Number of records found: 375
Critical reflections on Cinema Belgica : the database for New Cinema History in Belgium”. Ducatteeuw V, Biltereyst D, Meers P, Verbruggen C, Moreels D, Noordegraaf J, Chambers S, De Potter P, Cachet T, Franck N, Deroo F, Journal of open humanities data 9, 1 (2023).
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Templated Out‐of‐Equilibrium Self‐Assembly of Branched Au Nanoshells”. Marchetti A, Gori A, Ferretti AM, Esteban DA, Bals S, Pigliacelli C, Metrangolo P, Small , 2206712 (2023).
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Current State of Cold Atmospheric Plasma and Cancer‐Immunity Cycle: Therapeutic Relevance and Overcoming Clinical Limitations Using Hydrogels”. Živanić, M, Espona‐Noguera A, Lin A, Canal C, Advanced Science , 2205803 (2023).
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Deciphering the role of water in promoting the optoelectronic performance of surface-engineered lead halide perovskite nanocrystals”. Bhatia H, Martin C, Keshavarz M, Dovgaliuk I, Schrenker NJ, Ottesen M, Qiu W, Fron E, Bremholm M, Van de Vondel J, Bals S, Roeffaers MBJ, Hofkens J, Debroye E, ACS applied materials and interfaces 15, 7294 (2023).
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Crystal structure controls on oriented primary magnetite micro-inclusions in plagioclase From oceanic gabbro”. Bian G, Ageeva O, Roddatis V, Li C, Pennycook TJ, Habler G, Abart R, Journal of petrology 64, egad008 (2023).
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Longer dry and wet spells alter the stochasticity of microbial community assembly in grassland soils”. Li L, Nijs I, De Boeck H, Vinduskova O, Reynaert S, Donnelly C, Zi L, Verbruggen E, Soil biology and biochemistry 178, 108969 (2023).
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Benchmarking the photocatalytic self-cleaning activity of industrial and experimental materials with ISO 27448:2009”. Peeters H, Lenaerts S, Verbruggen SW, Materials 16, 1119 (2023).
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Rebound effects following technological advancement? The case of a global shock in ferrochrome supply”. Buyle M, Audenaert A, Brusselaers J, Van Passel S, Journal of cleaner production 391, 136264 (2023).
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Chester supersolid of spatially indirect excitons in double-layer semiconductor heterostructures”. Conti S, Perali A, Hamilton AR, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Neilson D, Physical review letters 130, 057001 (2023).
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A brief review on Multiphysics modelling of the various physical and chemical phenomena occurring in active oxidation reactors”. Baetens D, Schoofs K, Somers N, Denys S, Current opinion in green and sustainable chemistry 40, 100764 (2023).
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Multiband flattening and linear Dirac band structure in graphene with impurities”. Ahmadkhani S, Alihosseini M, Ghasemi S, Ahmadabadi I, Hassani N, Peeters FM, Neek-Amal M, Physical review B 107, 075401 (2023).
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Direct observation of cation diffusion driven surface reconstruction at van der Waals gaps”. Cui W, Lin W, Lu W, Liu C, Gao Z, Ma H, Zhao W, Van Tendeloo G, Zhao W, Zhang Q, Sang X, Nature communications 14, 554 (2023).
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Dynamic spectral cues do not affect human sound localization during small head movements”. McLachlan G, Majdak P, Reijniers J, Mihocic M, Peremans H, Frontiers in neuroscience 17, 1027827 (2023).
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Functionalization of graphitic carbon nitride systems by cobalt and cobalt-iron oxides boosts solar water oxidation performances”. Benedet M, Andrea Rizzi G, Gasparotto A, Gauquelin N, Orekhov A, Verbeeck J, Maccato C, Barreca D, Applied surface science 618, 156652 (2023).
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Nitrogen Fixation by an Arc Plasma at Elevated Pressure to Increase the Energy Efficiency and Production Rate of NOx”. Tsonev I, O’Modhrain C, Bogaerts A, Gorbanev Y, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 1888 (2023).
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Postplasma Catalytic Model for NO Production: Revealing the Underlying Mechanisms to Improve the Process Efficiency”. Eshtehardi HA, van 't Veer K, Delplancke M-P, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 1720 (2023).
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Postplasma Catalytic Model for NO Production: Revealing the Underlying Mechanisms to Improve the Process Efficiency”. Eshtehardi HA, Van ‘t Veer K, Delplancke M-P, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 1720 (2023).
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Postplasma Catalytic Model for NO Production: Revealing the Underlying Mechanisms to Improve the Process Efficiency”. Eshtehardi HA, Van ‘t Veer K, Delplancke M-P, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 1720 (2023).
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Feasibility of packed-bed trickling filters for partial nitritation/anammox : effects of carrier material, bottom ventilation openings, hydraulic loading rate and free ammonia”. Xie Y, Jia M, De Wilde F, Daeninck K, De Clippeleir H, Verstraete W, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 373, 128713 (2023).
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Strong gate-tunability of flat bands in bilayer graphene due to moiré, encapsulation between hBN monolayers”. Smeyers R, Milošević, MV, Covaci L, Nanoscale 15, 4561 (2023).
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Effect of hydrostatic pressure on lone pair activity and phonon transport in Bi₂O₂S”. Yedukondalu N, Pandey T, Roshan SCR, ACS applied energy materials 6, 2401 (2023).
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Ammonia decomposition in a dielectric barrier discharge plasma: Insights from experiments and kinetic modeling”. Andersen Ja, van 't Veer K, Christensen Jm, Østberg M, Bogaerts A, Jensen Ad, Chemical engineering science 271, 118550 (2023).
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Germanium vacancy centre formation in CVD nanocrystalline diamond using a solid dopant source”. Mary Joy R, Pobedinskas P, Bourgeois E, Chakraborty T, Görlitz J, Herrmann D, Noël C, Heupel J, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, D'Haen J, Verbeeck J, Popov C, Houssiau L, Becher C, Nesládek M, Haenen K, Science talks 5, 100157 (2023).
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Integration of smart nanomaterials for highly selective disposable sensors and their forensic applications in amphetamine determination”. Almabadi MH, Truta FM, Adamu G, Cowen T, Tertis M, Alanazi KDM, Stefan M-G, Piletska E, Kiss B, Cristea C, De Wael K, Piletsky SA, Cruz AG, Electrochimica acta 446, 142009 (2023).
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A decade of atom-counting in STEM: From the first results toward reliable 3D atomic models from a single projection”. De Backer A, Bals S, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy , 113702 (2023).
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Real-time tilt undersampling optimization during electron tomography of beam sensitive samples using golden ratio scanning and RECAST3D”. Craig TM, Kadu AA, Batenburg KJ, Bals S, Nanoscale 15, 5391 (2023).
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Unveiling the intrinsic structure and intragrain defects of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites by ultralow dose transmission electron microscopy”. Yang C-Q, Zhi R, Rothmann MU, Xu Y-Y, Li L-Q, Hu Z-Y, Pang S, Cheng Y-B, Van Tendeloo G, Li W, Advanced materials , 1 (2023).
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Detection and measurement of picoseconds-pulsed laser energy using a NbTiN superconducting filament”. Harrabi K, Gasmi K, Mekki A, Bahlouli H, Kunwar S, Milošević, MV, IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 33, 2400205 (2023).
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Enhanced Pomegranate‐Structured SnO2Electrocatalysts for the Electrochemical CO2Reduction to Formate”. Daele KV, Arenas‐Esteban D, Choukroun D, Hoekx S, Rossen A, Daems N, Pant D, Bals S, Breugelmans T, ChemElectroChem (2023).
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Stakeholder perspectives on farmers' resistance towards urban land-use changes in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia”. Fitawok MB, Derudder B, Minale AS, Van Passel S, Adgo E, Nyssen J, Journal of land use science 18, 25 (2023).
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