Number of records found: 263
Vortex-antivortex lattices in superconducting films with magnetic pinning arrays”. Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Physical review letters 93, 267006 (2004).
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Vortex-antivortex nucleation in magnetically nanotextured superconductors: magnetic-field-driven and thermal scenarios”. Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Physical review letters 94, 227001 (2005).
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Vortex manipulation in a superconducting matrix with view on applications”. Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Applied physics letters 96, 192501 (2010).
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BCS-BEC crossover in quantum confined superconductors”. Guidini A, Flammia L, Milošević, MV, Perali A, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 29, 711 (2016).
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Influence of disorder on superconducting correlations in nanoparticles”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Vagov A, Vasenko AS, Milošević, MV, Axt VM, Peeters FM, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 29, 605 (2016).
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Superconductor-ferromagnet bilayer under external drive : the role of vortex-antivortex matter”. Frota DA, Chaves A, Ferreira WP, Farias GA, Milošević, MV, Journal of applied physics 119, 093912 (2016).
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Finite-temperature vortices in a rotating Fermi gas”. Klimin SN, Tempere J, Verhelst N, Milošević, MV, Physical review A 94, 023620 (2016).
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Shape-Resonant Superconductivity in Nanofilms: from Weak to Strong Coupling”. Cariglia M, Vargas-Paredes A, Doria MM, Bianconi A, Milošević, MV, Perali A, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 29, 3081 (2016).
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Electronic properties of emergent topological defects in chiral p-wave superconductivity”. Zhang L, Fernández Becerra V, Covaci L, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 94, 024520 (2016).
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Lattice dynamics in Sn nanoislands and cluster-assembled films”. Houben K, Couet S, Trekels M, Menendez E, Peissker T, Seo JW, Hu MY, Zhao JY, Alp EE, Roelants S, Partoens B, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Bessas D, Brown SA, Vantomme A, Temst K, Van Bael MJ, Physical review B 95, 155413 (2017).
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Evolution of multigap superconductivity in the atomically thin limit : strain-enhanced three-gap superconductivity in monolayer MgB2”. Bekaert J, Aperis A, Partoens B, Oppeneer PM, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 96, 094510 (2017).
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Multifaceted impact of a surface step on superconductivity in atomically thin films”. Zhang L-F, Flammia L, Covaci L, Perali A, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 96, 104509 (2017).
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Advanced first-principles theory of superconductivity including both lattice vibrations and spin fluctuations : the case of FeB4”. Bekaert J, Aperis A, Partoens B, Oppeneer PM, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 97, 014503 (2018).
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Pinning of magnetic skyrmions in a monolayer Co film on Pt(111) : Theoretical characterization and exemplified utilization”. Stosic D, Ludermir TB, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 96, 214403 (2017).
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Topological phase transitions in small mesoscopic chiral p-wave superconductors”. Zhang L-F, Covaci L, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 96, 224512 (2017).
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Superconducting nanoribbon with a constriction : a quantum-confined Josephson junction”. Flammia L, Zhang L-F, Covaci L, Perali A, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 97, 134514 (2018).
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Effect of boundary-induced chirality on magnetic textures in thin films”. Mulkers J, Hals KMD, Leliaert J, Milošević, MV, Van Waeyenberge B, Everschor-Sitte K, Physical review B 98, 064429 (2018).
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The structure and manipulation of vortex states in a superconducting square with 2 ×, 2 blind holes”. Berdiyorov GR, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Journal of low temperature physics 139, 229 (2005).
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Vortex-antivortex lattices in superconducting films with magnetic pinning arrays”. Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Journal of low temperature physics 139, 257 (2005).
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The vortex-magnetic dipole interaction in the London approximation”. Milošević, MV, Yampolskii SV, Peeters FM, Journal of low temperature physics 130, 321 (2003).
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Vortex matter in the presence of magnetic pinning centra”. Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Journal of low temperature physics 130, 311 (2003).
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GPU-advanced 3D electromagnetic simulations of superconductors in the Ginzburg-Landau formalism”. Stosic D, Stosic D, Ludermir T, Stosic B, Milošević, MV, Journal of computational physics 322, 183 (2016).
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Giant paramagnetic Meissner effect in multiband superconductors”. da Silva RM, Milošević, MV, Shanenko AA, Peeters FM, Albino Aguiar J, Scientific reports 5, 12695 (2015).
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Quantum rotor in nanostructured superconductors”. Lin S-H, Milošević, MV, Covaci L, Janko B, Peeters FM, Scientific reports 4, 4542 (2014).
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Phonon limited superconducting correlations in metallic nanograins”. Croitoru MD, Shanenko AA, Vagov A, Milošević, MV, Axt VM, Peeters FM, Scientific reports 5, 16515 (2015).
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Spontaneous symmetry breaking in vortex systems with two repulsive lengthscales”. Curran PJ, Desoky WM, Milošević, MV, Chaves A, Laloe J-B, Moodera JS, Bending SJ, Scientific reports 5, 15569 (2015).
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Velocimetry of superconducting vortices based on stroboscopic resonances”. Jelić, ZL, Milošević, MV, Silhanek AV, Scientific reports 6, 35687 (2016).
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Microfluidic manipulation of magnetic flux domains in type-I superconductors : droplet formation, fusion and fission”. Berdiyorov GR, Milošević, MV, Hernandez-Nieves AD, Peeters FM, Dominguez D, Scientific reports 7, 12129 (2017).
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Unconventional two-dimensional vibrations of a decorated carbon nanotube under electric field : linking actuation to advanced sensing ability”. de Aquino BRH, Neek-Amal M, Milošević, MV, Scientific reports 7, 13481 (2017).
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Free surfaces recast superconductivity in few-monolayer MgB2 : combined first-principles and ARPES demonstration”. Bekaert J, Bignardi L, Aperis A, van Abswoude P, Mattevi C, Gorovikov S, Petaccia L, Goldoni A, Partoens B, Oppeneer PM, Peeters FM, Milošević, MV, Rudolf P, Cepek C, Scientific reports 7, 14458 (2017).
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