Number of records found: 2255
First-principles exploration of superconductivity in MXenes”. Bekaert J, Sevik C, Milošević, MV, Nanoscale 12, 17354 (2020).
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Interfacial characteristics, Schottky contact, and optical performance of a graphene/Ga2SSe van der Waals heterostructure: Strain engineering and electric field tunability”. Nguyen HTT, Obeid MM, Bafekry A, Idrees M, Vu TV, Phuc H V, Hieu NN, Le Hoa T, Amin B, Nguyen C V, Physical Review B 102, 075414 (2020).
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Asymmetric versus symmetric HgTe/CdxHg1-x Te double quantum wells: Bandgap tuning without electric field”. Topalovic DB, Arsoski VV, Tadic MZ, Peeters FM, Journal Of Applied Physics 128, 064301 (2020).
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Insights into water permeation through hBN nanocapillaries by ab initio machine learning molecular dynamics simulations”. Ghorbanfekr H, Behler J, Peeters FM, Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 7363 (2020).
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Out-of-plane permittivity of confined water”. Jalali H, Ghorbanfekr H, Hamid I, Neek-Amal M, Rashidi R, Peeters FM, Physical Review E 102, 022803 (2020).
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Evidence of flat bands and correlated states in buckled graphene superlattices”. Mao J, Milovanović, SP, Andelkovic M, Lai X, Cao Y, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Covaci L, Peeters FM, Geim AK, Jiang Y, Andrei EY, Nature 584, 215 (2020).
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The mechanical, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of two-dimensional honeycomb-like of XSb (X = Si, Ge, Sn) monolayers: a first-principles calculations”. Bafekry A, Shojai F, Hoat DM, Shahrokhi M, Ghergherehchi M, Nguyen C, Rsc Advances 10, 30398 (2020).
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Modulating the electro-optical properties of doped C₃N monolayers and graphene bilayersviamechanical strain and pressure”. Bafekry A, Nguyen C, Obeid MM, Ghergherehchi M, New Journal Of Chemistry 44, 15785 (2020).
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Formation and stability of conformal spirals in confined 2D crystals”. Silva FCO, Menezes RM, Cabral LRE, de Souza Silva CC, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 32, 505401 (2020).
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A type-II GaSe/HfS₂, van der Waals heterostructure as promising photocatalyst with high carrier mobility”. Obeid MM, Bafekry A, Rehman SU, Nguyen C V, Applied Surface Science 534, 147607 (2020).
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PAI-graphene : a new topological semimetallic two-dimensional carbon allotrope with highly tunable anisotropic Dirac cones”. Chen X, Bouhon A, Li L, Peeters FM, Sanyal B, Carbon 170, 477 (2020).
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Bandgap engineering of two-dimensional semiconductor materials”. Chaves A, Azadani JG, Alsalman H, da Costa DR, Frisenda R, Chaves AJ, Song SH, Kim YD, He D, Zhou J, Castellanos-Gomez A, Peeters FM, Liu Z, Hinkle CL, Oh S-H, Ye PD, Koester SJ, Lee YH, Avouris P, Wang X, Low T, npj 2D Materials and Applications 4, 29 (2020).
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Molecular collapse in graphene: Sublattice symmetry effect”. Wang J, Andelkovic M, Wang G, Peeters FM, Physical Review B 102, 064108 (2020).
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Three-dimensional electron-hole superfluidity in a superlattice close to room temperature”. Van der Donck M, Conti S, Perali A, Hamilton AR, Partoens B, Peeters FM, Neilson D, Physical Review B 102, 060503 (2020).
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Excitation and propagation of spin waves in non-uniformly magnetized waveguides”. Vanderveken F, Ahmad H, Heyns M, Sorée B, Adelmann C, Ciubotaru F, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 53, 495006 (2020).
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High-throughput computational screening of 2D materials for thermoelectrics”. Sarikurt S, Kocabas T, Sevik C, Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 8, 19674 (2020).
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Assessment of sulfur-functionalized MXenes for li-ion battery applications”. Siriwardane EMD, Demiroglu I, Sevik C, Peeters FM, Çakir D, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 124, 21293 (2020).
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Two-dimensional silicon bismotide (SiBi) monolayer with a honeycomb-like lattice: first-principles study of tuning the electronic properties”. Bafekry A, Shojaei F, Obeid MM, Ghergherehchi M, Nguyen C, Oskouian M, Rsc Advances 10, 31894 (2020).
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Oxygen vacancies in the single layer of Ti₂CO₂, MXene: effects of gating voltage, mechanical strain, and atomic impurities”. Bafekry A, Van Nguyen C, Stampfl C, Akgenc B, Ghergherehchi M, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics , 2000343 (2020).
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Atomistic simulation of ultra-short pulsed laser ablation of metals with single and double pulses : an investigation of the re-deposition phenomenon”. Foumani AA, Forster DJ, Ghorbanfekr H, Weber R, Graf T, Niknam AR, Applied Surface Science 537, 147775 (2021).
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Topological energy barrier for skyrmion lattice formation in MnSi”. Leishman AWD, Menezes RM, Longbons G, Bauer ED, Janoschek M, Honecker D, DeBeer-Schmitt L, White JS, Sokolova A, Milošević, MV, Eskildsen MR, Physical Review B 102, 104416 (2020).
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Promising room temperature thermoelectric conversion efficiency of zinc-blende AgI from first principles”. Bulut P, Beceren B, Yildirim S, Sevik C, Gurel T, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 33, 015501 (2021).
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Electronically tunable quantum phase slips in voltage-biased superconducting rings as a base for phase-slip flux qubits”. Kenawy A, Magnus W, Milošević, MV, Sorée B, Superconductor Science &, Technology 33, 125002 (2020).
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Tuning flexoelectricty and electronic properties of zig-zag graphene nanoribbons by functionalization”. Pandey T, Covaci L, Peeters FM, Carbon 171, 551 (2021).
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Stable anisotropic single-layer of ReTe₂, : a first principles prediction”. Yagmurcukardes M, Turkish Journal of Physics 44, 450 (2020).
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Tunable magnetic focusing using Andreev scattering in superconductor-graphene hybrid devices”. Chaves A, Moura VN, Linard FJA, Covaci L, Milošević, MV, Journal Of Applied Physics 128, 124303 (2020).
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Skyrmion spin transfer torque due to current confined in a nanowire”. Osca J, Sorée B, Physical Review B 102, 125436 (2020).
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Monolayer 1T-LaN₂, : Dirac spin-gapless semiconductor of p-state and Chern insulator with a high Chern number”. Li L, Kong X, Chen X, Li J, Sanyal B, Peeters FM, Applied Physics Letters 117, 143101 (2020).
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Probing the structure and composition of van der Waals heterostructures using the nonlocality of Dirac plasmons in the terahertz regime”. Lavor IR, Cavalcante LSR, Chaves A, Peeters FM, Van Duppen B, 2d Materials 8, 015014 (2021).
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Stable Janus TaSe₂, single-layers via surface functionalization”. Kahraman Z, Baskurt M, Yagmurcukardes M, Chaves A, Sahin H, Applied Surface Science 538, 148064 (2021).
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