Number of records found: 735
Gas ratio effects on the Si etch rate and profile uniformity in an inductively coupled Ar/CF4 plasma”. Zhao S-X, Gao F, Wang Y-N, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 22, 015017 (2013).
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Heating mechanism in direct current superposed single-frequency and dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas”. Zhang Q-Z, Liu Y-X, Jiang W, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Plasma sources science and technology 22, 025014 (2013).
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Hollow cathode discharges with gas flow: numerical modelling for the effect on the sputtered atoms and the deposition flux”. Bogaerts A, Okhrimovskyy A, Baguer N, Gijbels R, Plasma sources science and technology 14, 191 (2005).
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The ion- and atom-induced secondary electron emission yield: numerical study for the effect of clean and dirty cathode surfaces”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Plasma sources science and technology 11, 27 (2002).
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Modeling of a dielectric barrier discharge used as a flowing chemical reactor”. Petrović, D, Martens T, van Dijk J, Brok WJM, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics : conference series 133, 012023 (2008).
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Modeling of plasma and plasma-surface interactions for medical, environmental and nano applications”. Bogaerts A, Aerts R, Snoeckx R, Somers W, Van Gaens W, Yusupov M, Neyts E, Journal of physics : conference series 399, 012011 (2012).
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Modeling Cl2/O2/Ar inductively coupled plasmas used for silicon etching : effects of SiO2 chamber wall coating”. Tinck S, Boullart W, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 20, 045012 (2011).
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Modelling of nanoparticle coagulation and transport dynamics in dusty silane discharges”. de Bleecker K, Bogaerts A, Goedheer W, New journal of physics 8, 178 (2006).
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Numerical analysis of the effect of nitrogen and oxygen admixtures on the chemistry of an argon plasma jet operating at atmospheric pressure”. Van Gaens W, Iseni S, Schmidt-Bleker A, Weltmann K-D, Reuter S, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 17, 033003 (2015).
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Numerical analysis of the NO and O generation mechanism in a needle-type plasma jet”. Van Gaens W, Bruggeman PJ, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 16, 063054 (2014).
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Numerical characterization of local electrical breakdown in sub-micrometer metallized film capacitors”. Jiang W, Zhang Y, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 16, 113036 (2014).
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Particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo collisions treatment of an Ar/O2 magnetron discharge used for the reactive sputter deposition of TiOx films”. Bultinck E, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 11, 103010 (2009).
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Plasma characteristics of an Ar/CF4/N2 discharge in an asymmetric dual frequency reactor: numerical investigation by a PIC/MC model”. Georgieva V, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 15, 368 (2006).
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Plasma chemistry modeling for an inductively coupled plasma used for the growth of carbon nanotubes”. Mao M, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics : conference series 275, 012021 (2011).
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Reaction mechanisms and thin a-C:H film growth from low energy hydrocarbon radicals”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, van de Sanden MCM, Journal of physics : conference series 86, 12020 (2007).
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Reaction pathways of biomedically active species in an Ar plasma jet”. Van Gaens W, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 23, 035015 (2014).
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Reactive sputter deposition of TiNx films, simulated with a particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo collisions model”. Bultinck E, Mahieu S, Depla D, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 11, 023039 (2009).
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Special issue on fundamentals of plasmasurface interactions”. Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, Rousseau A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 47, 220301 (2014).
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Splitting of CO2 by vibrational excitation in non-equilibrium plasmas : a reaction kinetics model”. Kozák T, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 23, 045004 (2014).
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Sputter deposition of MgxAlyOz thin films in a dual-magnetron device : a multi-species Monte Carlo model”. Yusupov M, Saraiva M, Depla D, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 14, 073043 (2012).
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Two-dimensional particle-in cell/Monte Carlo simulations of a packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure”. Zhang Y, Wang H-yu, Jiang W, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 17, 083056 (2015).
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Understanding plasma catalysis through modelling and simulation : a review”. Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 47, 224010 (2014).
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Analysis and comparison of the co2 and co dielectric barrier discharge solid products”. Belov I, Paulussen S, Bogaerts A, Hakone Xv: International Symposium On High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry: With Joint Cost Td1208 Workshop: Non-equilibrium Plasmas With Liquids For Water And Surface Treatment (2016)
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Plasma based co2 conversion: a combined modeling and experimental study”. Bogaerts A, Snoeckx R, Berthelot A, Heijkers S, Wang W, Sun S, Van Laer K, Ramakers M, Michielsen I, Uytdenhouwen Y, Meynen V, Cool P, Hakone Xv: International Symposium On High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry: With Joint Cost Td1208 Workshop: Non-equilibrium Plasmas With Liquids For Water And Surface Treatment (2016)
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Formation of single layer graphene on nickel under far-from-equilibrium high flux conditions”. Neyts EC, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, Nanoscale 5, 7250 (2013).
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Influence of internal energy and impact angle on the sticking behaviour of reactive radicals in thin a-C:H film growth: a molecular dynamics study”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 8, 2066 (2006).
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Microscopic mechanisms of vertical graphene and carbon nanotube cap nucleation from hydrocarbon growth precursors”. Khalilov U, Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, Nanoscale 6, 9206 (2014).
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Reactive molecular dynamics simulations on SiO2-coated ultra-small Si-nanowires”. Khalilov U, Pourtois G, Bogaerts A, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, Nanoscale 5, 719 (2013).
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Thermodynamics at the nanoscale : phase diagrams of nickel-carbon nanoclusters and equilibrium constants for face transitions”. Engelmann Y, Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, Nanoscale 6, 11981 (2014).
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Thermodynamics at the nanoscale: phase diagrams of nickel-carbon nanoclusters and equilibrium constants for phase transitions”. Engelmann, Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, Nanoscale 6, 11981 (2014).
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