Number of records found: 71
2D ZnO mesoporous single-crystal nanosheets with exposed {0001} polar facets for the depollution of cationic dye molecules by highly selective adsorption and photocatalytic decomposition”. Liu J, Hu Z-Y, Peng Y, Huang H-W, Li Y, Wu M, Ke X-X, Van Tendeloo G, Su B-L, Applied catalysis : B : environmental 181, 138 (2016).
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Development of photocatalytic efficient Ti-based nanotubes and nanoribbons by conventional and microwave assisted synthesis strategies”. Ribbens S, Meynen V, Van Tendeloo G, Ke X, Mertens M, Maes BUW, Cool P, Vansant EF, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 114, 401 (2008).
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Graphitic nanocrystals inside the pores of mesoporous silica : synthesis, characterization and an adsorption study”. de Clippel F, Harkiolakis A, Vosch T, Ke X, Giebeler L, Oswald S, Houthoofd K, Jammaer J, Van Tendeloo G, Martens JA, Jacobs PA, Baron GV, Sels BF, Denayer JFM, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 144, 120 (2011).
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NEXAFS spectromicroscopy of suspended carbon nanohorns”. Bittencourt C, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Tagmatarchis N, Guttmann P, Chemical physics letters 587, 85 (2013).
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Platinum and palladium on carbon nanotubes : experimental and theoretical studies”. Adjizian JJ, De Marco P, Suarez-Martinez I, El Mel AA, Snyders R, Gengler RYN, Rudolf P, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Bittencourt C, Ewels CP;, Chemical physics letters 571, 44 (2013).
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Platinumcarbon nanotube interaction”. Bittencourt C, Hecq M, Felten A, Pireaux JJ, Ghijsen J, Felicissimo MP, Rudolf P, Drube W, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Chemical physics letters 462, 260 (2008).
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Preparation of sulfonated ordered mesoporous carbon and its use for the esterification of fatty acids”. Peng L, Philippaerts A, Ke X, van Noyen J, de Cleppel F, Van Tendeloo G, Jacobs PA, Sels BF, Catalysis today 150, 140 (2010).
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Study of the interaction between copper and carbon nanotubes”. Bittencourt C, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Thiess S, Drube W, Ghijsen J, Ewels CP, Chemical physics letters 535, 80 (2012).
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Systematic evaluation of thermal and mechanical stability of different commercial and synthetic photocatalysts in relation to their photocatalytic activity”. Ribbens S, Beyers E, Schellens K, Mertens M, Ke X, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Meynen V, Cool P, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 156, 62 (2012).
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TEM sample preparation by FIB for carbon nanotube interconnects”. Ke X, Bals S, Romo Negreira A, Hantschel T, Bender H, Van Tendeloo G, Ultramicroscopy 109, 1353 (2009).
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Tuning metal sites of DABCO MOF for gas purification at ambient conditions”. Chemchuen S, Zhou K, Kabir NA, Chen Y, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Verpoort F, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 201, 277 (2015).
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Luminescent CuInS2 quantum dots by partial cation exchange in Cu2-xS nanocrystals”. van der Stam W, Berends AC, Rabouw FT, Willhammar T, Ke X, Meeldijk JD, Bals S, de Donega CM, Chemistry of materials 27, 621 (2015).
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Efficient Chemical Modification of Carbon Nanotubes with Metallacarboranes”. Cabana L, Gonzalez-Campo A, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Nunez R, Tobias G, Chemistry: a European journal 21, 16792 (2015).
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Surface-Facet-Dependent Phonon Deformation Potential in Individual Strained Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Nanoribbons”. Yan Y, Zhou X, Jin H, Li C-Z, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Liu K, Yu D, Dressel M, Liao Z-M, ACS nano 9, 10244 (2015).
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Solution-processable ultrathin size- and shape-controlled colloidal Cu2-xS nanosheets”. van der Stam W, Akkerman QA, Ke X, van Huis MA, Bals S, de Donega CM, Chemistry of materials 27, 283 (2015).
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Strain accommodation through facet matching in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4/Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 ramp-edge junctions”. Hoek M, Coneri F, Poccia N, Renshaw Wang X, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Hilgenkamp H, APL materials 3, 086101 (2015).
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Ferroelastic switching in a layered-perovskite thin film”. Wang C, Ke X, Wang J, Liang R, Luo Z, Tian Y, Yi D, Zhang Q, Wang J, Han X-F, Van Tendeloo G, Chen L-Q, Nan C-W, Ramesh R, Zhang J, Nature communications 7, 10636 (2016).
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Shape Control of Colloidal Cu2-x S Polyhedral Nanocrystals by Tuning the Nucleation Rates”. van der Stam W, Gradmann S, Altantzis T, Ke X, Baldus M, Bals S, de Mello Donega C, Chemistry of materials 28, 6705 (2016).
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Electronic Coupling between Graphene and Topological Insulator Induced Anomalous Magnetotransport Properties”. Zhang L, Lin B-C, Wu Y-F, Wu H, Huang T-W, Chang C-R, Ke X, Kurttepeli M, Tendeloo GV, Xu J, Yu D, Liao Z-M, ACS nano 11, 6277 (2017).
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Nematic superconducting state in iron pnictide superconductors”. Li J, Pereira PJ, Yuan J, Lv Y-Y, Jiang M-P, Lu D, Lin Z-Q, Liu Y-J, Wang J-F, Li L, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Li M-Y, Feng H-L, Hatano T, Wang H-B, Wu P-H, Yamaura K, Takayama-Muromachi E, Vanacken J, Chibotaru LF, Moshchalkov VV, Nature communications 8, 1880 (2017).
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Asymmetric Modulation on Exchange Field in a Graphene/BiFeO3Heterostructure by External Magnetic Field”. Song H-D, Wu Y-F, Yang X, Ren Z, Ke X, Kurttepeli M, Tendeloo GV, Liu D, Wu H-C, Yan B, Wu X, Duan C-G, Han G, Liao Z-M, Yu D, Nano letters 18, 2435 (2018).
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Direct determination of polarity, faceting, and core location in colloidal core/shell wurtzite semiconductor nanocrystals”. Bertoni G, Grillo V, Brescia R, Ke X, Bals S, Catellani A, Li H, Manna L, ACS nano 6, 6453 (2012).
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Heterometal nanoparticles from Ru-based molecular clusters covalently anchored onto functionalized carbon nanotubes and nanofibers”. Vidick D, Ke X, Devillers M, Poleunis C, Delcorte A, Moggi P, Van Tendeloo G, Hermans S, Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 6, 1287 (2015).
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Homopolymers as nanocarriers for the loading of block copolymer micelles with metal salts : a facile way to large-scale ordered arrays of transition-metal nanoparticles”. Shan L, Punniyakoti S, Van Bael MJ, Temst K, Van Bael MK, Ke X, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, D'Olieslaeger M, Wagner P, Haenen K, Boyen HG;, Journal of materials chemistry C : materials for optical and electronic devices 2, 701 (2014).
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Knitting the catalytic pattern of artificial photosynthesis to a hybrid graphene nanotexture”. Quintana M, López AM, Rapino S, Toma FM, Iurlo M, Carraro M, Sartorel A, Maccato C, Ke X, Bittencourt C, Da Ros T, Van Tendeloo G, Marcaccio M, Paolucci F, Prato M, Bonchio M;, ACS nano 7, 811 (2013).
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Light-induced selective deposition of Au nanoparticles on single-wall carbon nanotubes”. Quintana M, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Meneghetti M, Bittencourt C, Prato M, ACS nano 4, 6105 (2010).
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Local destruction of superconductivity by non-magnetic impurities in mesoscopic iron-based superconductors”. Li J, Ji M, Schwarz T, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Yuan J, Pereira PJ, Huang Y, Zhang G, Feng HL, Yuan YH, Hatano T, Kleiner R, Koelle D, Chibotaru LF, Yamaura K, Wang HB, Wu PH, Takayama-Muromachi E, Vanacken J, Moshchalkov VV;, Nature communications 6, 7614 (2015).
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Low-dose patterning of platinum nanoclusters on carbon nanotubes by focused-electron-beam-induced deposition as studied by TEM”. Ke X, Bittencourt C, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 4, 77 (2013).
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Measuring point defect density in individual carbon nanotubes using polarization-dependent X-ray microscopy”. Felten A, Gillon X, Gulas M, Pireaux J-J, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Bittencourt C, Najafi E, Hitchcock AP, ACS nano 4, 4431 (2010).
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A nanoscale shape memory oxide”. Zhang J, Ke X, Gou G, Seidel J, Xiang B, Yu P, Liang WI, Minor AM, Chu Yh, Van Tendeloo G, Ren X, Ramesh R;, Nature communications 4, 2768 (2013).
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