Number of records found: 2704
Effects of air pollution on historic buildings and monuments (1986-1990): scientific basis for conservation: analytical study of the weathering of building stones under field-exposure conditions”. Van Grieken R, Vleugels G, Sweevers E, Dewolfs R, European cultural heritage newsletter on research 8, 2 (1994)
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Effects of marine spray and air pollution on monuments in the Mediterranean coastal environment”. Torfs K, Van Grieken R page 170 (1996).
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Einfluss verschiedener Silbersalze auf die Farbintensität von Silbergelb : analytische Untersuchungen”. De Vis K, Jembrih-Simbürger D, Schalm O, Schreiner M, Caen J, Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 16, 147 (2002)
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Lou W-K (2012) The electrical properties of low low dimensional topological insulators. 186 p
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Electromagnetic characterization of supershaped lens antennas for high-frequency applications”. Bia P, Caratelli D, Mescia L, Gielis J page 1679 (2013).
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Electron energy-loss spectroscopy and its application to individual particle analysis”. Xhoffer C, Jacob W, Van Grieken R, Broekaert JAC, Buseck P, (1992)
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Electron microprobe observations of recrystallization affecting PIXE-analysis of marine aerosol deposits”. Storms H, Van Dyck P, Van Grieken R, Maenhaut W, Journal of trace and microprobe techniques 2, 103 (1985)
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Electron probe micro-analysis and laser microprobe mass analysis of material, leached from a limestone cathedral”. Leysen LA, De Waele JK, Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Scanning microscopy 1, 1617 (1987)
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Electron probe X-ray microanalysis for the assessment of homogeneity of candidate reference materials at the nanogram level”. Hoornaert S, Treiger B, Van Grieken R, Valkovic V page 29 (1996).
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Rahemi V (2018) Electrosensing applications by using titania as a support for bio(inspired) molecules. 133 p
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Elemental analysis of aerosol-size fractions by proton-induced X-ray-emission”. Johansson TB, Nelson JW, Van Grieken RE, Winchester JW, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 17, 103 (1973)
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The elemental composition and microstructure of soot emitted by different sources”. Smekens A, Knupfer M, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 917 (2000)
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Vargas Paredes AA (2020) Emergent phenomena in superconductors in presence of intraband and cross-band pairing. 142 p
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Enabling partial nitritation/anammox on pre-treated sewage with IFAS : aeration and floc SRT control strategies limit nitrate production”. Seuntjens D, Carvajal Arroyo JM, Molina J, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis of geological materials in borax beads using Tertian's binary coefficient approach combined with internal standard addition”. Muia LM, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 20, 179 (1991)
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Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence for direct trace analysis of biomedical and environmental samples”. Van Grieken R, Robberecht H, Shani J, Van Dyck P, Vos L page 159 (1982).
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Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence for trace metals analysis of water”. Vanderborght B, Van Grieken R page 1 (1975).
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Energy efficient treatment of A-stage effluent : pilot-scale experiences with short-cut nitrogen removal”. Seuntjens D, Bundervoet BLM, Mollen H, De Mulder C, Wypkema E, Verliefde A, Nopens I, Colsen JGM, Vlaeminck SE, , 10 p. T2 (2015)
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Enrichment of trace metals in water by adsorption on activated carbon”. Vanderborght BM, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 49, 311 (1977)
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Enrichment procedures for water analysis by X-ray energy spectrometry”. Van Grieken R, Bresseleers K, Smits J, Vanderborght B, Vanderstappen M, (1976)
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Enthalpy model for heating, melting, and vaporization in laser ablation”. Alexiades V, Autrique D, Electronic journal of differential equations , 1 (2010)
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Environmental aerosol characterization by single particle analysis techniques”. Xhoffer C, Van Grieken R page 207 (1993).
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Environmental conditions controlling the chemical weathering of the Madara Horseman monument, NE Bulgaria”. Delalieux F, Cardell C, Todorov V, Dekov V, Van Grieken R, Journal of cultural heritage 2, 43 (2001)
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Environmental monitoring in four European museums”. Camuffo D, Van Grieken R, Busse H-J, Sturaro G, Valentino A, Bernardi A, Blades N, Shooter D, Gysels K, Deutsch F, Wieser M, Kim O, Ulrych U, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 35, S127 (2001)
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Environmental problems”. Jambers W, Van Grieken RE page 803 (1997).
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Er bestaan geen absurde, irrationele, onregelmatige of onderling niet-onmeetbare meetkundige getallen”. Gielis J, Wiskunde en onderwijs 47, 23 (2021)
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Estudio de la contaminacion del aire urbano en cuatro museos de Argentina”. Vazquez C, Boeykens S, Palacios O, Caracciolo N, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Krupińska B, Van Grieken R page 271 (2013).
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Evaluation of different techniques used to determine aluminium in patients with chronic renal failure”. Visser WJ, Van de Vyver FL, Verbueken AH, d'Haese P, Bekaert AB, Van Grieken RE, Duursma SA, de Broe ME, (1985)
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Evidence of magnetostrictive effects on STT-MRAM performance by atomistic and spin modeling”. Sankaran K, Swerts J, Carpenter R, Couet S, Garello K, Evans RFL, Rao S, Kim W, Kundu S, Crotti D, Kar GS, Pourtois G, 2018 Ieee International Electron Devices Meeting (iedm) (2018)
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Cui Z (2021) Experimental and theoretical study on SF6 degradation by packed-bed DBD plasma
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