Number of records found: 719
Nontarget biomolecules alter macromolecular changes induced by bactericidal low-temperature plasma”. Privat-Maldonado A, Gorbanev Y, O'Connell D, Vann R, Chechik V, van der Woude MW, IEEE transactions on radiation and plasma medical sciences 2, 121 (2018).
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Detailed numerical investigation of a DC sputter magnetron”. Kolev I, Bogaerts A, IEEE transactions on plasma science 34, 886 (2006).
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Evolution of charged particle densities after laser-induced photodetachment in a strongly electronegative RF discharge”. Yan M, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, IEEE transactions on plasma science 30, 132 (2002).
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Investigation of growth mechanisms of clusters in a silane discharge with the use of a fluid model”. de Bleecker K, Bogaerts A, Goedheer W, Gijbels R, IEEE transactions on plasma science 32, 691 (2004).
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Magnetic field dependence of the normal mode spectrum of a planar complex plasma cluster”. Kong M, Ferreira WP, Partoens B, Peeters FM, IEEE transactions on plasma science 32, 569 (2004).
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Monte Carlo model for the argon ions and fast argon atoms in a radio-frequency discharge”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, IEEE transactions on plasma science 27, 1406 (1999).
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A one-dimensional fluid model for an acetylene rf discharge: a study of the plasma chemistry”. Herrebout D, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Goedheer WJ, Vanhulsel A, IEEE transactions on plasma science 31, 659 (2003).
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High-resolution X-ray fluorescence microtomography of homogeneous samples”. Simionovici AS, Chukalina M, Schroer C, Drakopoulos M, Snigirev A, Snigireva I, Lengeler B, Janssens K, Adams F, IEEE transactions on nuclear science 47, 2736 (2000).
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Elemental analysis of aerosols using proton-scattering”. Nelson JW, Williams I, Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, IEEE transactions on nuclear science Ns21, 618 (1974).
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An extensive multisensor hyperspectral benchmark datasets of intimate mixtures of mineral powders”. Koirala B, Rasti B, Bnoulkacem Z, De Lima Ribeiro A, Madriz Y, Herrmann E, Gestels A, De Kerf T, Janssens K, Steenackers G, Gloaguen R, Scheunders P, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings T2 –, IGARSS 2023 –, 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 16-21 July 2023, Pasadena, CA, USA , 5890 (2023).
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Multiscale modeling of radiation damage and annealing in Si samples implanted with 57-Mn radioactive ions”. Abreu Y, Cruz CM, van Espen P, Piñera I, Leyva A, Cabal AE, IEEE conference record T2 –, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)/18th, International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and, Gamma-Ray Detectors, OCT 23-29, 2011, Valencia, SPAIN , 1754 (2011)
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Radiation damage evaluation on LYSO and LuYAP materials through Dpa calculation assisted by Monte Carlo method”. Piñera I, Abreu Y, van Espen P, Diaz A, Leyva A, Cruz CM, IEEE conference record T2 –, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)/18th, International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and, Gamma-Ray Detectors, OCT 23-29, 2011, Valencia, SPAIN , 1609 (2011)
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Sensitivity of water stress in a two-layered sandy grassland soil to variations in groundwater depth and soil hydraulic parameters”. Rezaei M, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Boenne W, Van Hoey S, Campling P, Cornelis WM, Hydrology and earth system sciences 20, 487 (2016).
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Artificial orpiment, a new pigment in Rembrandt's palette”. van Loon A, Noble P, Krekeler A, van der Snickt G, Janssens K, Abe Y, Nakai I, Dik J, Heritage science 5, 26 (2017).
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Combined Micro- and Macro scale X-ray powder diffraction mapping of degraded Orpiment paint in a 17th century still life painting by Martinus Nellius”. Simoen J, De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, De Keyser N, Avranovich E, van der Snickt G, Van Loon A, Keune K, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 83 (2019).
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Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol–borax/agarose (PVA–B/AG) blend hydrogels for removal of deteriorated consolidants from ancient Egyptian wall paintings”. Al-Emam E, Motawea AG, Janssens K, Caen J, Heritage science 7, 22 (2019).
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Examination of historical paintings by state-of-the-art hyperspectral imaging methods : from scanning infra-red spectroscopy to computed X-ray laminography”. Legrand S, Vanmeert F, van der Snickt G, Alfeld M, de Nolf W, Dik J, Janssens K, Heritage science 2, 13 (2014).
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Identification of artificial orpiment in the interior decorations of the Japanese tower in Laeken, Brussels, Belgium”. Vermeulen M, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Heritage science 3, Unsp 9 (2015).
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Imaging secondary reaction products at the surface of Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring by means of macroscopic X-ray powder diffraction scanning”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, van Loon A, Gonzalez V, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 67 (2019).
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Integrated X-ray fluorescence and diffuse visible-to-near-infrared reflectance scanner for standoff elemental and molecular spectroscopic imaging of paints and works on paper”. Delaney JK, Conover DM, Dooley KA, Glinsman L, Janssens K, Loew M, Heritage science 6, 31 (2018).
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Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606-1684): a technical examination of fruit and flower still lifes combining MA-XRF scanning, cross-section analysis and technical historical sources”. De Keyser N, van der Snickt G, Van Loon A, Legrand S, Wallert A, Janssens K, Heritage science 5, 38 (2017).
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MA-XRF imaging on Rene Magritte's La condition humaine : insights into the artist's palette and technique and the discovery of a third quarter of La pose enchantee”. da Silva AT, Legrand S, van der Snickt G, Featherstone R, Janssens K, Bottinelli G, Heritage science 5, 37 (2017).
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Separating two painting campaigns in Saul and David, attributed to Rembrandt, using macroscale reflectance and XRF imaging spectroscopies and microscale paint analysis”. Dooley KA, Gifford EM, van Loon A, Noble P, Zeibel JG, Conover DM, Alfeld M, van der Snickt G, Legrand S, Janssens K, Dik J, Delaney JK, Heritage science 6, 46 (2018).
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Van Gogh's Irises and Roses : the contribution of chemical analyses and imaging to the assessment of color changes in the red lake pigments”. Centeno SA, Hale C, Caro F, Cesaratto A, Shibayama N, Delaney J, Dooley K, van der Snickt G, Janssens K, Stein SA, Heritage science 5, 18 (2017).
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The young Van Dyck's fingerprint : a technical approach to assess the authenticity of a disputed painting”. Harth A, van der Snickt G, Schalm O, Janssens K, Blanckaert G, Heritage science 5, 22 (2017).
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Characterization of polyvinyl alcohol-borax/agarose (PVA-B/AG) double network hydrogel utilized for the cleaning of works of art”. Al-Emam E, Soenen H, Caen J, Janssens K, Heritage science 8, 106 (2020).
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The dark halo technique in the oeuvre of Michael Sweerts and other Flemish and Dutch baroque painters. A 17th c. empirical solution to mitigate the optical 'simultaneous contrast' effect?”.Derks K, van der Snickt G, Legrand S, van der Stighelen K, Janssens K, Heritage science 10, 5 (2022).
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Beauty is skin deep : the skin tones of Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring”. van Loon A, Vandivere A, Delaney JK, Dooley KA, De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Gonzalez V, Janssens K, Leonhardt E, Haswell R, de Groot S, D'Imporzano P, Davies GR, Heritage science 7, 102 (2019).
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Formation of zinc oxalate from zinc white in various oil binding media: the influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide by reaction with 13CO2”. Simonsen KP, Poulsen JN, Vanmeert F, Ryhl-Svendsen M, Bendix J, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Mederos-Henry F, Heritage science 8, 126 (2020).
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Identifying VOCs in exhibition cases and efflorescence on museum objects exhibited at Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian-New York”. Alvarez-Martin A, George J, Kaplan E, Osmond L, Bright L, Newsome GA, Kaczkowski R, Vanmeert F, Kavich G, Heald S, Heritage science 8, 115 (2020).
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