Number of records found: 426
Effect of plasma-induced oxidative stress on the glycolysis pathway of Escherichia coli”. Ranjbar S, Shahmansouri M, Attri P, Bogaerts A, Computers In Biology And Medicine 127, 104064 (2020).
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Magnetic Ordering in the Layered Cr(II) Oxide Arsenides Sr2CrO2Cr2As2and Ba2CrO2Cr2As2”. Xu X, Jones MA, Cassidy SJ, Manuel P, Orlandi F, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Clarke SJ, Inorganic Chemistry 59, 15898 (2020).
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Atomic and electronic structure of a multidomain GeTe crystal”. Frolov AS, Sanchez-Barriga J, Callaert C, Hadermann J, Fedorov A V, Usachov DY, Chaika AN, Walls BC, Zhussupbekov K, Shvets I V, Muntwiler M, Amati M, Gregoratti L, Varykhalov AY, Rader O, Yashina L V, Acs Nano 14, 16576 (2020).
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Ab-initio study of magnetically intercalated Tungsten diselenide”. Reyntjens PD, Tiwari S, Van de Put ML, Sorée B, Vandenberghe WG, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices : [proceedings] T2 –, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and, Devices (SISPAD), SEP 23-OCT 06, 2020 , 97 (2020).
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Ligand-Mode Directed Selectivity in Cu–Ag Core–Shell Based Gas Diffusion Electrodes for CO2Electroreduction”. Irtem E, Arenas Esteban D, Duarte M, Choukroun D, Lee S, Ibáñez M, Bals S, Breugelmans T, Acs Catalysis , 13468 (2020).
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Tackling the problem of sensing commonly abused drugs through nanomaterials and (bio)recognition approaches”. Truta F, Florea A, Cernat A, Tertis M, Hosu O, De Wael K, Cristea C, Frontiers In Chemistry 8, 561638 (2020).
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Arc plasma reactor modification for enhancing performance of dry reforming of methane”. Dinh DK, Trenchev G, Lee DH, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Co2 Utilization 42, 101352 (2020).
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Advanced imaging and simulations of precipitate interfaces in aluminium alloys and their role in phase transformations”. Zhang Z, Bourgeois L, Zhang Y, Rosalie JM, Medhekar N, MATEC web of conferences T2 –, 17th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA), October 26-29, 2020 , 09003 (2020).
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Advances in Plasma Oncology toward Clinical Translation”. Lin A, Stapelmann K, Bogaerts A, Cancers 12, 3283 (2020).
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Electroactivity of superoxide anion in aqueous phosphate buffers analyzed with platinized microelectrodes”. Lefrancois P, Girard-Sahun F, Badets V, Clement F, Arbault S, Electroanalysis (2020).
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Back hopping in spin transfer torque switching of perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions”. Devolder T, Bultynck O, Bouquin P, Nguyen VD, Rao S, Wan D, Sorée B, Radu IP, Kar GS, Couet S, Physical Review B 102, 184406 (2020).
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Do aptamers always bind? The need for a multifaceted analytical approach when demonstrating binding affinity between aptamer and low molecular weight compounds”. Bottari F, Daems E, de Vries A-M, Van Wielendaele P, Trashin S, Blust R, Sobott F, Madder A, Martins JC, De Wael K, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 142, jacs.0c08691 (2020).
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Prevalence of oxygen defects in an in-plane anisotropic transition metal dichalcogenide”. Plumadore R, Baskurt M, Boddison-Chouinard J, Lopinski G, Modarresi M, Potasz P, Hawrylak P, Sahin H, Peeters FM, Luican-Mayer A, Physical Review B 102, 205408 (2020).
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Misfit phase (BiSe)1.10NbSe2 as the origin of superconductivity in niobium-doped bismuth selenide”. Kamminga ME, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Clarke SJ, Communications Materials 1, 82 (2020).
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Strain-engineered metal-to-insulator transition and orbital polarization in nickelate superlattices integrated on silicon”. Chen B, Gauquelin N, Jannis D, Cunha DM, Halisdemir U, Piamonteze C, Lee JH, Belhadi J, Eltes F, Abel S, Jovanovic Z, Spreitzer M, Fompeyrine J, Verbeeck J, Bibes M, Huijben M, Rijnders G, Koster G, Advanced Materials , 2004995 (2020).
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Two distinctive regimes in the charge transport of a magnetic topological ultra thin film”. Sabzalipour A, Mir M, Zarenia M, Partoens B, New Journal Of Physics 22, 123004 (2020).
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Blue energy conversion from holey-graphene-like membranes with a high density of subnanometer pores”. Wang H, Su L, Yagmurcukardes M, Chen J, Jiang Y, Li Z, Quan A, Peeters FM, Wang C, Geim AK, Hu S, Nano Letters 20, 8634 (2020).
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Identifying VOCs in exhibition cases and efflorescence on museum objects exhibited at Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian-New York”. Alvarez-Martin A, George J, Kaplan E, Osmond L, Bright L, Newsome GA, Kaczkowski R, Vanmeert F, Kavich G, Heald S, Heritage science 8, 115 (2020).
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Single femtosecond laser pulse excitation of individual cobalt nanoparticles”. Savchenko TM, Buzzi M, Howald L, Ruta S, Vijayakumar J, Timm M, Bracher D, Saha S, Derlet PM, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Chantrell RW, Vaz CAF, Nolting F, Kleibert A, Physical Review B 102, 205418 (2020).
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Two-dimensional electron systems in perovskite oxide heterostructures : role of the polarity-induced substitutional defects”. Lin S-C, Kuo C-T, Shao Y-C, Chuang Y-D, Geessinck J, Huijben M, Rueff J-P, Graff IL, Conti G, Peng Y, Bostwick A, Gullikson E, Nemsak S, Vailionis A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Ghiringhelli G, Schneider CM, Fadley CS, Physical review materials 4, 115002 (2020).
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Plasma Catalysis for CO2Hydrogenation: Unlocking New Pathways toward CH3OH”. Michiels R, Engelmann Y, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 124, 25859 (2020).
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Oxidative Stress-Inducing Anticancer Therapies: Taking a Closer Look at Their Immunomodulating Effects”. Van Loenhout J, Peeters M, Bogaerts A, Smits E, Deben C, Antioxidants 9, 1188 (2020).
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Fast Electron Tomography for Nanomaterials”. Albrecht W, Bals S, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C , acs.jpcc.0c08939 (2020).
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Coverage determinants of breast cancer screening in Flanders : an evaluation of the past decade”. Ding L, Jidkova S, Greuter MJW, Van Herck K, Goossens M, Martens P, de Bock GH, Van Hal G, International journal for equity in health 19, 212 (2020).
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Physical Plasma-Treated Skin Cancer Cells Amplify Tumor Cytotoxicity of Human Natural Killer (NK) Cells”. Clemen R, Heirman P, Lin A, Bogaerts A, Bekeschus S, Cancers 12, 3575 (2020).
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Critical Evaluation of the Interaction of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species with Blood to Inform the Clinical Translation of Nonthermal Plasma Therapy”. Lin A, Biscop E, Breen C, Butler SJ, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Jakovljevic V, Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity 2020, 1 (2020).
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Machine learning approach to constructing tight binding models for solids with application to BiTeCl”. Nakhaee M, Ketabi SA, Peeters FM, Journal Of Applied Physics 128, 215107 (2020).
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Alloy CsCdxPb1–xBr3Perovskite Nanocrystals: The Role of Surface Passivation in Preserving Composition and Blue Emission”. Imran M, Ramade J, Di Stasio F, De Franco M, Buha J, Van Aert S, Goldoni L, Lauciello S, Prato M, Infante I, Bals S, Manna L, Chemistry Of Materials 32, acs.chemmater.0c03825 (2020).
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Optoelectronic properties of confined water in angstrom-scale slits”. Shekarforoush S, Jalali H, Yagmurcukardes M, Milošević, MV, Neek-Amal M, Physical Review B 102, 235406 (2020).
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The novel method to reduce the silica content in lignin recovered from black liquor originating from rice straw”. Do NH, Pham HH, Le TM, Lauwaert J, Diels L, Verberckmoes A, Do NHN, Tran VT, Le PK, Scientific Reports 10, 21263 (2020).
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