Number of records found: 502
Magnetic drug targeting : preclinical in vivo studies, mathematical modeling, and extrapolation to humans”. Al-Jamal KT, Bai J, Wang JTW, Protti A, Southern P, Bogart L, Heidari H, Li X, Cakebread A, Asker D, Al-Jamal WT, Shah A, Bals S, Sosabowski J, Pankhurst QA;, Nano letters 16, 5652 (2016).
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Designing diameter-modulated heterostructure nanowires of PbTe/Te by controlled dewetting”. Kumar A, Kundu S, Samantaray D, Kundu P, Zanaga D, Bals S, Ravishankar N, Nano letters 17, 7226 (2017).
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Molecular shape-selectivity of MFI zeolite nanosheets in n-decane isomerization and hydrocracking”. Verheyen E, Jo C, Kurttepeli M, Vanbutsele G, Gobechiya E, Korányi TI, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Ryoo R, Kirschhock CEA, Martens JA;, Journal of catalysis 300, 70 (2013).
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Assisted spray pyrolysis production and characterisation of ZnO nanoparticles with narrow size distribution”. Turner S, Tavernier SMF, Huyberechts G, Bals S, Batenburg KJ, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of nanoparticle research 12, 615 (2010).
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Multimodal imaging of micron-sized iron oxide particles following in vitro and in vivo uptake by stem cells: down to the nanometer scale”. Roose D, Leroux F, de Vocht N, Guglielmetti C, Pintelon I, Adriaensen D, Ponsaerts P, van der Linden A-M, Bals S, Contrast media and molecular imaging 9, 400 (2014).
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Reliable pore-size measurements based on a procedure specifically designed for electron tomography measurements of nanoporous samples”. Van Eyndhoven G, Batenburg KJ, van Oers C, Kurttepeli M, Bals S, Cool P, Sijbers J, (2014)
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Shelf life degradation of bulk heterojunction solar cells : intrinsic evolution of charge transfer complex”. Guerrero A, Heidari H, Ripolles TS, Kovalenko A, Pfannmöller M, Bals S, Kauffmann L-D, Bisquert J, Garcia-Belmonte G, Laser physics review 5, 1401997 (2015).
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Square-centimeter-sized high-efficiency polymer solar cells : how the processing atmosphere and film quality influence performance at large scale”. Ben Dkhil S, Pfannmöller M, Bals S, Koganezawa T, Yoshimoto N, Hannani D, Gaceur M, Videlot-Ackermann C, Margeat O, Ackermann J, Laser physics review 6, 1600290 (2016).
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Toward high-temperature stability of PTB7-based bulk heterojunction solar cells : impact of fullerene size and solvent additive”. Ben Dkhil S, Pfannmöller M, Saba MI, Gaceur M, Heidari H, Videlot-Ackermann C, Margeat O, Guerrero A, Bisquert J, Garcia-Belmonte G, Mattoni A, Bals S, Ackermann J, Laser physics review 7, 1601486 (2017).
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Atomic resolution electron tomography”. Bals S, Goris B, de Backer A, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, MRS bulletin 41, 525 (2016).
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Seeing and measuring in 3D with electrons”. Bals S, Goris B, Altantzis T, Heidari H, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, Comptes rendus : physique 15, 140 (2014).
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Direct evidence for the existence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with hexagonal cross-sections”. He Z, Ke X, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Carbon 50, 2524 (2012).
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Hydride destabilization in core-shell nanoparticles”. Pasquini L, Sacchi M, Brighi M, Boelsma C, Bals S, Perkisas T, Dam B, International journal of hydrogen energy 39, 2115 (2014).
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Redeposition and differential sputtering of La in transmission electron microscopy samples of LaAIO3/SrTiO3 multilayers prepared by focused ion beam”. Montoya E, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of microscopy 231, 359 (2008).
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The effect of microstructure on the hydrogenation of Mg/Fe thin film multilayers”. Mooij L, Perkisas T, Palsson G, Schreuders H, Wolff M, Hjorvarsson B, Bals S, Dam B, International journal of hydrogen energy 39, 17092 (2014).
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Ultrastructure and composition of cell wall appositions in the roots of Asplenium (Polypodiales)”. Leroux O, Leroux F, Bagniewska-Zadworna, Knox JP, Claeys M, Bals S, Viane RLL, Micron 42, 863 (2011).
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The uptake and elimination of ZnO and CuO nanoparticles in Daphnia magna under chronic exposure scenarios”. Adam N, Leroux F, Knapen D, Bals S, Blust R, Water research 68, 249 (2015).
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Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage : a review of the achievement of COST Action MP1103”. Callini E, Aguey-Zinsou KF, Ahuja R, Ares JR, Bals S, Biliškov N, Chakraborty S, Charalambopoulou G, Chaudhary AL, Cuevas F, Dam B, de Jongh P, Dornheim M, Filinchuk Y, Grbović, Novaković, J, Hirscher M, Jensen TR, Jensen PB, Novaković, N, Lai Q, Leardini F, Gattia DM, Pasquini L, Steriotis T, Turner S, Vegge T, Züttel A, Montone A, International journal of hydrogen energy T2 –, E-MRS Fall Meeting / Symposium C on Hydrogen Storage in Solids -, Materials, Systems and Aplication Trends, SEP 15-18, 2015, Warsaw, POLAND 41, 14404 (2016).
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Annular dark field imaging in a TEM”. Bals S, Kabius B, Haider M, Radmilovic V, Kisielowski C, Solid state communications 130, 675 (2004).
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Atomic scale investigation of a PbTiO3/SrRuO3/DyScO3 heterostructure”. Egoavil R, Tan H, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Smith B, Kuiper B, Rijnders G, Koster G, Van Tendeloo G, Applied physics letters 102, 223106 (2013).
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Evaluation of top, angle, and side cleaned FIB samples for TEM analysis”. Montoya E, Bals S, Rossell MD, Schryvers D, Van Tendeloo G, Microscopy research and technique 70, 1060 (2007).
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Experimental evidence for oxygen sublattice control in polar infinite layer SrCuO2”. Samal D, Tan H, Molegraaf H, Kuiper B, Siemons W, Bals S, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Takamura Y, Arenholz E, Jenkins CA, Rijnders G, Koster G, Physical review letters 111, 096102 (2013).
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Statistical estimation of atomic positions from exit wave reconstruction with a precision in the picometer range”. Bals S, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, Avila-Brande D, Physical review letters 96, 096106 (2006).
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Superconducting single-phase Sr1-xLaxCuO2 thin films with improved crystallinity grown by pulsed laser deposition”. Leca V, Blank DHA, Rijnders G, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Applied physics letters 89 (2006).
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Transmission electron microscopy on interface engineered superconducting thin films”. Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Rijnders G, Huijben M, Leca V, Blank DHA, IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 13, 2834 (2003).
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Why are sputter deposited Nd1+xBa2-xCu3O7-\delta thin films flatter than NdBa2Cu3O7-\delta films?”.Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Salluzzo M, Maggio-Aprile I, Applied physics letters 79, 3660 (2001).
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Controlling the formation and stability of ultra-thin nickel silicides : an alloying strategy for preventing agglomeration”. Geenen FA, van Stiphout K, Nanakoudis A, Bals S, Vantomme A, Jordan-Sweet J, Lavoie C, Detavernier C, Journal of applied physics 123, 075303 (2018).
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Atomic-scale determination of surface facets in gold nanorods”. Goris B, Bals S, van den Broek W, Carbó-Argibay E, Gómez-Graña S, Liz-Marzán LM, Van Tendeloo G, Nature materials 11, 930 (2012).
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Design of zeolite by inverse sigma transformation”. Verheyen E, Joos L, Van Havenbergh K, Breynaert E, Kasian N, Gobechiya E, Houthoofd K, Martineau C, Hinterstein M, Taulelle F, Van Speybroeck V, Waroquier M, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Kirschhock CEA, Martens JA;, Nature materials 11, 1059 (2012).
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Direct-synthesis method towards copper-containing periodic mesoporous organosilicas : detailed investigation of the copper distribution in the material”. Lin F, Meng, Kukueva E, Altantzis T, Mertens M, Bals S, Cool P, Van Doorslaer S, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 44, 9970 (2015).
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