Number of records found: 353
Production of large graphene sheets by exfoliation of graphite under high power ultrasound in the presence of tiopronin”. Quintana M, Grzelczak M, Spyrou K, Kooi B, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Rudolf P, Prato M, Chemical communications 48, 12159 (2012).
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The role of phase compatibility in martensite”. Salman OU, Finel A, Delville R, Schryvers D, Journal of applied physics T2 –, 22nd International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF), JUN 13-16, 2010, San Juan, PR 111, 103517 (2012).
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Seedless synthesis of single crystalline Au nanoparticles with unusual shapes and tunable LSPR in the near-IR”. Angelomé, PC, Heidari Mezerji H, Goris B, Pastoriza-Santos I, Pérez-Juste J, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Chemistry of materials 24, 1393 (2012).
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Short-range order of Br and three-dimensional magnetism in (CuBr)LaNb2O7”. Tsirlin AA, Abakumov AM, Ritter C, Henry PF, Janson O, Rosner H, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 85, 214427 (2012).
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A simple road for the transformation of few-layer graphene into MWNTs”. Quintana M, Grzelczak M, Spyrou K, Calvaresi M, Bals S, Kooi B, Van Tendeloo G, Rudolf P, Zerbetto F, Prato M, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 13310 (2012).
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Site-specific mapping of transition metal oxygen coordination in complex oxides”. Turner S, Egoavil R, Batuk M, Abakumov AA, Hadermann J, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Applied physics letters 101, 241910 (2012).
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Spin-dependent on-site electron correlations and localization in itinerant f erromagnets”. Gotter R, Fratesi G, Bartynski RA, da Pieve F, Offi F, Ruocco A, Ugenti S, Trioni MI, Brivio GP, Stefani G, Physical review letters 109, 126401 (2012).
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Stability and crystal structures of iron carbides : a comparison between the semi-empirical modified embedded atom method and quantum-mechanical DFT calculations”. Fang CM, van Huis MA, Thijsse BJ, Zandbergen HW, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 85, 054116 (2012).
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Stability and structures of the CFCC-TmC phases : a first-principles study”. Fang CM, van Huis MA, Zandbergen HW, Computational materials science 51, 146 (2012).
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Structural requirements in lithium cobalt oxides for the catalytic oxidation of water”. Gardner GP, Go YB, Robinson DM, Smith PF, Hadermann J, Abakumov A, Greenblatt M, Dismukes GC, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 51, 1616 (2012).
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Structure and high-temperature properties of the (Sr,Ca,Y)(Co,Mn)O3-y perovskites –, perspective cathode materials for IT-SOFC”. Napolsky PS, Drozhzhin OA, Istomin SY, Kazakov SM, Antipov EV, Galeeva AV, Gippius AA, Svensson G, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of solid state chemistry 192, 186 (2012).
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Structures and magnetism of La1-xSrxMnO3-(0.5+x)/2 (0.67\leq x\leq1) phases”. Dixon E, Hadermann J, Hayward MA, Chemistry of materials 24, 1486 (2012).
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Study of the interaction between copper and carbon nanotubes”. Bittencourt C, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Thiess S, Drube W, Ghijsen J, Ewels CP, Chemical physics letters 535, 80 (2012).
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Sub-nanometer free electrons with topological charge”. Schattschneider P, Stöger-Pollach M, Löffler S, Steiger-Thirsfeld A, Hell J, Verbeeck J, Ultramicroscopy 115, 21 (2012).
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Synthesis, crystal structure, transport, and magnetic properties of novel ternary copper phosphides, A2Cu6P5(A = Sr, Eu) and EuCu4P3”. Charkin DO, Urmanov AV, Kazakov SM, Batuk D, Abakumov AM, Knöner S, Gati E, Wolf B, Lang M, Shevelkov AV, Van Tendeloo G, Antipov EV;, Inorganic chemistry 51, 8948 (2012).
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Tailoring CuO nanostructures for enhanced photocatalytic property”. Liu J, Jin J, Deng Z, Huang SZ, Hu ZY, Wang L, Wang C, Chen LH, Li Y, Van Tendeloo G, Su BL;, Journal of colloid and interface science 384, 1 (2012).
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Bi0.75Sr0.25FeO3-\delta : revealing order/disorder phenomena by combining diffraction techniques”. Pachoud E, Bréard Y, Martin C, Maignan A, Abakumov AM, Suard E, Smith RI, Suchomel MR, Solid state communications 152, 331 (2012).
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(CuCl)LaTa2O\text{7} and quantum phase transition in the (CuX)LaM2O7 family (X=Cl, Br, M=Nb, Ta)”. Tsirlin AA, Abakumov AM, Ritter C, Rosner H, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 86, 064440 (2012).
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Na2/7Gd4/7MoO4 : a modulated scheelite-type structure and conductivity properties”. Morozov V, Arakcheeva A, Redkin B, Sinitsyn V, Khasanov S, Kudrenko E, Raskina M, Lebedev O, Van Tendeloo G, Inorganic chemistry 51, 5313 (2012).
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_Sr{2}GaScO5, Sr10Ga6Sc4O25, and SrGa0.75Sc0.25O2.5 : a play in the octahedra to tetrahedra ratio in oxygen-deficient perovskites”. Chernov SV, Dobrovolsky YA, Istomin SY, Antipov EV, Grins J, Svensson G, Tarakina NV, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Eriksson SG, Rahman SMH;, Inorganic chemistry 51, 1094 (2012).
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Three-dimensional fabrication and characterisation of core-shell nano-columns using electron beam patterning of Ge-doped SiO2”. Gontard LC, Jinschek JR, Ou H, Verbeeck J, Dunin-Borkowski RE, Applied physics letters 100, 263113 (2012).
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Tuning of the size and the lattice parameter of ion-beam synthesized Pb nanoparticles embedded in Si”. Wang H, Cuppens J, Biermans E, Bals S, Fernandez-Ballester L, Kvashnina KO, Bras W, van Bael MJ, Temst K, Vantomme A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 45, 035301 (2012).
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Tuning the pore size of ink-bottle mesopores by atomic layer deposition”. Dendooven J, Goris B, Devloo-Casier K, Levrau E, Biermans E, Baklanov MR, Ludwig KF, van der Voort P, Bals S, Detavernier C, Chemistry of materials 24, 1992 (2012).
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Twinning in pure Ti subjected to monotonic simple shear deformation”. Tirry W, Bouvier S, Benmhenni N, Hammami W, Habraken AM, Coghe F, Schryvers D, Rabet L, Materials characterization 72, 24 (2012).
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Understanding and promoting the rapid preparation of the triplite-phase of LiFeSO4F for use as a large-potential Fe cathode”. Ati M, Sathiya M, Boulineau S, Reynaud M, Abakumov A, Rousse G, Melot B, Van Tendeloo G, Tarascon J-M, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 18380 (2012).
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A vacancy-disordered, oxygen-deficient perovskite with long-range magnetic ordering : local and average structures and magnetic properties of Sr2Fe1.5Cr0.5O5”. Ramezanipour F, Greedan JE, Siewenie J, Donaberger RL, Turner S, Botton GA, Inorganic chemistry 51, 2638 (2012).
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Vertically oriented CuO/ZnO nanorod arrays : from plasma-assisted synthesis to photocatalytic H2 production”. Simon Q, Barreca D, Gasparotto A, Maccato C, Montini T, Gombac V, Fornasiero P, Lebedev OI, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of materials chemistry 22, 11739 (2012).
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Zinc and copper oxides functionalized with metal nanoparticles : an insight into their nano-organization”. Maccato C, Simon Q, Carraro G, Barreca D, Gasparotto A, Lebedev OI, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of advanced microscopy research 7, 84 (2012).
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Depth strain profile with sub-nm resolution in a thin silicon film using medium energy ion scattering”. Jalabert D, Pelloux-Gervais D, Béché, A, Hartmann JM, Gergaud P, Rouvière JL, Canut B, Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science 209, 265 (2012).
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Strain mapping for the silicon-on-insulator generation of semiconductor devices by high-angle annular dark field scanning electron transmission microscopy”. Cooper D, Le Royer C, Béché, A, Rouvière J-L, Applied Physics Letters 100, 233121 (2012).
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