Number of records found: 334
High-TCInterfacial Ferromagnetism in SrMnO3/LaMnO3Superlattices”. Keunecke M, Lyzwa F, Schwarzbach D, Roddatis V, Gauquelin N, Müller-Caspary K, Verbeeck J, Callori SJ, Klose F, Jungbauer M, Moshnyaga V, Advanced functional materials , 1808270 (2019).
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Stabilization of the Perovskite Phase in the Y-Bi-O System By Using a BaBiO3 Buffer Layer”. Bouwmeester RL, de Hond K, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Koster G, Brinkman A, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 13, 1970028 (2019).
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Depth-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at a superconductor/half-metallic-ferromagnet interface through standing wave excitation”. Kuo C-T, Lin S-C, Ghiringhelli G, Peng Y, De Luca GM, Di Castro D, Betto D, Gehlmann M, Wijnands T, Huijben M, Meyer-Ilse J, Gullikson E, Kortright JB, Vailionis A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Gerber T, Balestrino G, Brookes NB, Braicovich L, Fadley CS, Physical review B 98, 235146 (2018).
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Various compressed sensing setups evaluated against Shannon sampling under constraint of constant illumination”. Van den Broek W, Reed BW, Béché, A, Velazco A, Verbeeck J, Koch CT, IEEE transactions on computational imaging 5, 502 (2019).
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Towards Reproducible and Transparent Science of (Big) Electron Microscopy Data Using Version Control”. Nord M, Verbeeck J, Microscopy and microanalysis T2 –, Microscopy &, Microanalysis 2019, 4-8 August, 2019, Portland, Oregon 25, 232 (2019).
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Nord M, Verbeeck J (2019) Open Source Development Tools for Robust and Reproducible Electron Microscopy Data Analysis. 138–139
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Strain measurement in semiconductor FinFET devices using a novel moiré, demodulation technique”. Prabhakara V, Jannis D, Béché, A, Bender H, Verbeeck J, Semiconductor science and technology (2019).
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Prospects for out-of-plane magnetic field measurements through interference of electron vortex modes in the TEM”. Guzzinati G, Béché, A, McGrouther D, Verbeeck J, Journal of optics 21, 124002 (2019).
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Interfacial dielectric layer as an origin of polarization fatigue in ferroelectric capacitors”. Do MT, Gauquelin N, Nguyen MD, Wang J, Verbeeck J, Blom F, Koster G, Houwman EP, Rijnders G, Scientific Reports 10, 7310 (2020).
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Unraveling the Role of Lattice Substitutions on the Stabilization of the Intrinsically Unstable Pb2Sb2O7Pyrochlore: Explaining the Lightfastness of Lead Pyroantimonate Artists&rsquo, Pigments”. Marchetti A, Saniz R, Krishnan D, Rabbachin L, Nuyts G, De Meyer S, Verbeeck J, Janssens K, Pelosi C, Lamoen D, Partoens B, De Wael K, Chemistry Of Materials 32, 2863 (2020).
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Evaluation of different rectangular scan strategies for STEM imaging”. Velazco A, Nord M, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Ultramicroscopy , 113021 (2020).
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Atom column detection from simultaneously acquired ABF and ADF STEM images”. Fatermans J, den Dekker Aj, Müller-Caspary K, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 219, 113046 (2020).
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Thermal-strain-engineered ferromagnetism of LaMnO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures grown on silicon”. Chen B, Gauquelin N, Reith P, Halisdemir U, Jannis D, Spreitzer M, Huijben M, Abel S, Fompeyrine J, Verbeeck J, Hilgenkamp H, Rijnders G, Koster G, Physical review materials 4, 024406 (2020).
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Co valence transformation in isopolar LaCoO3/LaTiO3 perovskite heterostructures via interfacial engineering”. Araizi-Kanoutas G, Geessinck J, Gauquelin N, Smit S, Verbeek XH, Mishra SK, Bencok P, Schlueter C, Lee T-L, Krishnan D, Fatermans J, Verbeeck J, Rijnders G, Koster G, Golden MS, Physical review materials 4, 026001 (2020).
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Reliable Characterization of Organic &, Pharmaceutical Compounds with High Resolution Monochromated EEL Spectroscopy”. Das PP, Guzzinati G, Coll C, Gomez Perez A, Nicolopoulos S, Estrade S, Peiro F, Verbeeck J, Zompra AA, Galanis AS, Polymers 12, 1434 (2020).
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Berry phase engineering at oxide interfaces”. Groenendijk DJ, Autieri C, van Thiel TC, Brzezicki W, Hortensius JR, Afanasiev D, Gauquelin N, Barone P, van den Bos KHW, van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Filippetti A, Picozzi S, Cuoco M, Caviglia AD, 2, 023404 (2020).
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HAADF-STEM block-scanning strategy for local measurement of strain at the nanoscale”. Prabhakara V, Jannis D, Guzzinati G, Béché, A, Bender H, Verbeeck J, Ultramicroscopy 219, 113099 (2020).
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Fast versus conventional HAADF-STEM tomography of nanoparticles: advantages and challenges”. Vanrompay H, Skorikov A, Bladt E, Béché, A, Freitag B, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Ultramicroscopy 221, 113191 (2021).
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Metal-insulator transition of SrVO 3 ultrathin films embedded in SrVO 3 / SrTiO 3 superlattices”. Wang J, Gauquelin N, Huijben M, Verbeeck J, Rijnders G, Koster G, Applied Physics Letters 117, 133105 (2020).
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Simultaneous heteroepitaxial growth of SrO (001) and SrO (111) during strontium-assisted deoxidation of the Si (001) surface”. Jovanović, Z, Gauquelin N, Koster G, Rubio-Zuazo J, Ghosez P, Verbeeck J, Suvorov D, Spreitzer M, Rsc Advances 10, 31261 (2020).
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Au-manganese oxide nanostructures by a plasma-assisted process as electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution : a chemico-physical investigation”. Bigiani L, Gasparotto A, Andreu T, Verbeeck J, Sada C, Modin E, Lebedev OI, Morante JR, Barreca D, Maccato C, Advanced sustainable systems , 2000177 (2020).
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Dual improvement of beta-MnO₂, oxygen evolution electrocatalysts via combined substrate control and surface engineering”. Bigiani L, Gasparotto A, Maccato C, Sada C, Verbeeck J, Andreu T, Morante JR, Barreca D, Chemcatchem , 1 (2020).
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Engineering Au/MnO₂, hierarchical nanoarchitectures for ethanol electrochemical valorization”. Bigiani L, Andreu T, Maccato C, Fois E, Gasparotto A, Sada C, Tabacchi G, Krishnan D, Verbeeck J, Ramon Morante J, Barreca D, Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 8, 16902 (2020).
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Strain-engineered metal-to-insulator transition and orbital polarization in nickelate superlattices integrated on silicon”. Chen B, Gauquelin N, Jannis D, Cunha DM, Halisdemir U, Piamonteze C, Lee JH, Belhadi J, Eltes F, Abel S, Jovanovic Z, Spreitzer M, Fompeyrine J, Verbeeck J, Bibes M, Huijben M, Rijnders G, Koster G, Advanced Materials , 2004995 (2020).
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Single femtosecond laser pulse excitation of individual cobalt nanoparticles”. Savchenko TM, Buzzi M, Howald L, Ruta S, Vijayakumar J, Timm M, Bracher D, Saha S, Derlet PM, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Chantrell RW, Vaz CAF, Nolting F, Kleibert A, Physical Review B 102, 205418 (2020).
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Two-dimensional electron systems in perovskite oxide heterostructures : role of the polarity-induced substitutional defects”. Lin S-C, Kuo C-T, Shao Y-C, Chuang Y-D, Geessinck J, Huijben M, Rueff J-P, Graff IL, Conti G, Peng Y, Bostwick A, Gullikson E, Nemsak S, Vailionis A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Ghiringhelli G, Schneider CM, Fadley CS, Physical review materials 4, 115002 (2020).
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Selective anodes for seawater splitting via functionalization of manganese oxides by a plasma-assisted process”. Bigiani L, Barreca D, Gasparotto A, Andreu T, Verbeeck J, Sada C, Modin E, Lebedev OI, Morante JR, Maccato C, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 284, 119684 (2021).
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Novel class of nanostructured metallic glass films with superior and tunable mechanical properties”. Ghidelli M, Orekhov A, Bassi AL, Terraneo G, Djemia P, Abadias G, Nord M, Béché, A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Raskin J-p, Schryvers D, Pardoen T, Idrissi H, Acta Materialia , 116955 (2021).
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Fast electron low dose tomography for beam sensitive materials”. Esteban DA, Vanrompay H, Skorikov A, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Freitag B, Bals S, Microscopy And Microanalysis 27, 2116 (2021).
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Linearized radially polarized light for improved precision in strain measurements using micro-Raman spectroscopy”. Prabhakara V, Nuytten T, Bender H, Vandervorst W, Bals S, Verbeeck J, Optics Express 29, 34531 (2021).
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