Number of records found: 3074
Technique for the sp2/sp3 characterization of carbon materials: ab initio calculation of near-edge structure in electron energy-loss spectra”. Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 70, 033101 (2004).
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Temperature effect on the 002 structure factor of ternary Ga1-xInxAs crystals”. Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Schowalter M, Rosenauer A, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 76, 073303 (2007).
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133Xe(Cs) Mössbauer measurements on Ar, Ne, Kr, Xe, Rb, and Cs inclusions in W and Mo”. Milants K, Hendrickx P, Verheyden J, Barancira T, Deweerd W, Pattyn H, Bukshpan S, Vermeiren F, Van Tendeloo G, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 55, 2831 (1997)
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(CuCl)LaTa2O\text{7} and quantum phase transition in the (CuX)LaM2O7 family (X=Cl, Br, M=Nb, Ta)”. Tsirlin AA, Abakumov AM, Ritter C, Rosner H, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 86, 064440 (2012).
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SrTiO3(100)/(LaMnO3)m(SrMnO3)n layered heterostructures: a combined EELS and TEM study”. Verbeeck J, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Mercey B, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 66, 184426 (2002).
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Transmission electron microscopy and Monte Carlo simulations of ordering in Au-Cu clusters produced in a laser vaporization source”. Pauwels B, Van Tendeloo G, Zhurkin E, Hou M, Verschoren G, Kuhn LT, Bouwen W, Lievens P, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 63, 165406 (2001).
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Ultralow blocking temperature and breakdown of the giant spin model in Er3+-doped nanoparticles”. van den Heuvel W, Tikhomirov VK, Kirilenko D, Schildermans N, Chibotaru LF, Vanacken J, Gredin P, Mortier M, Van Tendeloo G, Moshchalkov VV, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 82, 094421 (2010).
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Using electron vortex beams to determine chirality of crystals in transmission electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Béché, A, Abakumov A, Batuk M, Verbeeck J, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 91, 094112 (2015).
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van der Waals bonding and the quasiparticle band structure of SnO from first principles”. Govaerts K, Saniz R, Partoens B, Lamoen D, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 87, 235210 (2013).
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Compositional changes of Pd-Au bimetallic nanoclusters upon hydrogenation”. di Vece M, Bals S, Lievens P, Van Tendeloo G, Physical review : B : solid state 80, 125420 (2009).
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Electrical nonlinearity in colossal magnetoresistance manganite films: relevance of correlated polarons”. Moshnyaga V, Gehrke K, Sudheendra L, Belenchuk A, Raabe S, Shapoval O, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Samwer K, Physical review : B : solid state 79, 134413 (2009).
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Role of substrate on nucleation and morphology of gold nanoparticles produced by pulsed laser deposition”. Resta V, Afonso CN, Piscopiello E, Van Tendeloo G, Physical review : B : solid state 79, 235409 (2009).
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Superconducting nanofilms: Andreev-type states induced by quantum confinement”. Shanenko AA, Croitoru MD, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : solid state 78, 054505 (2008).
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Superconducting nanowires: interplay of discrete transverse modes with supercurrent”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Kaun CC, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : solid state 80, 024513 (2009).
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Transport, magnetic, and structural properties of La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 thin films: evidence for hole-doping”. Werner R, Raisch C, Leca V, Ion V, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Chasse T, Kleiner R, Koelle D, Physical review : B : solid state 79, 054416 (2009).
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Local orbital angular momentum revealed by spiral-phase-plate imaging in transmission-electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Verbeeck J, Physical Review A 93, 023811 (2016).
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Symmetry-constrained electron vortex propagation”. Clark L, Guzzinati G, Béché, A, Lubk A, Verbeeck J, Physical review A 93, 063840 (2016).
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Extension of Friedel's law to vortex-beam diffraction”. Juchtmans R, Guzzinati G, Verbeeck J, Physical Review A 94, 033858 (2016).
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Spiral phase plate contrast in optical and electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Clark L, Lubk A, Verbeeck J, Physical review A 94, 023838 (2016).
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Electronic structure, screening and charging effects at a metal/organic tunneling junction: a first principles study”. Lamoen D, Ballone P, Parrinello M, Physical review B 54, 5097 (1996)
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First-principles calculations of 002 structure factors for electron scattering in strained InxGa1-xAs”. Rosenauer A, Schowalter M, Glas F, Lamoen D, Physical Review B 72, 1 (2005).
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High pressure limiting forms of the zero-temperature equations of state of Ta and Pu from relativistic Thomas-Fermi theory”. Leys FE, March NH, Lamoen D, Physical Review B 67, 064109 (2003).
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Self consistent nonlocal linear-response theory of a relativistic electron gas”. Leys FE, March NH, Angilella GGN, Lamoen D, Physical Review B 67, 113105 (2003).
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Strong enhancement of superconductivity in a nanosized Pb bridge”. Misko VR, Fomin VM, Devreese JT, Physical Review B 64, 014517 (2001).
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Superconducting mesoscopic square loop”. Fomin VM, Misko VR, Devreese JT, Moshchalkov VV, Physical Review B 58, 11703 (1998).
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Atomically resolved EELS mapping of the interfacial structure of epitaxially strained LaNiO3/LaAlO3 superlattices”. N Gauquelin E Benckiser M K Kinyanjui M Wu Y Lu G Christiani G Logvenov H-U Habermeier U Kaiser B Keimer and G A Botton, Physical Review B 90, 195140 (2014).
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Direct observation of enhanced magnetism in individual size- and shape-selected 3d transition metal nanoparticles”. Kleibert A, Balan A, Yanes R, Derlet PM, Vaz CAF, Timm M, Fraile Rodríguez A, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Dhaka RS, Radovic M, Nowak U, Nolting F, Physical review B 95, 195404 (2017).
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Spin-reorientation transitions in the Cairo pentagonal magnet Bi4Fe5O13F”. Tsirlin AA, Rousochatzakis I, Filimonov D, Batuk D, Frontzek M, Abakumov AM, Physical review B 96, 094420 (2017).
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Evidence of tetragonal distortion as the origin of the ferromagnetic ground state in gamma-Fe nanoparticles”. Augustyns V, van Stiphout K, Joly V, Lima TAL, Lippertz G, Trekels M, Menendez E, Kremer F, Wahl U, Costa ARG, Correia JG, Banerjee D, Gunnlaugsson HP, von Bardeleben J, Vickridge I, Van Bael MJ, Hadermann J, Araujo JP, Temst K, Vantomme A, Pereira LMC, Physical review B 96, 174410 (2017).
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Interplay of morphology, composition, and optical properties of InP-based quantum dots emitting at the 1.55 \mum telecom wavelength”. Carmesin C, Schowalter M, Lorke M, Mourad D, Grieb T, Müller-Caspary K, Yacob M, Reithmaier JP, Benyoucef M, Rosenauer A, Jahnke F, Physical review B 96, 235309 (2017).
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