundary layer and free troposphere over Tenerife, NE Atlantic, during ACE-2”. Hoornaert S, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 46, 271 (2003).
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Sources and transport of urban and biomass burning aerosol black carbon at the South-West Atlantic coast”. Evangelista H, Maldonado J, Godoi RHM, Pereira EB, Koch D, Tanizaki-Fonseca K, Van Grieken R, Sampaio M, Setzer A, Alencar A, Gonçalves SC, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 56, 225 (2007).
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Size-controlled electrodeposition of Cu nanoparticles on gas diffusion electrodes in methanesulfonic acid solution”. Pacquets L, Irtem E, Neukermans S, Daems N, Bals S, Breugelmans T, Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry 51 (2020).
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Zinc distribution and speciation within rocket plants (Eruca vesicaria L. Cavalieri) grown on a polluted soil amended with compost as determined by XRF microtomography and Micro-Xanes”. Terzano R, al Chami Z, Vekemans B, Janssens K, Miano T, Ruggiero P, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 56, 3222 (2008).
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Ab initio calculation of the interaction energy in the P2 binding pocket of HIV-1 protease”. Nivesanond K, Peeters A, Lamoen D, van Alsenoy C, International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry 105, 292 (2005).
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From anisole to 1,2,4,5-tetramethoxybenzene: theoretical study of the factors that determine the conformation of methoxy groups on a benzene ring”. Vande Velde C, Bultinck E, Tersago K, van Alsenoy C, Blockhuys F, International journal of quantum chemistry 107, 670 (2007).
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Molecular interaction energies and optimal configuration of a cubane dimer”. Nikolaev AV, Verberck B, Ionova GV, International journal of quantum chemistry 110, 1063 (2010).
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Nanotube field of C60 and C70 molecules in carbon nanotubes”. Verberck B, Michel KH, International journal of quantum chemistry 107, 2294 (2007).
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Concentration profiles of metal contaminants in fluvial sediments of a rural-urban drainage basin in Tanzania”. Hellar-Kihampa H, Potgieter-Vermaak S, De Wael K, Lugwisha E, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 94, 77 (2014).
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Characterization of aerosol-associated lead by DPASV and LAMMA”. Wonders JHAM, Houweling S, de Bont FAJ, van Leeuwen HP, Eeckhaoudt SM, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 56, 193 (1994).
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Characterization of individual estuarine and marine particles by LAMMA and EPXMA”. Wouters L, Bernard P, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 34, 17 (1988).
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Characterization of individual particle types in coastal air by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Tavares T, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 23, 1 (1985).
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Chelating 2,2′-diaminodiethylamine cellulose filters and X-ray fluorescence for preconcentration and trace analysis of natural waters”. Smits J, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 9, 81 (1981).
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Co-precipitation with iron hydroxide and X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace metals in water”. Chakravorty R, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 11, 67 (1982).
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Investigation of heterogeneous reactions of PAH's on particle surfaces using laser microprobe mass analysis”. Niessner R, Klockow D, Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 22, 281 (1985).
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Laser microprobe mass analysis of individual Antarctic aerosol particles”. Wouters L, Artaxo P, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 38, 427 (1990).
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Leaching of nutrients and trace metals from aerosol samples: a comparison between a re-circulation and an ultrasound system”. Eyckmans K, Zhang J, de Hoog J, Joos P, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 80, 227 (2001).
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A microanalytical study of the gills of aluminium-exposed rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)”. Goossenaerts C, Van Grieken R, Jacob W, Witters H, Vanderborght O, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 34, 227 (1988).
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Speciation of aerosols by combining bulk ion chromatography and thin-window electron probe micro analysis”. Eyckmans K, de Hoog J, van der Auwera L, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 83, 777 (2003).
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Trace metal analysis of water containing humic substances by X-ray fluorescence”. Vanderborght BM, Van Grieken RE, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 5, 221 (1978).
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Ultra-thin window electron probe microanalysis of suspended particles in tributaries of Lake Baikal, Siberia”. Semenov MY, Spolnik Z, Granina L, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 85, 377 (2005).
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Electrochemical sensing of phenicol antibiotics at gold”. Pilehvar S, Dardenne F, Blust R, De Wael K, International journal of electrochemical science 7, 5000 (2012)
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The electrochemistry of a gelatin modified gold electrode”. De Wael K, Verstraete A, van Vlierberghe S, Dejonghe W, Dubruel P, Adriaens A, International journal of electrochemical science 6, 1810 (2011)
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