Number of records found: 2704
Interface thermal conductivities induced by van der Waals interactions”. Dong HM, Liang HP, Tao ZH, Duan YF, Milošević, MV, Chang K, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 26, 4047 (2024).
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Whole transcriptome analysis highlights nutrient limitation of nitrogen cycle bacteria in simulated microgravity”. Verbeelen T, Fernandez CA, Nguyen TH, Gupta S, Aarts R, Tabury K, Leroy B, Wattiez R, Vlaeminck SE, Leys N, Ganigué, R, Mastroleo F, NPJ microgravity 10, 3 (2024).
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Engineering green wall botanical biofiltration to abate indoor volatile organic compounds : a review on mechanisms, phyllosphere bioaugmentation, and modeling”. Alvarado-Alvarado AA, Smets W, Irga P, Denys S, Journal of hazardous materials 465, 133491 (2024).
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Voltammetric drug testing makes sense at the border”. Van Echelpoel R, De Wael K, Nature Reviews Chemistry , 1 (2024).
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Rhodotorula kratochvilovae outperforms Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosum in the valorisation of lignocellulosic wastewater to microbial oil”. Broos W, Wittner N, Dries J, Vlaeminck SE, Gunde-Cimerman N, Cornet I, Process biochemistry (1991) 137, 229 (2024).
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Low-pressure inductively coupled plasmas in hydrogen : impact of gas heating on the spatial distribution of atomic hydrogen and vibrationally excited states”. Smith GJ, Diomede P, Gibson AR, Doyle SJ, Guerra V, Kushner MJ, Gans T, Dedrick JP, Plasma sources science and technology 33, 025002 (2024).
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Contrasting responses of fine root biomass and traits to large-scale nitrogen and phosphorus addition in tropical forests in the Guiana shield”. Lugli LF, Fuchslueger L, Vallicrosa H, Van Langenhove L, Ranits C, Garberi PRF, Verryckt L, Grau O, Brechet L, Peguero G, Llusia J, Ogaya R, Marquez L, Portillo-Estrada M, Ramirez-Rojas I, Courtois E, Stahl C, Sardans J, Penuelas J, Verbruggen E, Janssens I, Oikos: a journal of ecology 2024, e10412 (2024).
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On-chip very low strain rate rheology of amorphous olivine films”. Coulombier M, Baral P, Orekhov A, Dohmen R, Raskin JP, Pardoen T, Cordier P, Idrissi H, Acta materialia 266, 119693 (2024).
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Reduction of magnetic interaction due to clustering in doped transition-metal dichalcogenides : a case study of Mn-, V-, and Fe-doped WSe₂”. Tiwari S, Van de Put M, Sorée B, Hinkle C, Vandenberghe WG, ACS applied materials and interfaces 16, 4991 (2024).
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Recent progress in developing non-noble metal-based photocathodes for solar green hydrogen production”. Minja AC, Ag KR, Raes A, Borah R, Verbruggen SW, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 43, 101000 (2024).
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Why, how, when, and for whom does digital disconnection work? A process-based framework of digital disconnection”. Vanden Abeele MMP, Vandebosch H, Koster EHW, De Leyn T, Van Gaeveren K, de Segovia Vicente D, Van Bruyssel S, van Timmeren T, De Marez L, Poels K, DeSmet A, De Wever B, Verbruggen M, Baillien E, Communication theory 34, 3 (2024).
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Can permanent grassland soils with elevated organic carbon buffer negative effects of more persistent precipitation regimes on forage grass performance?”.Reynaert S, D’Hose T, de Boeck HJ, Laorden D, Dult L, Verbruggen E, Nijs I, The science of the total environment 918, 170623 (2024).
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Comparative analysis of tight-binding models for transition metal dichalcogenides”. Jorissen B, Covaci L, Partoens B, SciPost physics core 7, 004 (2024).
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Mitigated oxygen loss in lithium-rich manganese-based cathode enabled by strong Zr-O affinity”. Wang G, Xie C, Wang H, Li Q, Xia F, Zeng W, Peng H, Van Tendeloo G, Tan G, Tian J, Wu J, Advanced functional materials , 2313672 (2024).
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A Pareto aggregation approach for environmental-economic multi-objective optimization applied on a second-generation bioethanol production model”. Vasilakou K, Billen P, Van Passel S, Nimmegeers P, Energy conversion and management 303, 118184 (2024).
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A 3D-printed hollow microneedle-based electrochemical sensing device for in situ plant health monitoring”. Parrilla M, Sena-Torralba A, Steijlen A, Morais S, Maquieira Á, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 251, 116131 (2024).
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Upscaling plasma-based CO₂, conversion : case study of a multi-reactor gliding arc plasmatron”. O'Modhrain C, Trenchev G, Gorbanev Y, Bogaerts A, ACS Engineering Au (2024).
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The environmental impacts of the lignin-first biorefineries : a consequential life cycle assessment approach”. Tschulkow M, Pizzol M, Compernolle T, Van den Bosch S, Sels B, Van Passel S, Resources, conservation and recycling 204, 107466 (2024).
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Plasmonic photocatalytic coatings with self-cleaning, antibacterial, air and water purifying properties tested according to ISO standards”. Peeters H, Raes A, Verbruggen SW, Journal of photochemistry and photobiology: A: chemistry 451, 115529 (2024).
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Photoluminescence of germanium-vacancy centers in nanocrystalline diamond films : implications for quantum sensing applications”. Joy RM, Pobedinskas P, Bourgeois E, Chakraborty T, Goerlitz J, Herrmann D, Noel C, Heupel J, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, D'Haen J, Verbeeck J, Popov C, Houssiau L, Becher C, Nesladek M, Haenen K, ACS applied nano materials 7, 3873 (2024).
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Using natural language processing to monitor circular activities and employment”. Borms L, Multani M, Bachus K, Dams Y, Brusselaers J, Van Passel S, Sustainable Production and Consumption 46, 42 (2024).
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Towards fully electrically controlled domain-wall logic”. Vermeulen BB, Raymenants E, Pham VT, Pizzini S, Sorée B, Wostyn K, Couet S, Nguyen VD, Temst K, AIP advances 14, 025030 (2024).
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On the role of microstructural defects on precipitation, damage, and healing behavior in a novel Al-0.5Mg2Si alloy”. Kashiwar A, Arseenko M, Simar A, Idrissi H, Materials &, design 239, 112765 (2024).
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Competition of disorder and electron-phonon coupling in 2H-TaSe2-xSx (0≤x≤2) as evidenced by Raman spectroscopy”. Blagojević, J, Mijin SD, Bekaert J, Opačić, M, Liu Y, Milošević, MV, Petrović, C, Popović, ZV, Lazarević, N, Physical review materials 8, 024004 (2024).
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Importance of design and operating parameters in a sonication system for viscous solutions : effects of input power, horn tip diameter and reactor capacity”. Bampouli A, Goris Q, Hussain MN, Louisnard O, Stefanidis GD, Van Gerven T, Chemical engineering and processing 198, 109715 (2024).
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Ionization and neutral gas heating efficiency in radio frequency electrothermal microthrusters : the role of driving frequency”. Leigh S, Doyle SJ, Smith GJ, Gibson AR, Boswell RW, Charles C, Dedrick JP, Physics of plasmas 31, 023509 (2024).
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Soil warming increases the number of growing bacterial taxa but not their growth rates”. Metze D, Schnecker J, Le Noir de Carlan C, Bhattarai B, Verbruggen E, Ostonen I, Janssens IA, Sigurdsson BD, Hausmann B, Kaiser C, Richter A, Science Advances 10, eadk6295 (2024).
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The organo-metal-like nature of long-range conduction in cable bacteria”. Pankratov D, Hidalgo Martinez S, Karman C, Gerzhik A, Gomila G, Trashin S, Boschker HTS, Geelhoed JS, Mayer D, De Wael K, Meysman FJR, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 157, 108675 (2024).
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Magnetization-switching dynamics driven by chiral coupling”. Vermeulen BB, Monteiro MG, Giuliano D, Sorée B, Couet S, Temst K, Nguyen VD, Physical review applied 21, 024050 (2024).
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Assessing policy impacts on nutrient circularity : a comprehensive review”. Teleshkan E, Van Schoubroeck S, Spiller M, Van Passel S, Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems , 1 (2024).
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