Number of records found: 2109
Background aerosol composition at Gobabeb, South West Africa”. Annegarn H, Van Grieken R, van Espen P, von Blottnitz F, Sellschop J, Winchester J, Maenhaut W, Madoqua , 107 (1976)
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Barite formation in the Southern Ocean water column”. Stroobants N, Dehairs F, Goeyens L, Vanderheijden N, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 35, 411 (1991).
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Geochemical characterization of recent sediments in the Baltic Sea by bulk and electron microprobe analysis”. Belmans F, Van Grieken R, Brügmann L, Marine chemistry 42, 223 (1993).
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Geochemistry of suspended matter from the baltic sea : 1 : results of individual particle characterization by automated electron microprobe”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Brügmann L, Marine chemistry 26, 155 (1989).
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Geochemistry of suspended matter from the Baltic Sea: 2: results of bulk trace metal analysis by AAS”. Brügmann L, Bernard PC, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 38, 303 (1992).
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Individual particle analysis of Western Mediterranean sediment cores, Rhône suspended matter and Sahara aerosols: investigation of inputs to the sediments”. Wegrzynek D, Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Eisma D, Marine chemistry 57, 25 (1997)
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Kinetics of iron(II) oxidation in seawater of various pH”. Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Marine chemistry 13, 195 (1983).
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Kinetics of iron(II) oxidation in seawater of various pH : reply”. Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Marine chemistry 15, 281 (1984).
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic and organic North Sea suspension”. Jambers W, Dekov V, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 67, 17 (1999).
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Effects of alkaline aluminate waste dumping on seawater chemistry”. Vandelannoote R, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Marine environmental research 21, 275 (1987).
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Diatom frustule morphogenesis and function : a multidisciplinary survey”. De Tommasi E, Gielis J, Rogato A, Marine Genomics 35, 1 (2017).
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Distribution of atmospheric marine salt depositions over Continental Western Europe”. Delalieux F, Van Grieken R, Potgieter JH, Marine pollution bulletin 52, 606 (2006).
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Heavy metal contamination in sediments from the Belgian coast and Scheldt estuary”. Araújo MFD, Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Marine pollution bulletin 19, 269 (1988).
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Heavy metals in the Ganges estuary”. Subramanian V, Jha PK, Van Grieken R, Marine pollution bulletin 19, 290 (1988).
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Advanced imaging and simulations of precipitate interfaces in aluminium alloys and their role in phase transformations”. Zhang Z, Bourgeois L, Zhang Y, Rosalie JM, Medhekar N, MATEC web of conferences T2 –, 17th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA), October 26-29, 2020 , 09003 (2020).
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About “bulky&rdquo, links, generated by generalized Möbius Listing's bodies GML3n”. Tavkhelidze I, Cassisa C, Gielis J, Ricci PE, Matematica e applicazioni : atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei 24, 11 (2013).
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On the nucleation mechanism of {112} <, 111 >, mechanical twins in as-quenched beta metastable Ti-12 wt.% Mo alloy”. Marteleur M, Idrissi H, Amin-Ahmadi B, Prima F, Schryvers D, Jacques PJ, Materialia 7, Unsp 100418 (2019).
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Towards ductilization of high strength 7XXX aluminium alloys via microstructural modifications obtained by friction stir processing and heat treatments”. Lezaack MB, Hannard F, Zhao L, Orekhov A, Adrien J, Miettinen A, Idrissi H, Simar A, Materialia 20, 101248 (2021).
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Photo-responsive metal-organic frameworks –, design strategies and emerging applications in photocatalysis and adsorption”. Scandura G, Eid S, Alnajjar AA, Paul T, Karanikolos GN, Shetty D, Omer K, Alqerem R, Juma A, Wang H, Arafat HA, Dumee LF, Materials Advances 4, 1258 (2023).
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Nanoscale photovoltage mapping in CZTSe/CuxSe heterostructure by using kelvin probe force microscopy”. Vishwakarma M, Varandani D, Hendrickx M, Hadermann J, Mehta BR, Materials Research Express 7, 016418 (2020).
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Observation of vacancy clustering in Si crystals during in situ electron irradiation in a high voltage electron microscope”. Fedina L, van Landuyt J, Vanhellemont J, Aseev A, Materials Research Society symposium proceedings 404, 189 (1996)
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Reactions of high FeO-olivine rock with groundwater and redox-sensitive elements studied by surface-analytical methods and autoradiography”. Hellmuth KH, Siitari-Kaupi M, Rauhala E, Johansson B, Zilliacus R, Gijbels R, Adriaens A, Materials Research Society symposium proceedings 333, 947 (1994)
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Tuning of energy levels in a superlattice”. Peeters FM, Materials Research Society symposium proceedings 325, 471 (1994)
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Morphology and the chemical make-up of the inorganic components of black corals”. Nowak D, Florek M, Nowak J, Kwiatek W, Lekki J, Chevallier P, Hacura A, Wrzalik R, Ben-Nissan B, Van Grieken R, Kuczumow A, Materials science and engineering: part C: biomimetic materials 29, 1029 (2009).
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Voltammetric behaviour of nitroxazepine in solubilized system and biological fluids”. Jain R, Rather JA, Dwivedi A, Materials science and engineering: part C: biomimetic materials 31, 230 (2011).
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Point defect reactions in silicon studies in situ by high flux electron irradiation in high voltage transmission electron microscope”. Vanhellemont J, Romano-Rodriguez A, Fedina L, van Landuyt J, Aseev A, Materials science and technology 11, 1194 (1995)
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Crystallography of fullerites and related graphene textures”. van Landuyt J, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, Zhang XF, Zhang XB, Luyten W, Materials science forum 150/151, 53 (1994)
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CVD growth of monolayer WS2 through controlled seed formation and vapor density”. Yorulmaz B, Ozden A, Sar H, Ay F, Sevik C, Perkgoz NK, Materials science in semiconductor processing 93, 158 (2019).
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First-principles analysis of aluminium interaction with nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbons –, from adatom bonding to various”. Dobrota AS, Vlahovic J, V Skorodumova N, Pasti IA, Materials Today Communications 31, 103388 (2022).
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Quasiparticle twist dynamics in non-symmorphic materials”. Juneja R, Thebaud S, Pandey T, Polanco CA, Moseley DH, Manley ME, Cheng YQ, Winn B, Abernathy DL, Hermann RP, Lindsay L, Materials Today Physics 21, 100548 (2021).
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