Number of records found: 1297
Electron acceleration by an intense short-pulse laser in underdense plasma”. Yu MY, Yu W, Chen ZY, Zhang J, Yin Y, Cao LH, Lu PX, Xu ZZ, Physics of plasmas 10, 2468 (2003).
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Electrostatic modes in multi-ion and pair-ion collisional plasmas”. Vranjes J, Petrovic D, Pandey BP, Poedts S, Physics of plasmas 15, 072104 (2008).
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Fluid simulations of frequency effects on nonlinear harmonics in inductively coupled plasma”. Si X-J, Zhao S-X, Xu X, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Physics of plasmas 18, 033504 (2011).
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Short-pulse laser absorption in very steep plasma density gradients”. Cai H-bo, Yu W, Zhu S-ping, Zheng C-yang, Cao L-hua, Li B, Chen ZY, Bogaerts A, Physics of plasmas 13, 094504 (2006).
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Simulation of disk- and band-like voids in dusty plasma systems”. Liu YH, Chen ZY, Huang F, Yu MY, Wang L, Bogaerts A, Physics of plasmas 13, 052110 (2006).
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Characterization of nano-crystalline diamond films grown under continuous DC bias during plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition”. Mortet V, Zhang L, Echert M, Soltani A, d' Haen J, Douheret O, Moreau M, Osswald S, Neyts E, Troadec D, Wagner P, Bogaerts A, Van Tendeloo G, Haenen K, Materials Research Society symposium proceedings (2009).
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Reactions of high FeO-olivine rock with groundwater and redox-sensitive elements studied by surface-analytical methods and autoradiography”. Hellmuth KH, Siitari-Kaupi M, Rauhala E, Johansson B, Zilliacus R, Gijbels R, Adriaens A, Materials Research Society symposium proceedings 333, 947 (1994)
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