Number of records found: 2109
Aerosol-soil fractionation for Namib desert samples”. Eltayeb MAH, Van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, Annegarn HAJ, Journal of aersol science 23, 983 (1992)
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Application of electron energy loss spectroscopy to aerosols”. Xhoffer C, Jacob W, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 20, 1617 (1989).
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Characterization of airborne particulate matter collected over the North Sea”. Rojas CM, Otten PM, Van Grieken RE, Journal of aerosol science 20, 1257 (1989).
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The elemental composition and microstructure of soot emitted by different sources”. Smekens A, Knupfer M, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 917 (2000)
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Field evaluation of a wind tunnel-impactor system for sampling ambient aerosols”. Gysels K, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 30, 639 (1999).
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The influence of black carbon on the crystallization point of salt aerosol”. Even A, ten Brink HM, Khlystov A, Smekens A, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 336 (2000)
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Methodology for light element analysis of individual aerosol particles using thin-window EPMA”. Osán J, Ro C-U, Szalóki I, Worobiec A, de Hoog J, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 765 (2000)
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Optimisation of light element analysis of individual particles using UTW-EPMA”. de Hoog J, Osán J, Worobiec A, Ro C-U, Szalóki I, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 388 (2000)
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Penetration of atmospheric aerosols during collection in cellulose filters, studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry”. Rojas CM, Goossens D, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 20, 569 (1989).
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Size distribution and chemical properties of welding fumes of inhalable particles”. Oprya M, Kiro S, Worobiec A, Horemans B, Darchuk L, Novakovic V, Ennan A, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 45, 50 (2012).
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The size distribution and surface area of soot emitted by different sources”. Smekens A, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 706 (2000)
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Unconventional microanalysis for low-Z, volatile and organic aerosol compounds”. Worobiec A, de Hoog J, Osán J, Szalóki I, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 384 (2000)
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Assessment of atmospheric particles emitted from sugar cane burning in Southeast Brazil”. Godoi RHM, Godoi AFL, Andrade SJ, Santiago-Silva M, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Journal od aerosol science , S749 (2003)
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Marine influences on aerosol composition in the coastal zone”. Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Winchester JW, Journal de recherches atmosphériques 8, 761 (1974)
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Trace metal fractionation effects between sea water and aerosols from bubble bursting”. Van Grieken RE, Johansson TB, Winchester JW, Journal de recherches atmosphériques 8, 611 (1974)
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Atmospheric particulate element concentrations and deposition rates in French Polynesia”. Rojas CM, Injuk J, Van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, Journal de recherche océanographique 25, 74 (2000)
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SAED and HREM results suggest a NiTi B19' based superstructure for CuZr martensite”. Schryvers D, Journal de physique: colloques, suppléments 5, 1047 (1995).
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Ni2Al versus Ni5Al3 ordering in Ni65Al35 austenite and martensite”. Schryvers D, Toth L, van Humbeeck J, Beyer J, Journal de physique: colloques, suppléments 5, 1029 (1995).
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Martensitic and bainitic transformations in Ni-Al alloys”. Schryvers D, Journal de physique: 4 C2, 225 (1994)
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Nucleation and growth of the Ni5Al3 in NiAl austenite and martensite”. Schryvers D, Toth L, Ma Y, Tanner LE, Journal de physique: 4 C2, 299 (1994)
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Analysis of Malagasy medical herbs by X-ray fluorescence in total reflectivity”. Razafindramisa FL, Andriambololona R, Brunel M, Van Grieken RE, Journal de physique: 4 6, 833 (1996)
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Martensitic and related transformations in Ni-Al alloys”. Schryvers D, Journal de physique: 4 T2 –, IIIrd European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 94), SEP 14-16, 1994, BARCELONA, SPAIN 5, 225 (1995).
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Nucleation and growth of the Ni5Al3 phase in Ni-Al austenite and martensite”. Schryvers D, Toth L, Ma Y, Tanner L, Journal de physique: 4 T2 –, IIIrd European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 94), SEP 14-16, 1994, BARCELONA, SPAIN 5, 299 (1995).
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Laser induced phase transition in iron thin films”. Teodorescu VS, Mihailescu IN, Dinescu M, Chitica N, Nistor LC, van Landuyt J, Barborica A, Journal de physique: 3: applied physics, materials science, fluids, plasma and instrumentation 4, 127 (1994).
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Mécanismes de la non-stoechiométrie dans les nouveaux supraconducteurs à, haute Tc”. Hervieu M, Michel C, Martin C, Huvé, M, Van Tendeloo G, Maignan A, Pelloquin D, Goutenoire F, Raveau B, Journal de physique: 3: applied physics, materials science, fluids, plasma and instrumentation 4, 2057 (1994)
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Ordering principles for tetrahedral chains in Ga- and Co-substituted YBCO intergrowths”. Milat O, Krekels T, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, Journal de physique: 1: physique générale, physique statistique, matière condensée, domaines interdisciplinaires 3, 1219 (1993)
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Automated quantitative electron-microprobe analysis of particulate material”. Van Dyck P, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Journal de physique 45, 781 (1984).
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Doped albumin : stndardization possibilities for LAMMA-analysis of thin freeze-dried cryosections of biological tissue”. Verbueken AH, Jacob WA, Frederik PM, Busing WM, Hersten RC, Van Grieken RE, Journal de physique 45, 561 (1984)
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LAMMA and electron-microprobe analysis of atmospheric aerosols”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Journal de physique 45, 785 (1984).
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Samenstelling van 15de- tot 17de-eeuwse glazen voorwerpen opgegraven in Antwerpen: deel 1”. de Raedt I, Janssens K, Veeckman J, Adams F, Journaal van de Belgische Vereniging voor Glastechnieken , 9 (1998)
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