Number of records found: 719
Morphological and elemental characterization of leaf-deposited particulate matter from different source types : a microscopic investigation”. Castanheiro A, Wuyts K, Hofman J, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Samson R, Environmental Science And Pollution Research 28, 25716 (2021).
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Morphology and the chemical make-up of the inorganic components of black corals”. Nowak D, Florek M, Nowak J, Kwiatek W, Lekki J, Chevallier P, Hacura A, Wrzalik R, Ben-Nissan B, Van Grieken R, Kuczumow A, Materials science and engineering: part C: biomimetic materials 29, 1029 (2009).
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Multiscale modeling of radiation damage and annealing in Si samples implanted with 57-Mn radioactive ions”. Abreu Y, Cruz CM, van Espen P, Piñera I, Leyva A, Cabal AE, IEEE conference record T2 –, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)/18th, International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and, Gamma-Ray Detectors, OCT 23-29, 2011, Valencia, SPAIN , 1754 (2011)
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Nanosecond-pulsed DBD plasma-generated reactive oxygen species trigger immunogenic cell death in A549 lung carcinoma cells through intracellular oxidative stress”. Lin A, Truong B, Patel S, Kaushik N, Choi EH, Fridman G, Fridman A, Miller V, International journal of molecular sciences 18, 966 (2017).
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New generation monitoring devices for heritage guardians to detect multiple events and hazards”. Schalm O, Anaf W, Callier J, Leyva Pernia D, IOP conference series : materials science and engineering 364, Unsp 012056 (2018).
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A new method for the evaluation of the reversible and irreversible fouling propensity of MBR mixed liquor”. Huyskens C, Brauns E, van Hoof E, de Wever H, Journal of membrane science 323, 185 (2008).
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Nitrogen cycling in bioregenerative life support systems : challenges for waste refinery and food production processes”. Clauwaert P, Muys M, Alloul A, De Paepe J, Luther A, Sun X, Ilgrande C, Christiaens MER, Hu X, Zhang D, Lindeboom REF, Sas B, Rabaey K, Boon N, Ronsse F, Geelen D, Vlaeminck SE, Progress in aerospace sciences 91, 87 (2017).
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Nontarget biomolecules alter macromolecular changes induced by bactericidal low-temperature plasma”. Privat-Maldonado A, Gorbanev Y, O'Connell D, Vann R, Chechik V, van der Woude MW, IEEE transactions on radiation and plasma medical sciences 2, 121 (2018).
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Operational strategies to selectively produce purple bacteria for microbial protein in raceway reactors”. Alloul A, Cerruti M, Adamczyk D, Weissbrodt DG, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental Science &, Technology 55, 8278 (2021).
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Optimisation of light element analysis of individual particles using UTW-EPMA”. de Hoog J, Osán J, Worobiec A, Ro C-U, Szalóki I, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 388 (2000)
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Optimizing sulfur-driven mixotrophic denitrification process : system performance and nitrous oxide emission”. Liu Y, Ngo HH, Guo W, Zhou J, Peng L, Wang D, Chen X, Sun J, Ni B-J, Chemical engineering science 172, 414 (2017).
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Organic and inorganic compounds in limestone weathering crusts from cathedrals in Southern and Western Europe”. Fobe BO, Vleugels GJ, Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Hermosin B, Ortega-Calvo JJ, Sanchez del Junco A, Saiz-Jimenez C, Environmental science and technology 29, 1691 (1995).
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Oxidation of iron causes removal of phosphorus and arsenic from streamwater in groundwater-fed lowland catchments”. Baken S, Salaets P, Desmet N, Seuntjens P, Vanlierde E, Smolders E, Environmental science and technology 49, 2886 (2015).
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Particulate ba-barite and acantharians in the Southern Ocean during the European iron fertilization experiment (EIFEX)”. Jacquet SHM, Henjes J, Dehairs F, Worobiec A, Savoye N, Cardinal D, Journal of geophysical research: G: biogeosciences 112, 04006 (2007).
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Particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in residences in Antwerp, Belgium”. Stranger M, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 407, 1182 (2009).
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Penetration of atmospheric aerosols during collection in cellulose filters, studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry”. Rojas CM, Goossens D, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 20, 569 (1989).
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Phi-bonacci in Ancient Greece”. Gielis J, Symmetry : culture and science 32, 25 (2021).
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Photosynthetic oxygenation for urine nitrification”. Muys M, Coppens J, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Water science and technology 78, 183 (2018).
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Piloting carbon-lean nitrogen removal for energy-autonomous sewage treatment”. Van Tendeloo M, Bundervoet B, Carlier N, Van Beeck W, Mollen H, Lebeer S, Colsen J, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental Science-Water Research &, Technology 7, 2268 (2021).
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Platinum group elements in the environment and their health risk”. Ravindra K, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 318, 1 (2004).
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Power concentration determined by thermodynamic properties in complex gas mixtures : the case of plasma-based dry reforming of methane”. Biondo O, Hughes A, van der Steeg A, Maerivoet S, Loenders B, van Rooij G, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 32, 045001 (2023).
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Preliminary studies on the geochemistry of the Cauvery river basin”. Subramanian V, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: earth and planetary sciences 94, 99 (1985).
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Quantification and characterization of glyphosate use and loss in a residential area”. Tang T, Boenne W, Desmet N, Seuntjens P, Bronders J, van Griensven A, The science of the total environment 517, 207 (2015).
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Radiation damage evaluation on LYSO and LuYAP materials through Dpa calculation assisted by Monte Carlo method”. Piñera I, Abreu Y, van Espen P, Diaz A, Leyva A, Cruz CM, IEEE conference record T2 –, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)/18th, International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and, Gamma-Ray Detectors, OCT 23-29, 2011, Valencia, SPAIN , 1609 (2011)
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Rapid automated measurement system for simultaneous determination of effective air-filled porosity and soil gas diffusivity”. Bonroy J, Volckaert M, Seuntjens P, Soil Science Society of America journal 75, 408 (2011).
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Screen versus cyclone for improved capacity and robustness for sidestream and mainstream deammonification”. Van Winckel T, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Bachmann B, Sturm B, Wett B, Takács I, Bott C, Murthy SN, De Clippeleir H, Environmental Science: Water Research &, Technology 5, 1769 (2019).
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Selenium in environmental and drinking waters of Belgium”. Robberecht H, Van Grieken R, van Sprundel M, vanden Berghe D, Deelstra H, The science of the total environment 26, 163 (1983).
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Selenium in the Belgian soils and its uptake by rye-grass”. Robberecht H, vanden Berghe D, Deelstra H, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 25, 61 (1982).
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Sensitivity of water stress in a two-layered sandy grassland soil to variations in groundwater depth and soil hydraulic parameters”. Rezaei M, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Boenne W, Van Hoey S, Campling P, Cornelis WM, Hydrology and earth system sciences 20, 487 (2016).
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Single-particle analysis of aerosols at Cheju Island, Korea, using low-Z electron probe X-ray microanalysis: a direct proof of nitrate formation from sea salts”. Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Kim H, Kim YP, Lee CB, Kim K-H, Kang CH, Osán J, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 35, 4487 (2001).
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