Number of records found: 44
Monitoring the impact of the indoor air quality on silver cultural heritage objects using passive and continuous corrosion rate assessments”. 't Hart L, Storme P, Anaf W, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Dorriné, W, Janssens K, De Wael K, Schalm O, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 122, 923 (2016).
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Visualization of As(III) and As(V) distributions in degraded paint micro-samples from Baroque- and Rococo-era paintings”. Vermeulen M, Nuyts G, Sanyova J, Vila A, Buti D, Suuronen J-P, Janssens K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 31, 1913 (2016).
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The darkening of copper- or lead-based pigments explained by a structural modification of natural orpiment : a spectroscopic and electrochemical study”. Vermeulen M, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Nuyts G, De Meyer S, De Wael K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 32, 1331 (2017).
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Room-temperature study of iron gall ink impregnated paper degradation under various oxygen and humidity conditions : time-dependent monitoring by viscosity and X-ray absorption near-edge spectrometry measurements”. Rouchon V, Duranton M, Burgaud C, Pellizzi E, Lavédrine B, Janssens K, de Nolf W, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Hellemans K, Analytical chemistry 83, 2589 (2011).
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Study of the early stages of Mn intrusion in corroded glass by means of combined SR FTIR/\muXRF imaging and XANES spectroscopy”. Nuyts G, Cagno S, Hellemans K, Veronesi G, Cotte M, Janssens K, Procedia Chemistry T2 –, Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference (YOCOCU), June 18-20, 2012, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium , 239 (2013).
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Micro-XANES study on Mn browning: use of quantitative valence state maps”. Nuyts G, Cagno S, Bugani S, Janssens K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 642 (2015).
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Evaluation of manganese-bodies removal in historical stained glass windows via SR-\mu-XANES/XRF and SR-\mu-CT”. Cagno S, Nuyts G, Bugani S, De Vis K, Schalm O, Caen J, Helfen L, Cotte M, Reischig P, Janssens K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 26, 2442 (2011).
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Combined computed nanotomography and nanoscopic x-ray fluorescence imaging of cobalt nanoparticles in caenorhabditis elegans”. Cagno S, Brede DA, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Pacureanu A, Tucoulou R, Cloetens P, Falkenberg G, Janssens K, Salbu B, Lind OC, Analytical chemistry 89, 11435 (2017).
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A new opportunity for biomagnetic monitoring of particulate pollution in an urban environment using tree branches”. Wuyts K, Hofman J, van Wittenberghe S, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Samson R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 190, 177 (2018).
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Non-invasive and non-destructive examination of artistic pigments, paints, and paintings by means of X-Ray methods”. Janssens K, van der Snickt G, Vanmeert F, Legrand S, Nuyts G, Alfeld M, Monico L, Anaf W, de Nolf W, Vermeulen M, Verbeeck J, De Wael K, Topics in Current Chemistry 374, 81 (2016).
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Plasmonic gold-embedded TiO2 thin films as photocatalytic self-cleaning coatings”. Peeters H, Keulemans M, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Li C, Minjauw M, Detavernier C, Bals S, Lenaerts S, Verbruggen SW, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 267, 118654 (2020).
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Selectivity in ligand functionalization of photocatalytic metal oxide nanoparticles for phase transfer and self‐assembly applications”. Borah R, Ninakanti R, Nuyts G, Peeters H, Pedrazo-Tardajos A, Nuti S, Vande Velde C, De Wael K, Lenaerts S, Bals S, Verbruggen S, Chemistry-A European Journal , chem.202100029 (2021).
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The opportunity of 6-monoacetylmorphine to selectively detect heroin at preanodized screen printed electrodes”. Felipe Montiel N, Parrilla M, Beltrán V, Nuyts G, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Talanta , 122005 (2021).
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Unraveling the Role of Lattice Substitutions on the Stabilization of the Intrinsically Unstable Pb2Sb2O7Pyrochlore: Explaining the Lightfastness of Lead Pyroantimonate Artists&rsquo, Pigments”. Marchetti A, Saniz R, Krishnan D, Rabbachin L, Nuyts G, De Meyer S, Verbeeck J, Janssens K, Pelosi C, Lamoen D, Partoens B, De Wael K, Chemistry Of Materials 32, 2863 (2020).
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