Number of records found: 3074
High-Throughput Morphological Chirality Quantification of Twisted and Wrinkled Gold Nanorods”. Vlasov E, Heyvaert W, Ni B, Van Gordon K, Girod R, Verbeeck J, Liz-Marzán LM, Bals S, ACS Nano (2024).
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Silver Ions Direct Twin-Plane Formation during the Overgrowth of Single-Crystal Gold Nanoparticles”. Grzelczak M, Sanchez-Iglesias A, Heidari H, Bals S, Pastoriza-Santos I, Perez-Juste J, Liz-Marzan LM, ACS Omega 1, 177 (2016).
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Collective Plasmonic Properties in Few-Layer Gold Nanorod Supercrystals”. Hamon C, Novikov SM, Scarabelli L, Solís DM, Altantzis T, Bals S, Taboada JM, Obelleiro F, Liz-Marzán LM, ACS Photonics 2, 1482 (2015).
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Exciton Fine Structure and Lattice Dynamics in InP/ZnSe Core/Shell Quantum Dots”. Brodu A, Ballottin MV, Buhot J, van Harten EJ, Dupont D, La Porta A, Prins PT, Tessier MD, Versteegh MAM, Zwiller V, Bals S, Hens Z, Rabouw FT, Christianen PCM, de Donega CM, Vanmaekelbergh D, ACS Photonics 5, 3353 (2018).
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Ferroelectric gating of narrow band-gap nanocrystal arrays with enhanced light-matter coupling”. Greboval C, Chu A, Vale Magalhaes D, Ramade J, Qu J, Rastogi P, Khalili A, Chee S-S, Aubin H, Vincent G, Bals S, Delerue C, Lhuillier E, Acs Photonics 8, 259 (2021).
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Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties and Saturation of Two-Photon Absorption in Lead-Free Double Perovskite Nanocrystals under Femtosecond Excitation”. Mushtaq A, Pradhan B, Kushavah D, Zhang Y, Wolf M, Schrenker N, Fron E, Bals S, Hofkens J, Debroye E, Pal SK, Acs Photonics 8, 3365 (2021).
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Photothermal circular dichroism measurements of single chiral gold nanoparticles correlated with electron tomography”. Spaeth P, Adhikari S, Heyvaert W, Zhuo X, Garcia I, Liz-Marzan LM, Bals S, Orrit M, Albrecht W, ACS Photonics 9, 3995 (2022).
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High-throughput characterization of single-quantum-dot emission spectra and spectral diffusion by multiparticle spectroscopy”. Mangnus MJJ, de Wit JW, Vonk SJW, Geuchies JJ, Albrecht W, Bals S, Houtepen AJ, Rabouw FT, ACS Photonics 10, 2688 (2023).
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LaFeO3 nanofibers for high detection of sulfur-containing gases”. Queralto A, Graf D, Frohnhoven R, Fischer T, Vanrompay H, Bals S, Bartasyte A, Mathur S, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 7, 6023 (2019).
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Direct Solar Energy-Mediated Synthesis of Tertiary Benzylic Alcohols Using a Metal-Free Heterogeneous Photocatalyst”. Zhang Y, Qin S, Claes N, Schilling W, Sahoo PK, Ching HYV, Jaworski A, Lemière F, Slabon A, Van Doorslaer S, Bals S, Das S, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 10, 530 (2022).
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Highly-translucent, strong and aging-resistant 3Y-TZP ceramics for dental restoration by grain boundary segregation”. Zhang F, Vanmeensel K, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Inokoshi M, Van Meerbeek B, Naert I, Vleugels J, Acta biomaterialia 16, 215 (2015).
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Stability of Ni in nitinol oxide surfaces”. Tian H, Schryvers D, Liu D, Jiang Q, van Humbeeck J, Acta biomaterialia 7, 892 (2011).
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The incommensurate structure of (Sr, Ca)14Cu24O41: a study by electron diffraction and high-resolution microscopy”. Milat O, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, Mehbod M, Deltour R, Acta crystallographica A48, 618 (1992).
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Interstitial defects in the van der Waals gap of Bi2Se3”. Callaert C, Bercx M, Lamoen D, Hadermann J, Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials (Online) 75, 717 (2019).
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Polytypism in mcalpineite : a study of natural and synthetic Cu₃TeO₆”. Missen OP, Mills SJ, Canossa S, Hadermann J, Nenert G, Weil M, Libowitzky E, Housley RM, Artner W, Kampf AR, Rumsey MS, Spratt J, Momma K, Dunstan MA, Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials (Online) 78 (2022).
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An accurate parameterization for scattering factors, electron densities and electrostatic potentials for neutral atoms that obey all physical constraints”. Lobato Hoyos IP, van Dyck D, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 70, 636 (2014).
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Computation and parametrization of the temperature dependence of Debye-Waller factors for group IV, III-V and II-VI semiconductors”. Schowalter M, Rosenauer A, Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 65, 5 (2009).
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Graphene textures: tubules and whiskers related to fullerene crystallography”. Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, van Landuyt J, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 49, 355 (1993)
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The phase transition and crystal structures of Ba3RM2O7.5 complex oxides (R=rare-earth elements, M = Al,Ga)”. Abakumov AM, Shpanchenko RV, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, Antipov EV, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 55, 828 (1999).
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Room temperature and low-temperature structure of Nd1-xCaxMnO3 (0.3*x*0.5)”. Richard O, Schuddinck W, Van Tendeloo G, Millange F, Hervieu M, Caignaert C, Raveau B, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 55, 704 (1999).
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Structural effects of element substitution in the CuO plane of the 1-2-3 YBCO superconductor”. Krekels T, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, van Landuyt J, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 49, 287 (1993)
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Superlattice variants in Sr2CuO2(CO3): an electron microscopy study”. Milat O, Van Tendeloo G, van Landuyt J, Amelinckx S, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 49, 357 (1993)
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Temperature-dependent Debye-Waller factors for semiconductors with the wurtzite-type structure”. Schowalter M, Rosenauer A, Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 65, 227 (2009).
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Transmission electron microscopy and structural phase transitions in anion-deficient perovskite-based oxides”. Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Abakumov AM, Acta crystallographica: section A: foundations of crystallography 61, 77 (2005).
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Electron-diffraction structure refinement of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in Ni52Ti48”. Tirry W, Schryvers D, Jorissen K, Lamoen D, Acta crystallographica: section B: structural science 62, 966 (2006).
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Synergy between transmission electron microscopy and powder diffraction : application to modulated structures”. Batuk D, Batuk M, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Acta crystallographica: section B: structural science 71, 127 (2015).
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KSm(MoO4)2, an incommensurately modulated and partially disordered scheelite-like structure”. Arakcheeva A, Pattison P, Chapuis G, Rossell M, Filaretov A, Morozov V, Van Tendeloo G, Acta crystallographica: section B: structural science 64, 160 (2008).
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Characterization of NbC and (Nb, Ti)N nanoprecipitates in TRIP assisted multiphase steels”. Tirumalasetty GK, van Huis MA, Fang CM, Xu Q, Tichelaar FD, Hanlon DN, Sietsma J, Zandbergen HW, Acta materialia 59, 7406 (2011).
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Deformation-induced austenite grain rotation and transformation in TRIP-assisted steel”. Tirumalasetty GK, van Huis MA, Kwakernaak C, Sietsma J, Sloof WG, Zandbergen HW, Acta materialia 60, 1311 (2012).
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Effect of nanoprecipitates on the transformation behavior and functional properties of a Ti50.8 at.% Ni alloy with micron-sized grains”. Wang X, Kustov S, Li K, Schryvers D, Verlinden B, Van Humbeeck J, Acta materialia 82, 224 (2015).
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