Number of records found: 414
Magnetotransport across the metal-graphene hybrid interface and its modulation by gate voltage”. Chen J-J, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Meng J, Zhou Y-B, Liao Z-M, Yu D-P, Nanoscale 7, 5516 (2015).
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Photovoltaic effect and evidence of carrier multiplication in graphene vertical homojunctions with asymmetrical metal contacts”. Chen JJ, Wang Q, Meng J, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Bie YQ, Liu J, Liu K, Liao ZM, Sun D, Yu D;, ACS nano 9, 8851 (2015).
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Possibilities and limitations of advanced transmission electron microscopy for carbon-based nanomaterials”. Ke X, Bittencourt C, Van Tendeloo G, Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 6, 1541 (2015).
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Heterometal nanoparticles from Ru-based molecular clusters covalently anchored onto functionalized carbon nanotubes and nanofibers”. Vidick D, Ke X, Devillers M, Poleunis C, Delcorte A, Moggi P, Van Tendeloo G, Hermans S, Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 6, 1287 (2015).
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Quantitative STEM normalisation : the importance of the electron flux”. Martinez GT, Jones L, de Backer A, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Nellist PD, Ultramicroscopy 159, 46 (2015).
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Origin of voltage decay in high-capacity layered oxide electrodes”. Sathiya M, Abakumov AM, Foix D, Rousse G, Ramesha K, Saubanère M, Doublet M , Vezin H, Laisa CP, Prakash AS, Gonbeau D, Van Tendeloo G, Tarascon JM, Nature materials 14, 230 (2015).
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Vapor phase processing of \alpha-Fe2O3 photoelectrodes for water splitting : an insight into the structure/property interplay”. Warwick MEA, Kaunisto K, Barreca D, Carraro G, Gasparotto A, Maccato C, Bontempi E, Sada C, Ruoko TP, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G;, ACS applied materials and interfaces 7, 8667 (2015).
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Direct observation and structural characterization of natural and metal ion-exchanged HEU-type zeolites”. Filippousi M, Turner S, Katsikini M, Pinakidou F, Zamboulis D, Pavlidou E, Van Tendeloo G, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 210, 185 (2015).
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Tuning metal sites of DABCO MOF for gas purification at ambient conditions”. Chemchuen S, Zhou K, Kabir NA, Chen Y, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Verpoort F, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 201, 277 (2015).
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Effect of clay modification on structureproperty relationships and thermal degradation kinetics of \beta-polypropylene/clay composite materials”. Papageorgiou DG, Filippousi M, Pavlidou E, Chrissafis K, Van Tendeloo G, Bikiaris D, Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 122, 393 (2015).
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Novel poly(butylene succinate) nanocomposites containing strontium hydroxyapatite nanorods with enhanced osteoconductivity for tissue engineering applications”. Nerantzaki M, Filippousi M, Van Tendeloo G, Terzopoulou Z, Bikiaris D, Goudouri OM, Detsch R, Grueenewald A, Boccaccini AR, Express polymer letters 9, 773 (2015).
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Heat-induced transformation of CdSe-CdS-ZnS coremultishell quantum dots by Zn diffusion into inner layers”. Yalcin AO, Goris B, van Dijk-Moes RJA, Fan Z, Erdamar AK, Tichelaar FD, Vlugt TJH, Van Tendeloo G, Bals S, Vanmaekelbergh D, Zandbergen HW, van Huis MA;, Chemical communications 51, 3320 (2015).
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Multifunctional self-assembled composite colloids and their application to SERS detection”. La Porta A, Sanchez-Iglesias A, Altantzis T, Bals S, Grzelczak M, Liz-Marzan LM, Nanoscale 7, 10377 (2015).
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Stabilization and encapsulation of gold nanostars mediated by dithiols”. Wang Y, Belén Serrano A, Sentosun K, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Small 11, 4314 (2015).
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KEu(MoO4)2 : polymorphism, structures, and luminescent properties”. Morozov VA, Arakcheeva AV, Pattison P, Meert KW, Smet PF, Poelman D, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Chemistry of materials 27, 5519 (2015).
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Prospects for versatile phase manipulation in the TEM : beyond aberration correction”. Guzzinati G, Clark L, Béché, A, Juchtmans R, Van Boxem R, Mazilu M, Verbeeck J, Ultramicroscopy 151, 85 (2015).
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Nanoscale mapping by electron energy-loss spectroscopy reveals evolution of organic solar cell contact selectivity”. Guerrero A, Pfannmöller M, Kovalenko A, Ripolles TS, Heidari H, Bals S, Kaufmann L-D, Bisquert J, Garcia-Belmonte G, Organic electronics: physics, materials, applications 16, 227 (2015).
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Shelf life degradation of bulk heterojunction solar cells : intrinsic evolution of charge transfer complex”. Guerrero A, Heidari H, Ripolles TS, Kovalenko A, Pfannmöller M, Bals S, Kauffmann L-D, Bisquert J, Garcia-Belmonte G, Laser physics review 5, 1401997 (2015).
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Air- and water-resistant noble metal coated ferromagnetic cobalt nanorods”. Lentijo-Mozo S, Tan RP, Garcia-Marcelot C, Altantzis T, Fazzini PF, Hungria T, Cormary B, Gallagher JR, Miller JT, Martinez H, Schrittwieser S, Schotter J, Respaud M, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Gatel C, Soulantica K, ACS nano 9, 2792 (2015).
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Strain accommodation through facet matching in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4/Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 ramp-edge junctions”. Hoek M, Coneri F, Poccia N, Renshaw Wang X, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Hilgenkamp H, APL materials 3, 086101 (2015).
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Dose limited reliability of quantitative annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy for nano-particle atom-counting”. de Backer A, Martinez GT, MacArthur KE, Jones L, Béché, A, Nellist PD, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 151, 56 (2015).
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The role of steam treatment on the structure, purity and length distribution of multi-walled carbon nanotubes”. Cabana L, Ke X, Kepić, D, Oro-Solé, J, Tobías-Rossell E, Van Tendeloo G, Tobias G, Carbon 93, 1059 (2015).
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Smart Align : a new tool for robust non-rigid registration of scanning microscope data”. Jones L, Yang H, Pennycook TJ, Marshall MSJ, Van Aert S, Browning ND, Castell MR, Nellist PD, Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging 1, 8 (2015).
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Enhanced biomedical heat-triggered carriers via nanomagnetism tuning in ferrite-based nanoparticles”. Angelakeris M, Li ZA, Hilgendorff M, Simeonidis K, Sakellari D, Filippousi M, Tian H, Van Tendeloo G, Spasova M, Acet M, Farle M, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 381, 179 (2015).
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Homogeneity and composition of AlInGaN : a multiprobe nanostructure study”. Krause FF, Ahl JP, Tytko D, Choi PP, Egoavil R, Schowalter M, Mehrtens T, Müller-Caspary K, Verbeeck J, Raabe D, Hertkorn J, Engl K, Rosenauer A, Ultramicroscopy 156, 29 (2015).
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Phase problem in the B-site ordering of La2CoMnO6 : impact on structure and magnetism”. Egoavil R, Huehn S, Jungbauer M, Gauquelin N, Béché, A, Van Tendeloo G, Verbeeck, Moshnyaga V, Nanoscale 7, 9835 (2015).
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Optimal experimental design for nano-particle atom-counting from high-resolution STEM images”. de Backer A, De wael A, Gonnissen J, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 151, 46 (2015).
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Solution-processable ultrathin size- and shape-controlled colloidal Cu2-xS nanosheets”. van der Stam W, Akkerman QA, Ke X, van Huis MA, Bals S, de Donega CM, Chemistry of materials 27, 283 (2015).
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Luminescent CuInS2 quantum dots by partial cation exchange in Cu2-xS nanocrystals”. van der Stam W, Berends AC, Rabouw FT, Willhammar T, Ke X, Meeldijk JD, Bals S, de Donega CM, Chemistry of materials 27, 621 (2015).
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Governing the morphology of PtAu heteronanocrystals with improved electrocatalytic performance”. Mourdikoudis S, Chirea M, Zanaga D, Altantzis T, Mitrakas M, Bals S, Marzán LM, Pérez-Juste J, Pastoriza-Santos I, Nanoscale 7, 8739 (2015).
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