Number of records found: 216
Organic SIMS: the influence of time on the ion yield enhancement by silver and gold deposition”. Adriaensen L, Vangaever F, Gijbels R, Applied surface science 231/232, 256 (2004).
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Scheme for the generation of entangled atomic state in cavity QED”. Duan ZL, Chen ZY, Zhang JT, Feng XL, Xu ZZ, European physical journal : D : atomic, molecular and optical physics 30, 275 (2004).
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Characterisation of sugar cane combustion particles in the Araraquara region, Southeast Brazil”. Godoi RHM, Godoi AFL, Worobiec A, Andrade SJ, de Hoog J, Santiago-Silva MR, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 145, 53 (2004).
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Chemical characterization of airborne particles in St. Martinus Cathedral in Weert, The Netherlands”. Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Injuk J, Neilen D, Schellen H, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 145, 223 (2004).
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Structure and microstructure of epitaxial SrnFenO3n-1 films”. Lebedev OI, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Hayashi N, Terashima T, Takano M, Philosophical magazine 84, 3825 (2004).
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Magneto resistance oscillations in a modulated 2DEG periodic in the ratio h/e to flux per unit cell”. Vasilopoulos P, Wang XF, Peeters FM, Chowdhury S, Long AR, Davies JH, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures T2 –, 15th International Conference on Electronic Properties of, Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-15), JUL 14-18, 2003, Nara, JAPAN 22, 389 (2004).
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Negative trions in coupled quantum dots”. Anisimovas E, Peeters FM, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures T2 –, 15th International Conference on Electronic Properties of, Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-15), JUL 14-18, 2003, Nara, JAPAN 22, 566 (2004).
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Theoretical model for the structural phase transition and the metal-insulator transition in polymerized KC60”. Verberck B, Nikolaev AV, Michel KH, Fullerenes, nanotubes, and carbon nanostructures T2 –, 6th Biennial International Workshop on Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters, JUN 30-JUL 04, 2003, St Petersburg, RUSSIA 12, 243 (2004).
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Determination of localized Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios in inks of historic documents by means of \mu-XANES”. Proost K, Janssens K, Wagner B, Bulska E, Schreiner M, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research: B: beam interactions with materials and atoms 213, 723 (2004).
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Approaches to calculation of exciton interaction energies for a molecular dimer”. Howard IA, Zutterman F, Deroover G, Lamoen D, van Alsenoy C, Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 108, 19155 (2004).
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First-principles calculations of the mean inner Coulomb potential for sphalerite type II.VI semiconductors”. Schowalter M, Lamoen D, Kruse P, Gerthsen D, Rosenauer A, Applied Physics Letters 85, 4938 (2004).
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Relativistic virial relations for both homogeneous and spatially varying electron liquids”. Leys FE, March NH, Lamoen D, Physics And Chemistry Of Liquids 42, 423 (2004).
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Stability of vortex-antivortex molecules in mesoscopic superconducting triangles”. Misko VR, Fomin VM, Devreese JT, Moshchalkov VV, Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications 404, 251 (2004).
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Energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy: an overview”. Verbeeck J, van Dyck D, Van Tendeloo G, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 59, 1529 (2004).
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How to optimize the experimental design of quantitative atomic resolution TEM experiments?”.Van Aert S, den Dekker AJ, van Dyck D, Micron 35, 425 (2004).
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Physical limits on atomic resolution”. van Dyck D, Van Aert S, den Dekker AJ, Microscopy and microanalysis 10, 153 (2004).
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Aluminum incorporation into MCM-48 toward the creation of Brønsted acidity”. Collart O, Cool P, van der Voort P, Meynen V, Vansant EF, Houthoofd KJ, Grobet PJ, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, The journal of physical chemistry : B : condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces and biophysical 108, 13905 (2004).
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Post-synthesis deposition of V-Zeolitic nanoparticles in SBA-15”. Meynen V, Beyers E, Cool P, Vansant EF, Mertens M, Weyten H, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Chemical communications , 898 (2004).
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Structure and microstructure of nanoscale mesoporous silica spheres”. Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Collart O, Cool P, Vansant EF, Solid state sciences 6, 489 (2004).
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EPMA and µ-SRXRF analysis and TEM-based microstructure characterization of a set of Roman glass fragments”. Fredrickx P, de Ryck I, Janssens K, Schryvers D, Petit J-P, Döcking H, X-ray spectrometry 33, 326 (2004).
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Anion ordering and defect structure in Ruddlesden-Popper strontium niobium oxynitrides”. Tobías G, Beltrán-Porter D, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Rodríguez-Carvajal J, Fuertes A, Inorganic chemistry 43, 8010 (2004).
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Annular dark field imaging in a TEM”. Bals S, Kabius B, Haider M, Radmilovic V, Kisielowski C, Solid state communications 130, 675 (2004).
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Antiferroelectric phase transition in Sr9In(PO4)7”. Stefanovich SY, Belik AA, Azuma M, Takano M, Baryshnikova OV, Morozov VA, Lazoryak BI, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 70, 172103 (2004).
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Applications of advanced transmission electron microscopic techniques to Ni-Ti based shape memory materials”. Schryvers D, Potapov P, Santamarta R, Tirry W, Materials science and engineering: part A: structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 378, 11 (2004).
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Ball milling effect on the structure of single-wall carbon nanotubes”. Pierard N, Fonseca A, Colomer J-F, Bossuot C, Benoit J-M, Van Tendeloo G, Pirard J-P, Nagy JB, Carbon 42, 1691 (2004).
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Bundles of identical double-walled carbon nanotubes”. Colomer J-F, Henrard L, Launois P, Van Tendeloo G, Lucas AA, Lambin P, Chemical communications , 2592 (2004).
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Characterization of oxide precipitates in heavily B-doped silicon by infrared spectroscopy”. de Gryse O, Clauws P, Vanhellemont J, Lebedev OI, van Landuyt J, Simoen E, Claeys C, Journal of the electrochemical society 151, G598 (2004).
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Chemical solution deposition: a path towards low cost coated conductors”. Obradors X, Puig T, Pomar A, Sandiumenge F, Piñol S, Mestres N, Castaño O, Coll M, Cavallaro A, Palau A, Gázquez J, González JC, Gutiérrez J, Romá, N, Ricart S, Moretó, JM, Rossell MD, Van Tendeloo G, Superconductor science and technology 17, 1055 (2004).
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Comparison of As- and P-based metamorphic buffers for high performance InP heterojunction bipolar transistor and high electron mobility transistor applications”. Lubyshev D, Fastenau JM, Fang X-M, Wu Y, Doss C, Snyder A, Liu WK, Lamb MSM, Bals S, Song C, Journal of vacuum science &, technology. B. Microelectronics and nanometer structures. Processing, measurement and phenomena 22, 1565 (2004).
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Controlling the diameters in large-scale synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes by catalytic decomposition of CH4”. Li Y, Zhang X, Shen L, Luo J, Tao X, Liu F, Xu G, Wang Y, Geise HJ, Van Tendeloo G, Chemical physics letters 398, 276 (2004).
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