Number of records found: 2109
Statistical grouping and controlling factors of dissolved trace elements in a surface water system”. Vandelannoote R, Blommaert W, Van 't dack L, Gijbels R, van Grieken R, Environmental technology letters 4, 363 (1983).
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Major ionic species in size-segregated aerosols and associated gaseous pollutants at a coastal site on the Belgian North Sea”. Horemans B, Krata A, Buczyńska AJ, Dirtu AC, van Meel K, Van Grieken R, Bencs L, Journal of environmental monitoring 11, 670 (2009).
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Determination of fluorine in uranium oxyfluoride particles as an indicator of particle age”. Kips R, Pidduck AJ, Houlton MR, Leenaers A, Mace JD, Marie O, Pointurier F, Stefaniak EA, Taylor PDP, van den Berghe S, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, Wellum R, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 64, 199 (2009).
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Organic surface coating on Coccolithophores –, Emiliania huxleyi: its determination and implication in the marine carbon cycle”. Godoi RHM, Aerts K, Harlay J, Kaegi R, Ro C-U, Chou L, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 91, 266 (2009).
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Detailed analysis of petroleum hydrocarbon attenuation in biopiles by high-performance liquid chromatography followed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Journal of chromatography : A 1216, 1524 (2009).
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Method for the determination of Pd-catalyst residues in active pharmaceutical ingredients by means of high-energy polarized-beam energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence”. Marguí, E, van Meel K, Van Grieken R, Buendía A, Fontás C, Hidalgo M, Queralt I, Analytical chemistry 81, 1404 (2009).
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A new method to compensate for counting losses due to system dead time”. Karabidak SM, Čevik U, Kaya S, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 603, 361 (2009).
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Elemental concentrations in aerosols at the Belgian coast versus seasons and air mass trajectories”. van Meel K, Horemans B, Krata A, Bencs L, Buczyńska AJ, Dirtu AC, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Environmental chemistry letters 8, 157 (2010).
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Combined SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of uranium minerals from a former uranium mine”. Stefaniak EA, Alsecz A, Frost R, Máthé, Z, Sajó, IE, Török S, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 416 (2009).
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Characterization of gas concrete materials used in buildings of Turkey”. Damla N, Čevik U, Kobya AI, Celik A, Van Grieken R, Kobya Y, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 681 (2009).
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Single-run ion chromatographic separation of inorganic and low-molecular-mass organic anions under isocratic elution: application to environmental samples”. Krata A, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Bencs L, Deutsch F, Van Grieken R, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 79, 16 (2009).
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Contact sponge method : performance of a promising tool for measuring the initial water absorption”. Vandevoorde D, Pamplona M, Schalm O, Vanhellemont Y, Cnudde V, Verhaeven E, Journal of cultural heritage 10, 41 (2009).
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Atmospheric nitrogen fluxes at the Belgian coast: 2004-2006”. Bencs L, Krata A, Horemans B, Buczyńska AJ, Dirtu AC, Godoi AFL, Godoi RHM, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 43, 3786 (2009).
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Determination of chemical composition of individual airborne particles by SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectrometry : a review”. Stefaniak EA, Buczyńska A, Novakovic V, Kuduk R, Van Grieken R, Journal of physics : conference series 162, 012019 (2009).
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Barite formation in the Southern Ocean water column”. Stroobants N, Dehairs F, Goeyens L, Vanderheijden N, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 35, 411 (1991).
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Interfaced SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectrometry for characterisation of heterogeneous environmental particles: fundamental and practical challenges”. Worobiec A, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Brooker A, Darchuk L, Stefaniak E, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 94, 65 (2010).
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Combining HPLC-GCXGC, GCXGC/ToF-MS, and selected ecotoxicity assays for detailed monitoring of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in soil and leaching water”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Weltens R, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Environmental science and technology 43, 7651 (2009).
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High resolution micro-XRF maps of iron oxides inside sensory dendrites of putative avian magnetoreceptors”. Falkenberg G, Fleissner GE, Fleissner GUE, Schuchardt K, Kühbacher M, Chalmin E, Janssens K, Journal of physics : conference series 186, 012084 (2009).
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Determination of BTEX by GCMS in air of offset printing plants: comparison between conventional and ecological inks”. Godoi AFL, Sawada EY, de Marchi MRR, Van Grieken R, Godoi RHM, Water, air, and soil pollution : focus 9, 163 (2009).
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Indoor air quality assessment of elementary schools in Curitiba, Brazil”. Godoi RHM, Avigo D, Campos VD, Tavares TM, de Marchi MRR, Van Grieken R, Godoi AFL, Water, air, and soil pollution : focus 9, 171 (2009).
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Physico-chemical fate of chromium compounds in the lung sheep model”. Perrault G, Dufresne A, Strati G, McNeil M, Michaud D, Baril M, Bégin R, Labbé, J, Larivière P, Eeckhaoudt S, Van Grieken R, Journal of toxicology and environmental health 44, 247 (1995).
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Estimation of ecotoxicity of petroleum hydrocarbon mixtures in soil based on HPLC-GCXGC analysis”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Weltens R, Vanermen G, Brucker N, Diels L, Chemosphere 77, 1508 (2009).
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Inferring episodic atmospheric iron fluxes in the Western South Atlantic”. Evangelista H, Maldonado J, dos Santos EA, Godoi RHM, Garcia CAE, Garcia VMT, Johnson E, da Cunha KD, Leite CB, Van Grieken R, van Meel K, Makarovska Y, Gaiero DM, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 44, 703 (2010).
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Radiation dose estimation and mass attenuation coefficients of cement samples used in Turkey”. Damla N, Čevik U, Kobya AI, Celik A, Celik N, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 176, 644 (2010).
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Investigation of inclusions trapped inside Libyan desert glass by Raman microscopy”. Swaenen M, Stefaniak EA, Frost R, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 397, 2659 (2010).
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Speciation and diurnal variation of thoracic, fine thoracic and sub-micrometer airborne particulate matter at naturally ventilated office environments”. Horemans B, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 44, 1497 (2010).
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Preconcentration methods for the analysis of liquid samples by X-ray fluorescence techniques”. Marguí, E, Van Grieken R, Fontàs C, Hidalgo M, Queralt I, Applied spectroscopy reviews 45, 179 (2010).
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Argentinean prehistoric pigments' study by combined SEM/EDX and molecular spectroscopy”. Darchuk L, Tsybrii Z, Worobiec A, Vázquez C, Palacios OM, Stefaniak EA, Gatto Rotondo G, Sizov F, Van Grieken R, Spectrochimica acta: part A: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy 75, 1398 (2010).
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Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of coal : a review”. Potgieter-Vermaak S, Maledi N, Wagner N, van Heerden JHP, Van Grieken R, Potgieter JH, Journal of Raman spectroscopy 42, 123 (2011).
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Transport and deposition of airborne pollutants in exhibition areas located in historical buildings: study in Wawel Castle Museum in Cracow, Poland”. Worobiec A, Samek J, Krata A, van Meel K, Krupińska B, Stefaniak EA, Karaszkiewicz P, Van Grieken R, Journal of cultural heritage 11, 354 (2010).
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