Number of records found: 426
Hematite at its thinnest limit”. Bacaksiz C, Yagmurcukardes M, Peeters FM, Milošević, MV, 2d Materials 7, 025029 (2020).
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Double moiré, with a twist : supermoiré, in encapsulated graphene”. Andelkovic M, Milovanović, SP, Covaci L, Peeters FM, Nano Letters 20, 979 (2020).
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Molecular fluorescence imaging spectroscopy for mapping low concentrations of red lake pigments : Van Gogh's painting The Olive Orchard”. Dooley KA, Chieli A, Romani A, Legrand S, Miliani C, Janssens K, Delaney JK, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition (2020).
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Asphalt mixture reinforced with banana fibres”. da Costa LF, de Barros AG, de Figueiredo Lopes Lucena LC, de Figueiredo Lopes Lucena AE, Road Materials And Pavement Design (2020).
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Power Pulsing To Maximize Vibrational Excitation Efficiency in N2Microwave Plasma: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study”. Van Alphen S, Vermeiren V, Butterworth T, van den Bekerom DCM, van Rooij GJ, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 124, 1765 (2020).
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Nonlayered CdSe flakes homojunctions”. Jin B, Liang F, Hu Z-Y, Wei P, Liu K, Hu X, Van Tendeloo G, Lin Z, Li H, Zhou X, Xiong Q, Zhai T, Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1908902 (2020).
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Understanding superionic conductivity in lithium and sodium salts of weakly coordinating closo-hexahalocarbaborate anions”. Jorgensen M, Shea PT, Tomich AW, Varley JB, Bercx M, Lovera S, Cerny R, Zhou W, Udovic TJ, Lavallo V, Jensen TR, Wood BC, Stavila V, Chemistry of materials 32, 1475 (2020).
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Thin-layer potentiometry for creatinine detection in undiluted human urine using ion-exchange membranes as barriers for charged interferences”. Liu Y, Cánovas R, Crespo GA, Cuartero M, Analytical Chemistry 92, 3315 (2020).
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The impact of local hydrodynamics on high-rate activated sludge flocculation in laboratory and full-scale reactors”. Balemans S, Vlaeminck SE, Torfs E, Hartog L, Zaharova L, Rehman U, Nopens I, Processes 8, 131 (2020).
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Research frontiers in energy-related materials and applications for 2020-2030”. Blay V, Galian RE, Muresan LM, Pancratov D, Pinyou P, Zampardi G, Advanced sustainable systems 4, 1900145 (2020).
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The role of temperature and drive current in skyrmion dynamics”. Litzius K, Leliaert J, Bassirian P, Rodrigues D, Kromin S, Lemesh I, Zazvorka J, Lee K-J, Mulkers J, Kerber N, Heinze D, Keil N, Reeve RM, Weigand M, Van Waeyenberge B, Schuetz G, Everschor-Sitte K, Beach GSD, Klaeui M, Nature Electronics 3, 30 (2020).
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Photoelectrochemistry for measuring the photocatalytic activity of soluble photosensitizers”. Khan SU, Trashin SA, Korostei YS, Dubinina TV, Tomilova LG, Verbruggen SW, De Wael K, ChemPhotoChem 4, 300 (2020).
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Adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers toward climate change: evidence from Hamadan province in Iran”. Jamshidi O, Asadi A, Kalantari K, Movahhed Moghaddam S, Dadrass Javan F, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Witlox F, Climate And Development , 1 (2020).
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Amperometric flow-injection analysis of phenols induced by reactive oxygen species generated under daylight irradiation of titania impregnated with horseradish peroxidase”. Rahemi V, Trashin S, Hafideddine Z, Van Doorslaer S, Meynen V, Gorton L, De Wael K, Analytical Chemistry 92, 3643 (2020).
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Ovonic threshold-switching GexSey chalcogenide materials : stoichiometry, trap nature, and material relaxation from first principles”. Clima S, Garbin D, Opsomer K, Avasarala NS, Devulder W, Shlyakhov I, Keukelier J, Donadio GL, Witters T, Kundu S, Govoreanu B, Goux L, Detavernier C, Afanas'ev V, Kar GS, Pourtois G, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters , 1900672 (2020).
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CO2and CH4conversion in “real&rdquo, gas mixtures in a gliding arc plasmatron: how do N2and O2affect the performance?”.Slaets J, Aghaei M, Ceulemans S, Van Alphen S, Bogaerts A, Green Chemistry 22, 1366 (2020).
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CaLa2FeCoSbO9 and ALa2FeNiSbO9 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba): cation-ordered, inhomogeneous, ferrimagnetic perovskites”. Hendrickx M, Tang Y, Hunter EC, Battle PD, Cadogan Jm, Hadermann J, Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 285, 121226 (2020).
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TEM investigation of the role of the polycrystalline-silicon film/substrate interface in high quality radio frequency silicon substrates”. Ding L, Raskin J-P, Lumbeeck G, Schryvers D, Idrissi H, Materials Characterization 161, 110174 (2020).
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Bottle or tap? Toward an integrated approach to water type consumption”. Geerts R, Vandermoere F, Van Winckel T, Halet D, Joos P, Van Den Steen K, Van Meenen E, Blust R, Borregán-Ochando E, Vlaeminck SE, Water Research 173, 115578 (2020).
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Nitrogen fixation with water vapor by nonequilibrium plasma : toward sustainable ammonia production”. Gorbanev Y, Vervloessem E, Nikiforov A, Bogaerts A, Acs Sustainable Chemistry &, Engineering 8, 2996 (2020).
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Skyrmionic chains and lattices in s plus id superconductors”. Zhang L, Zhang Y-Y, Zha G-Q, Milošević, MV, Zhou S-P, Physical Review B 101, 064501 (2020).
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Formation of Hollow Gold Nanocrystals by Nanosecond Laser Irradiation”. González-Rubio G, Milagres de Oliveira T, Albrecht W, Díaz-Núñez P, Castro-Palacio JC, Prada A, González RI, Scarabelli L, Bañares L, Rivera A, Liz-Marzán LM, Peña-Rodríguez O, Bals S, Guerrero-Martínez A, Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 670 (2020).
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Circumventing Wear and Tear of Adaptive Porous Materials”. Canossa S, Ji Z, Wuttke S, Advanced Functional Materials , 1908547 (2020).
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Understanding air-tight case environments at the National Museum of the American Indian (Smithsonian Institution) by SPME-GC-MS analysis”. Alvarez-Martin A, McHugh K, Martin C, Kavich G, Kaczkowski R, Journal Of Cultural Heritage 44, 38 (2020).
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Interface for reproducible, multishot direct analysis of solid-phase microextraction samples”. Newsome GA, Kavich G, Alvarez-Martin A, Analytical Chemistry 92, 4182 (2020).
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Accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of large systems with parallel collective variable-driven hyperdynamics”. Fukuhara S, Bal KM, Neyts EC, Shibuta Y, Computational Materials Science 177, 109581 (2020).
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Co valence transformation in isopolar LaCoO3/LaTiO3 perovskite heterostructures via interfacial engineering”. Araizi-Kanoutas G, Geessinck J, Gauquelin N, Smit S, Verbeek XH, Mishra SK, Bencok P, Schlueter C, Lee T-L, Krishnan D, Fatermans J, Verbeeck J, Rijnders G, Koster G, Golden MS, Physical review materials 4, 026001 (2020).
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Chemistry reduction of complex CO2chemical kinetics: application to a gliding arc plasma”. Sun SR, Wang HX, Bogaerts A, Plasma Sources Science &, Technology 29, 025012 (2020).
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Early deformation mechanisms in the shear affected region underneath a copper sliding contact”. Haug C, Ruebeling F, Kashiwar A, Gumbsch P, Kübel C, Greiner C, Nature Communications 11, 839 (2020).
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Thermal-strain-engineered ferromagnetism of LaMnO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures grown on silicon”. Chen B, Gauquelin N, Reith P, Halisdemir U, Jannis D, Spreitzer M, Huijben M, Abel S, Fompeyrine J, Verbeeck J, Hilgenkamp H, Rijnders G, Koster G, Physical review materials 4, 024406 (2020).
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