Number of records found: 2109
Special issue: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis”. Janssens K, Journal of analytical atomic spectroscopy 14, 357 (1999)
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Micro-Raman and SEM analysis of minerals from the Darhib mine, Egypt”. Gatto Rotondo G, Darchuk L, Swaenen M, Van Grieken R, Journal of analytical sciences, methods and instrumentation 2, 42 (2012).
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XRDUA : crystalline phase distribution maps by two-dimensional scanning and tomographic (micro) X-ray powder diffraction”. de Nolf W, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Journal of applied crystallography 47, 1107 (2014).
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Predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity in a sandy grassland using proximally sensed apparent electrical conductivity”. Rezaei M, Saey T, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Boenne W, Van Meirvenne M, Cornelis W, Journal of applied geophysics 126, 35 (2016).
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On the electrostatic control achieved in transistors based on multilayered MoS2 : a first-principles study”. Lu AKA, Pourtois G, Luisier M, Radu IP, Houssa M, Journal of applied physics 121, 044505 (2017).
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Characterization of 18th century Portuguese glass from Real Fábrica de Vidros de Coina”. Lopes F, Lima A, Pires de Matos A, Custódio J, Cagno S, Schalm O, Janssens K, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14, 137 (2017).
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LA-ICP-MS labels early medieval Tuscan finds from Siena and Donoratico as late natron glass”. Hellemans K, Cagno S, Bogana L, Janssens K, Mendera M, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23, 844 (2019).
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Atmospheric concentrations and deposition of heavy metals over the North Sea: a literature review”. Injuk J, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 20, 179 (1995).
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Characterisation of soot emitted by domestic heating, aircraft and cars using diesel or biodiesel”. Smekens A, Godoi RHM, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 52, 45 (2005).
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Characterization of individual soot aggregates from different sources using image analysis”. Smekens A, Godoi RHM, Vervoort M, van Espen P, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 56, 211 (2007).
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Chemical characterization and multivariate analysis of atmospheric PM2.5 particles”. Ravindra K, Stranger M, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 59, 199 (2008).
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Elemental and single particle aerosol characterisation at a background station in Kazakhstan”. Hoornaert S, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 48, 301 (2004).
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Elemental composition of mineral aerosol generated from Sudan Sahara sand”. Eltayeb MAH, Injuk J, Maenhaut W, Van Grieken RE, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 40, 247 (2001).
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Single particle analysis of aerosols, observed in the marine boundary layer during the Monterey Area Ship Tracks Experiment (MAST), with respect to cloud droplet formation”. de Bock LA, Joos PE, Noone KJ, Pockalny RA, Van Grieken RE, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 37, 299 (2000).
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Single particle characterisation of the aerosol in the marine boundary layer and free troposphere over Tenerife, NE Atlantic, during ACE-2”. Hoornaert S, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 46, 271 (2003).
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Sources and transport of urban and biomass burning aerosol black carbon at the South-West Atlantic coast”. Evangelista H, Maldonado J, Godoi RHM, Pereira EB, Koch D, Tanizaki-Fonseca K, Van Grieken R, Sampaio M, Setzer A, Alencar A, Gonçalves SC, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 56, 225 (2007).
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Toxicity of iron oxide nanoparticles : size and coating effects”. Abakumov MA, Semkina AS, Skorikov AS, Vishnevskiy DA, Ivanova AV, Mironova E, Davydova GA, Majouga AG, Chekhonin VP, Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 32, e22225 (2018).
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Simulation of a controlled water heating system with demand response remunerated on imbalance market pricing”. Peeters M, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Journal of building engineering 27, 100969 (2020).
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Leasing out unused meeting room capacity to reduce future office space needs : a case study of The Hague, Netherlands”. Peeters M, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Journal of building engineering 44, 102953 (2021).
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A facile synthesis of Ag@PdAg core-shell architecture for efficient purification of ethene feedstock”. Ma R, He Y, Feng J, Hu Z-Y, Van Tendeloo G, Li D, Journal of catalysis 369, 440 (2019).
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Effects of salinity, pH and growth phase on the protein productivity by Dunaliella salina”. Sui Y, Vlaeminck SE, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology 94, 1032 (2019).
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Enhanced carbon and nitrogen removal performance of simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) with mannitol addition treating saline wastewater”. Yang Z, Zhu W, Yu D, Bo Y, Li J, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology 94, 377 (2019).
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Aqueous solubility calculation for petroleum mixtures in soil using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography analysis data”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Journal of chromatography : A 1216, 2873 (2009).
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Detailed analysis of petroleum hydrocarbon attenuation in biopiles by high-performance liquid chromatography followed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Journal of chromatography : A 1216, 1524 (2009).
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Fast analysis of decabrominated diphenyl ether using low-pressure gas chromatography.electron-capture negative ionization mass spectrometry”. Dirtu AC, Ravindra K, Roosens L, Van Grieken R, Neels H, Blust R, Covaci A, Journal of chromatography : A 1186, 295 (2008).
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Application of low-pressure gas chromatography-io-trap mass spectrometry to the analysis of the eseential oil of Turnera diffusa (Ward.) Urb”. Godoi AFL, Vilegas W, Godoi RHM, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1027, 127 (2004).
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Fast chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aerosol samples from sugar cane burning”. Godoi AFL, Ravindra K, Godoi RHM, Andrade SJ, Santiago-Silva M, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1027, 49 (2004).
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Low-pressure gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry for the fast determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air samples”. Ravindra K, Godoi AFL, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1114, 278 (2006).
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Trace analysis of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers in environmental samples by low-pressure gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry”. Joos PE, Godoi AFL, de Jong R, de Zeeuw J, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 985, 191 (2003).
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Use of solid-phase microextraction for the detection of acetic acid by ion-trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and application to indoor levels in museums”. Godoi AFL, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1067, 331 (2005).
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