Number of records found: 2109
Analise de solos por meio de fluorescencia de raios-X nao-dispersiva”. Costa Dantas C, Da Silveira Dantas H, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Química nova 4, 110 (1981)
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Analisis cuantitativo sin estandares de particulas individuales mediante microsonda de electrones”. Trincavelli JC, Van Grieken R page 273 (1996).
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Van Grieken R (1973) Analyse van ferro-metalen door activering met 14 MeV neutronen. 128 p
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Analysis of biological materials from Tanzania by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis”. Koleleni YIA, Van Grieken R, Tanzania journal of science 16, 143 (1990)
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Analysis of heterogeneous CaCO3-CaSO4 single particles using ultra-thin window EPMA”. Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Van Grieken RE, (2000)
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Analysis of individual aerosol particles in Siberian region: provisional results”. van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, Khodzher TV, Bufetov NS, Koutsenogii KP, Atmospheric and oceanic optics 7, 622 (1994)
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Analysis of individual environmental particles using ultra-thin window EPXMA”. Ro C-U, Osán J, Van Grieken R, (1998)
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Analysis of Malagasy medical herbs by X-ray fluorescence in total reflectivity”. Razafindramisa FL, Andriambololona R, Brunel M, Van Grieken RE, Journal de physique: 4 6, 833 (1996)
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Analytical electron microscopy of single particles”. Markowicz A, Raeymaekers B, Van Grieken R, Adams F page 173 (1986).
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Buczyń,ska AJ (2014) Analytical methodology for combined stable carbon isotope ratio and concentration measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air particulate matter. 186 p
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Analytical methods to study atmospheric pollution and weathering of materials”. Van Grieken R, Cardell C, Delalieux F, Eyckmans K page 163 (2001).
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Analytical study of the weathering of building stones under field-exposure conditions”. Van Grieken R, Vleugels G, Sweevers E, Dewolfs R, European cultural heritage newsletter on research 8, 2 (1994)
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Van Grieken R, Hoste J (1972) Annotated bibliography on 14 MeV neutron activation analysis. 293 p
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Anorganische sporenanalyse voor milieuonderzoek”. Van Grieken R, (1986)
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Application of atmospheric plasma-jets for the conservation of cultural heritage”. Grieten E, Storme P, Caen J, Schalm O, Schryvers D, (2015)
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Application of chemometric methods for classification of atmospheric particles based on thin-window electron probe microanalysis data”. Osán J, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Szalóki I, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 446, 211 (2001)
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Application of combined SEM/EDX and μ-Raman approaches for the chemical and structural characterisation of fine particulates”. de Maeyer-Worobiec A, Stefaniak EA, Brooker A, Van Grieken R, (2007)
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Application of laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA) to problems in nephrology”. Verbueken AH, Van de Vyver FL, Visser WJ, de Broe ME, Van Grieken RE page 987 (1986).
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Application of proton induced X-ray emission analysis to the St. Louis regional air pollution study”. Akselsson R, Orsini C, Meinert DL, Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Kaufmann HC, Chapman KR, Nelson JW, Winchester JW, (1976)
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Applications of laser microprobe mass analysis in medicine”. Verbueken AH, van de Vijver FL, de Broe ME, Van Grieken RE, CRC critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences 24, 263 (1987)
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Aspectos geoquimicos da Formaçao Longa (Devoniano Superior do Piaui-Maranhao)”. Duarte PJ, Mabesoone JM, Van Grieken R, Delgado A, Estudos geologicos 3, 79 (1979)
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Assessment of air pollutant levels in some European museums and churches”. Kontozova V, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Godoi R, Van Grieken R, Deutsch F, Bencs L page 245 (2005).
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Assessment of atmospheric particles emitted from sugar cane burning in Southeast Brazil”. Godoi RHM, Godoi AFL, Andrade SJ, Santiago-Silva M, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Journal od aerosol science , S749 (2003)
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Van Grieken R, Delalieux F, Potgieter S (2003) Assessment of damage caused by air pollution. 35 p
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Assessment of homogeneity of candidate reference material at the nanogram level and investigation on representativeness of single particle analysis using electron probe X-ray microanalysis”. Ro C-U, Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R page 17 (2002).
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Atmosferische fluxen van zware metalen naar de Noordzee”. Otten P, Injuk J, Rojas C, Van Grieken R, Het ingenieursblad 61, 41 (1992)
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Atmosferische fluxen van zware metalen naar de Noordzee”. Otten P, Injuk J, Rojas C, Van Grieken R, De ingenieur 5, 32 (1992)
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Atmospheric aerosol and stone conservation”. Van Grieken R, Delalieux F, Cardell Fernandez C page 111 (1999).
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Atmospheric aerosol particles: a review on sources, sinks and effects”. Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R, (2002)
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Atmospheric aerosols and deposition near historic buildings: chemistry, sources, interrelationships and relevance”. Van Grieken R, Torfs K, (1996)
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