Number of records found: 2704
Damage and molecular changes under a laser beam in SEM-EDX/MRS interface : a case study on iron-rich particles”. Worobiec A, Darchuk L, Brooker A, Potgieter H, Van Grieken R, Journal of Raman spectroscopy 42, 808 (2011).
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Chemkar PM10 : an extensive look at the local differences in chemical composition of PM10 in Flanders, Belgium”. Vercauteren J, Matheeussen C, Wauters E, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Krata A, Makarovska Y, Maenhaut W, Chi X, Geypens B, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 45, 108 (2011).
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Highly sensitive and selective voltammetric sensor fullerene modified glassy carbon electrode for determination of cefitizoxime in solubilized system”. Jain R, Rather JA, Dwivedi A, Vikas, Electroanalysis 22, 2600 (2010).
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Structural features of human tooth tissues affected by high dose of external ionizing radiation after nuclear catastrophe of Chernobyl plant”. Darchuk LA, Zaverbna LV, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 97, 282 (2011).
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Validation of a supervisory control system for energy savings in membrane bioreactors”. Huyskens C, Brauns E, van Hoof E, Diels L, de Wever H, Water research 45, 1443 (2011).
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Benzene concentrations on board chemical tankers”. Jacobs W, Dubois D, Floren E, Aerts D, Goris J, Buczyńska A, Van Grieken R, WMU journal of maritime affairs 10, 117 (2011).
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Voltammetric determination of antibacterial drug gemifloxacin in solubilized systems at multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode”. Jain R, Rather JA, Colloids and surfaces: B : biointerfaces 83, 340 (2011).
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The addition of organic carbon and nitrate affects reactive transport of heavy metals in sandy aquifers”. Satyawali Y, Seuntjens P, Van Roy S, Joris I, Vangeel S, Dejonghe W, Vanbroekhoven K, Journal of contaminant hydrology 123, 83 (2011).
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Stripping voltammetry of tinidazole in solubilized system and biological fluids”. Jain R, Rather JA, Colloids and surfaces: A: physicochemical and engineering aspects 378, 27 (2011).
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Magnetic field oriented tetragonal zirconia with anisotropic toughness”. Zhang L, Vleugels J, Darchuk L, van der Biest O, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 31, 1405 (2011).
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Influence of fixation procedures on the microanalysis of lead-induced intranuclear inclusions in rat kidney”. Vandeputte DF, Jacob WA, Van Grieken RE, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry 38, 331 (1990).
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Improved radiographic methods for the investigation of paintings using laboratory and synchrotron X-ray sources”. Schalm O, Cabal A, van Espen P, Laquière N, Storme P, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 26, 1068 (2011).
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Case specific prediction intervals for tri-PLS1 : the full local linearisation”. Serneels S, Faber K, Verdonck T, van Espen PJ, Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 108, 93 (2011).
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X-ray spectrometry for preventive conservation of cultural heritage”. Van Grieken R, Worobiec A, Pramåna: a journal of physics 72, 191 (2011).
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Enzyme immobilization on/in polymeric membranes : status, challenges and perspectives in biocatalytic membrane reactors (BMRs)”. Jochems P, Satyawali Y, Diels L, Dejonghe W, Green chemistry : cutting-edge research for a greener sustainable future 13, 1609 (2011).
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Fast heating induced impulse halogenation of refractory sample components in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry by direct injection of a liquid halogenating agent”. György K, Ajtony Z, van Meel K, Van Grieken R, Czitrovszky A, Bencs L, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 85, 1253 (2011).
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On the concept of a supervisory, fuzzy set logic based, advanced filtration control in membrane bioreactors”. Brauns E, van Hoof E, Huyskens C, de Wever H, Desalination and water treatment 29, 119 (2011).
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Size resolved ultrafine particles emission model : a continues size distribution approach”. Nikolova I, Janssen S, Vrancken K, Vos P, Mishra V, Berghmans P, The science of the total environment 409, 3492 (2011).
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Characterization and optimization of \beta-galactosidase immobilization process on a mixed-matrix membrane”. Jochems P, Satyawali Y, van Roy S, Doyen W, Diels L, Dejonghe W, Enzyme and microbial technology 49, 580 (2011).
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Monitoring of tropospheric ozone in the ambient air with passive samplers”. Alejo ellys, Morales MC, Nuñez V, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, van Espen P, Microchemical journal 99, 383 (2011).
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Possibilities of energy-resolved X-ray radiography for the investigation of paintings”. Cabal Rodríguez AE, Leyva Pernia D, Schalm O, van Espen PJM, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 402, 1471 (2012).
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Composition of prehistoric rock-painting pigments from Egypt (Gilf Kébir area)”. Darchuk L, Gatto Rotondo G, Swaenen M, Worobiec A, Tsybrii Z, Makarovska Y, Van Grieken R, Spectrochimica acta: part A: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy 83, 34 (2011).
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Towards integrated sustainability assessment for energetic use of biomass : a state of the art evaluation of assessment tools”. Buytaert V, Muys B, Devriendt N, Pelkmans L, Kretzschmar JG, Samson R, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 15, 3918 (2011).
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Air particulate emissions in developing countries : a case study in South Africa”. Worobiec A, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Berghmans P, Winkler H, Burger R, Van Grieken R, Analytical letters 44, 1907 (2011).
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CAC-2010 : Twelfth international conference on chemometrics in analytical chemistry”. Buydens L, van Espen P, Rutan S, Analytica chimica acta 705, 1 (2011).
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Compositional and quantitative microtextural characterization of historic paintings by micro-X-ray diffraction and Raman microscopy”. Romero-Pastor J, Duran A, Rodríguez-Navarro AB, Van Grieken R, Cardell C, Analytical chemistry 83, 8420 (2011).
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Extension of the river water quality model no. 1 with the fate of pesticides”. De Schepper VCJ, Holvoet KMA, Benedetti L, Seuntjens P, Vanrolleghem PA, Journal of hydroinformatics 14, 48 (2012).
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Size distribution and chemical properties of welding fumes of inhalable particles”. Oprya M, Kiro S, Worobiec A, Horemans B, Darchuk L, Novakovic V, Ennan A, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 45, 50 (2012).
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Dispersion modelling of traffic induced ultrafine particles in a street canyon in Antwerp, Belgium and comparison with observations”. Nikolova I, Janssen S, Vos P, Vrancken K, Mishra V, Berghmans P, The science of the total environment 412, 336 (2011).
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Study of dpa distributions in electron irradiated YBCO slabs through MCCM algorithm”. Piñera I, Cruz CM, van Espen P, Abreu Y, Leyva A, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research: B: beam interactions with materials and atoms 274, 191 (2012).
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