Number of records found: 399
Supplementing the eye : the technical analysis of Frans Hals's paintings –, ii”. Tummers A, Wallert A, De Keyser N, The Burlington magazine 161, 996 (2019)
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Electrochemical analysis of cocaine in real samples based on electrodeposited biomimetic affinity ligands”. Florea A, Cowen T, Piletsky S, De Wael K, The analyst 144, 4639 (2019).
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Two generations of exsolution lamellae in pyroxene from Asuka 09545 : Clues to the thermal evolution of silicates in mesosiderite”. Pittarello L, Mckibbin S, Yamaguchi A, Ji G, Schryvers D, Debaille V, Claeys P, The American mineralogist 104, 1663 (2019).
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Urine nitrification with a synthetic microbial community”. Christiaens MER, De Paepe J, Ilgrande C, De Vrieze J, Barys J, Teirlinck P, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Systematic and applied microbiology 42, Unsp 126021 (2019).
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Suppressing the formation of NOxand N2O in CO2/N2dielectric barrier discharge plasma by adding CH4: scavenger chemistry at work”. Snoeckx R, Van Wesenbeeck K, Lenaerts S, Cha MS, Bogaerts A, Sustainable Energy &, Fuels 3, 1388 (2019).
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Wide band gap kesterite absorbers for thin film solar cells: potential and challenges for their deployment in tandem devices”. Vermang B, Brammertz G, Meuris M, Schnabel T, Ahlswede E, Choubrac L, Harel S, Cardinaud C, Arzel L, Barreau N, van Deelen J, Bolt P-J, Bras P, Ren Y, Jaremalm E, Khelifi S, Yang S, Lauwaert J, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Kozina X, Handick E, Hartmann C, Gerlach D, Matsuda A, Ueda S, Chikyow T, Felix R, Zhang Y, Wilks RG, Baer M, Sustainable Energy &, Fuels 3, 2246 (2019).
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Nickel-containing N-doped carbon as effective electrocatalysts for the reduction of CO2 to CO in a continuous-flow electrolyzer”. Daems N, De Mot B, Choukroun D, Van Daele K, Li C, Hubin A, Bals S, Hereijgers J, Breugelmans T, Sustainable energy &, fuels 4, 1296 (2019).
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The future of Ex-Ante LCA? Lessons learned and practical recommendations”. Buyle M, Audenaert A, Billen P, Boonen K, Van Passel S, Sustainability 11, 5456 (2019).
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Characterisation of a high-power impulse magnetron sputtered C/Mo/W wear resistant coating by transmission electron microscopy”. Sharp J, Mueller IC, Mandal P, Abbas A, Nord M, Doye A, Ehiasarian A, Hovsepian P, MacLaren I, Rainforth WM, Surface and coatings technology 377, 124853 (2019).
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T4,4,4-graphyne : a 2D carbon allotrope with an intrinsic direct bandgap”. Wang W, Li L, Kong X, Van Duppen B, Peeters FM, Solid state communications 293, 23 (2019).
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De combinatie werk-gezin en het gebruik van formele kinderopvang bij vrouwen met een migratieachtergrond : een mixed methods-benadering”. Wood J, Geerts R, Majean L, Coene V, Vanheeswijck J, de Smalen D, Ronda T, Keizer K, Sociologos (Brussel) 40, 123 (2019)
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Structure of the dm knives and process of cutting of GML(man) or GRT(man) bodies”. Tavkhelidze I, Gielis J, Sn –, 1512-0066 33 (2019)
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Unraveling Structural Information of Turkevich Synthesized Plasmonic Gold-Silver Bimetallic Nanoparticles”. Blommaerts N, Vanrompay H, Nuti S, Lenaerts S, Bals S, Verbruggen SW, Small 15, 1902791 (2019).
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Strain Anisotropy and Magnetic Domains in Embedded Nanomagnets”. Nord M, Semisalova A, Kákay A, Hlawacek G, MacLaren I, Liersch V, Volkov OM, Makarov D, Paterson GW, Potzger K, Lindner J, Fassbender J, McGrouther D, Bali R, Small , 1904738 (2019).
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In-Situ TEM Stress Induced Martensitic Transformation in Ni50.8Ti49.2 Microwires”. Pourbabak S, Orekhov A, Samaee V, Verlinden B, Van Humbeeck J, Schryvers D, Shape memory and superelasticity 5, 154 (2019).
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Conductive imprinted polymers for the direct electrochemical detection of beta-lactam antibiotics: The case of cefquinome”. Moro G, Bottari F, Sleegers N, Florea A, Cowen T, Moretto LM, Piletsky S, De Wael K, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical 297, 126786 (2019).
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Enzymatic sensor for phenols based on titanium dioxide generating surface confined ROS after treatment with H2O2”. Rahemi V, Trashin S, Hafideddine Z, Meynen V, Van Doorslaer S, De Wael K, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical 283, 343 (2019).
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Redesigning an electrochemical MIP sensor for PFOS : practicalities and pitfalls”. Moro G, Cristofori D, Bottari F, Cattaruzza E, De Wael K, Moretto LM, Sensors 19, 4433 (2019).
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Strain measurement in semiconductor FinFET devices using a novel moiré, demodulation technique”. Prabhakara V, Jannis D, Béché, A, Bender H, Verbeeck J, Semiconductor science and technology (2019).
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Orientation relationship of the austenite-to-ferrite transformation in austenitic stainless steels due to dissolution corrosion in contact with liquid Pb-Bi eutectic”. Charalampopoulou E, Cautaerts N, Van der Donck T, Schryvers D, Lambrinou K, Delville R, Scripta materialia 167, 66 (2019).
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Oxidation destabilizes toxic amyloid beta peptide aggregation”. Razzokov J, Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 9, 5476 (2019).
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Atomic-scale viscoplasticity mechanisms revealed in high ductility metallic glass films”. Idrissi H, Ghidelli M, Béché, A, Turner S, Gravier S, Blandin J-J, Raskin J-P, Schryvers D, Pardoen T, Scientific reports 9, 13426 (2019).
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Long-range vortex transfer in superconducting nanowires”. Cordoba R, Orus P, Jelić, ŽL, Sese J, Ricardo Ibarra M, Guillamon I, Vieira S, Jose Palacios J, Suderow H, Milošević, MV, Maria De Teresa J, Scientific reports 9, 12386 (2019).
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Tomato plants rather than fertilizers drive microbial community structure in horticultural growing media”. Grunert O, Robles-Aguilar AA, Hernandez-Sanabria E, Schrey SD, Reheul D, Van Labeke M-C, Vlaeminck SE, Vanderkerckhove TGL, Mysara M, Monsieurs P, Temperton VM, Boon N, Jablonowski ND, Scientific reports 9, 9561 (2019).
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Modelling environmental impacts of treated municipal wastewater reuse for tree crops irrigation in the Mediterranean coastal region”. Moretti M, Van Passel S, Camposeo S, Pedrero F, Dogot T, Lebailly P, Vivaldi GA, Science Of The Total Environment 660, 1513 (2019).
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Macroscopic x-ray powder diffraction imaging reveals Vermeer's discriminating use of lead white pigments in Girl with a Pearl Earring”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, Van Loon A, Gonzalez V, Delaney J, Dooley K, Dik J, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Science Advances 5, eaax1975 (2019).
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Composite super-moiré, lattices in double-aligned graphene heterostructures = Composite super-moire lattices in double-aligned graphene heterostructures”. Wang Z, Wang YB, Yin J, Tovari E, Yang Y, Lin L, Holwill M, Birkbeck J, Perello DJ, Xu S, Zultak J, Gorbachev RV, Kretinin AV, Taniguchi T, Watanabe K, Morozov SV, Andelkovic M, Milovanović, SP, Covaci L, Peeters FM, Mishchenko A, Geim AK, Novoselov KS, Fal'ko VI, Knothe A, Woods CR, Science Advances 5, eaay8897 (2019).
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Climate variable choice in Ricardian studies of European Agriculture”. Vaitkeviciute J, Chakir R, Van Passel S, Revue économique 70, 375 (2019).
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Investigating market power in the Belgian pork production chain”. Maes D, Vancauteren M, Van Passel S, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 100, 93 (2019).
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Towards a more direct policy feedback in circular economy monitoring via a societal needs perspective”. Alaerts L, Van Acker K, Rousseau S, De Jaeger S, Moraga G, Dewulf J, De Meester S, Van Passel S, Compernolle T, Bachus K, Vrancken K, Eyckmans J, Resources, conservation and recycling 149, 363 (2019).
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