Number of records found: 2704
The stained-glass panel depicting the anointing at Bethany : art historical research, technical analysis, and treatment”. Caen J, Cagno S, Janssens K page 247 (2013).
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Study of the degradation on historical documents induced by iron gall ink by means of scanning μ-XRF/μ-XRD”. de Nolf W, Janssens K, Rouchon V, Falkenberg G (2007).
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A survey of the recent use of x-ray beam methods for non-destructive investigations in the cultural heritage sector”. Janssens K page 265 (2005).
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Trace-level micro-XANES by means of bending magnets radiation focused with a polycapillary lens”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Wei F, Proost K, Vekemans B, Vittiglio G, Yan Y, Falkenberg G (1999).
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De Vis K, Jacobs P, Caen J, Janssens K (2010) The use of glass bricks in architecture in the 19th and 20th centuries : a case study. 194–201
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The use of synchrotron micro-XRF for characterisation of the micro-heterogeneity of low-Z reference materials containing heavy metals”. Kempenaers L, Vincze L, Janssens K (1999).
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X-ray based methods of analysis”. Janssens K page 129 (2004).
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X-ray fluorescence analysis”. Janssens K (2003).
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X-ray fluorescence microtomography: experiment and reconstruction”. Simionovici AS, Chukalina M, Drakopoulos M, Snigireva I, Snigirev A, Schroer C, Lengeler B, Janssens K, Adams F page 304 (1999).
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X-ray microanalysis: a new tool for environmental analysis”. Adams F, Janssens K page 183 (1996).
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μ-XANES speciation of Zn in rhizospheric soil and in edible plants grown on a polluted soil amended with compost”. Terzano R, al Chami Z, Vekemans B, Janssens K, Miano T, Ruggiero P (2007).
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Development and validation of optical detection methods to screen photocatalytic materials for soot oxidation”. Smits M, Tytgat T, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2012)
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Diatom silica-titania materials for photocatalytic air purification”. Van Eynde E, Lenaerts S page 240 (2012).
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Immobilisation of TiO2 into self-supporting photocatalytic foam : influence of acidity on porosity and light penetration”. Tytgat T, Lenaerts S, (2012)
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In situ study of the parameters quantifying the corrosion in ballast tanks and an evaluation of improving alternative”. de Baere K, Verstraelen H, Lemmens L, Lenaerts S, Potters G, (2011)
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Plasma assisted catalysis : an efficient and sustainable indoor air purification technology”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2012)
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Plasma catalysis : integration of a photocatalytic coating in a corona discharge unit”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2013)
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Plasmacatalysis : a sustainable and efficient indoor air treatment”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2015)
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Pyrolysis kinetics of bamboo material”. Potters G, Schoeters G, Tytgat T, Horvath G, Ludecke C, Cool P, Lenaerts S, Appels L, Dewil R, (2010)
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Hauchecorne B, Tytgat T, Terrens D, Vanpachtenbeke F, Lenaerts S (2011) Reaction chamber for studying a solid-gas interaction : PCT/EP2011/051075
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Verbruggen S (2014) TiO2 gas phase photocatalysis from morphological design to plasmonic enhancement. 173 p
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Enhanced landfill mining at the REMO site : assessing stakeholders' perspectives for implementation”. Einhäupl P, Krook J, Svensson N, Van Acker K, Van Passel S, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, February 5-6, 2018, Mechelen, Belgium / Jones, Peter Tom [edit.], Machiels, Lieven [edit.] (2018)
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Yao X (2019) An advanced TEM study on quantification of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in low temperature aged Ni-Ti shape memory alloy. 149 p
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Callaert C (2020) Characterization of defects, modulations and surface layers in topological insulators and structurally related compounds. 180 p
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Trenchev G (2019) Computational modelling of atmospheric DC discharges for CO2 conversion. 206 p
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Van der Paal J (2019) Generation, transport and molecular interactions of reactive species in plasma medicine. 237 p
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Vets C (2020) Growth properties of carbon nanomaterials : towards tuning for electronic applications. 130 p
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Pourbabak S (2020) Influence of nano and microstructural features and defects in finegrained NiTi on the thermal and mechanical reversibility of the martensitic transformation. 166 p
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Lumbeeck G (2019) Mechanisms of nano-plasticity in as-deposited and hydrided nanocrystalline Pd and Ni thin films. 130 p
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Anđ,elković, M (2019) O(N) numerical methods for investigating graphene heterostructures and moiré patterns. 207 p
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