Number of records found: 2109
Atmosferische fluxen van zware metalen naar de Noordzee”. Otten P, Injuk J, Rojas C, Van Grieken R, De ingenieur 5, 32 (1992)
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Echt of namaak? Venetiaans glas uit het oude Antwerpen”. de Raedt I, Janssens K, Veeckman J, De wetenschappelijke bibliotheek 67, 58 (1999)
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Microscopic X-ray fluorescence analysis at second and third generation synchrotron sources”. Janssens K, Adams F, Debye Institute synchrotron chronicle , 9 (1997)
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Characteristic mosaic texture related to orderingin AuCu-9at.%Ag pseudobinary alloy”. Yasuda K, Hisatsune K, Udoh K, Tanaka Y, Van Tendeloo G, van Landuyt J, Dentistry in Japan 29, 91 (1992)
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On the concept of a supervisory, fuzzy set logic based, advanced filtration control in membrane bioreactors”. Brauns E, van Hoof E, Huyskens C, de Wever H, Desalination and water treatment 29, 119 (2011).
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Integration of resource recovery into current waste management through (enhanced) landfill mining”. Hernandez Parrodi JC, Lucas H, Gigantino M, Sauve G, Esguerra JL, Einhäupl P, Vollprecht D, Pomberger R, Friedrich B, Van Acker K, Krook J, Svensson N, Van Passel S, Detritus Volume 08 - December 2019, 1 (2019).
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Developing stakeholder archetypes for enhanced landfill mining”. Einhäupl P, Van Acker K, Svensson N, Van Passel S, Detritus Volume 08 - December 2019, 1 (2019).
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Assessing the economic potential of landfill mining : review and recommendations”. Esguerra JL, Krook J, Svensson N, Van Passel S, Detritus Volume 08 - December 2019, 1 (2019).
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Reforming land-tenure systems in South Africa : routes to socio-economic and agricultural sustainability”. Hoeks C, Azadi H, Khachak PR, Troyo-Dieguez E, Van Passel S, Witlox F, Development policy review 32, 647 (2014).
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NO2 verkeersmetingen in Vlaanderen door passieve bemonstering”. Potgieter-Vermaak S, Stranger M, Verlinden L, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir natuurwetenskap en tegnologie 27, 266 (2008)
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Market power and sustainability : a new research agenda”. Biely K, Van Passel S, Discover Sustainability 3, 5 (2022).
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Comportement hydrogéochimique des éléments traces au cours de l'interaction eau –, roche en milieu alcalin”. Pentcheva EN, Petrov PS, Veldeman E, Van 't dack L, Gijbels R, Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 43, 51 (1990)
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Études génétiques du système “eau thermale –, gaz –, roche&rdquo, sous l'influence de phénomènes volcaniques récents”. Pentcheva EN, Petrov PS, Van 't dack L, Gijbels R, Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 48, 99 (1995)
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Recherches microchimiques comparatives (SME et AAN) d'hydrothermes des granites de la Bulgarie du Sud”. Pentcheva EN, Swenters K, Van 't dack L, Verlinden J, Gijbels R, Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 37, 509 (1984)
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Sur l'équilibre hydrogéochimique “solution –, suspension&rdquo, dans les systèmes hydrothermaux du socle cristallin”. Pentcheva EN, Veldeman E, Van 't dack L, Gijbels R, Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 49, 65 (1996)
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Composition of individual aerosol particles in the marine boundary layer over seas of the Western Russian Arctic”. Shevchenko VP, Van Grieken RE, van Malderen H, Lisitzin AP, Kuptsov VM, Serova VV, Doklady earth sciences 366, 546 (1999)
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Correlations géothermométriques des éléments-traces des hydrothermes de terrains granitiques (Bulgarie Méridionale)”. Pentcheva EN, Van 't dack L, Veldeman E, Gijbels R, Doklady na Balgarskata Akademija na Naukite 44, 85 (1992)
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Real-time electrochemical screening of cocaine in lab and field settings with automatic result generation”. de Jong M, Van Echelpoel R, Langley AR, Eliaerts J, van den Berg J, De Wilde M, Somers N, Samyn N, De Wael K, Drug testing and analysis 14, 1471 (2022).
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Characterisation of individual atmospheric particles within the Royal Museum of the Wawel Castle in Cracow, Poland”. Worobiec A, Stefaniak EA, Kontozova V, Samek L, Karaszkiewicz P, van Meel K, Van Grieken R, e-Preservation Science 3, 63 (2006)
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Composition of pigments on human bones found in excavations in Argentina studied with micro-Raman spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy”. Darchuk L, Stefaniak EA, Vázquez C, Palacios OM, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, e-Preservation Science 6, 112 (2009)
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Detection of a Ca-rich lithology in the Earth's deep (>, 300 km) convecting mantle”. Brenker FE, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Nasdala L, Stachel T, Vollmer C, Kersten M, Somogyi A, Adams F, Joswig W, Harris JW, Earth and planetary science letters 236, 579 (2005).
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Patterns of damage in igneous and sedimentary rocks under conditions simulating sea-salt weathering”. Cardell C, Rivas T, Mosquera MJ, Birginie JM, Moropoulou A, Prieto B, Silva B, Van Grieken R, Earth surface processes and landforms 28, 1 (2003).
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Fullerenen: een nieuwe vorm van koolstof”. Van Tendeloo G, Echo 3: essays voor chemie-onderwijs , 79 (1995)
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Modelling concentrations of airborne primary and secondary PM10 and PM2.5 with the BelEUROS-model in Belgium”. Deutsch F, Vankerkom J, Janssen L, Janssen S, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Fierens F, Dumont G, Mensink C, Ecological modelling 217, 230 (2008).
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Comparison of dwarf bamboos (Indocalamus sp.) leaf parameters to determine relationship between spatial density of plants and total leaf area per plant”. Shi P-J, Xu Q, Sandhu HS, Gielis J, Ding Y-L, Li H-R, Dong X-B, Ecology and evolution 5, 4578 (2015).
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A geometrical model for testing bilateral symmetry of bamboo leaf with a simplified Gielis equation”. Lin S, Zhang L, Reddy GVP, Hui C, Gielis J, Ding Y, Shi P, Ecology and evolution 6, 6798 (2016).
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Improving footprint calculations of small open economies : combining local with multi-regional input-output tables”. Christis M, Geerken T, Vercalsteren A, Vrancken KCM, Economic systems research 29, 25 (2017).
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Valuing urban ecosystem services in sustainable brownfield redevelopment”. De Valck J, Beames A, Liekens I, Bettens M, Seuntjens P, Broekx S, Ecosystem services 35, 139 (2019).
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Label-free impedance aptasensor for major peanut allergen Ara h 1”. Trashin S, De Jong M, Breugelmans T, Pilehvar S, De Wael K, Electroanalysis 27, 32 (2015).
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Highly sensitive and selective voltammetric sensor fullerene modified glassy carbon electrode for determination of cefitizoxime in solubilized system”. Jain R, Rather JA, Dwivedi A, Vikas, Electroanalysis 22, 2600 (2010).
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