Number of records found: 1475
New solid electrolyte Na9Al(MoO4)6 : structure and Na+ ion conductivity”. Savina AA, Morozov VA, Buzlukov AL, Arapova IY, Stefanovich SY, Baklanova YV, Denisova TA, Medvedeva NI, Bardet M, Hadermann J, Lazoryak BI, Khaikina EG, Chemistry of materials 29, 8901 (2017).
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Observation of hidden atomic order at the interface between Fe and topological insulator Bi2Te3”. Sanchez-Barriga J, Ogorodnikov II, Kuznetsov MV, Volykhov AA, Matsui F, Callaert C, Hadermann J, Verbitskiy NI, Koch RJ, Varykhalov A, Rader O, Yashina LV, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 19, 30520 (2017).
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Synthesis of Li-Rich NMC : a comprehensive study”. Pimenta V, Sathiya M, Batuk D, Abakumov AM, Giaume D, Cassaignon S, Larcher D, Tarascon J-M, Chemistry of materials 29, 9923 (2017).
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Reversible Clustering of Gold Nanoparticles under Confinement”. Sánchez-Iglesias A, Claes N, Solís DM, Taboada JM, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Grzelczak M, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 57, 3183 (2018).
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Near-Infrared-Emitting CuInS2/ZnS Dot-in-Rod Colloidal Heteronanorods by Seeded Growth”. Xia C, Winckelmans N, Prins PT, Bals S, Gerritsen HC, de Mello Donegá, C, Journal of the American Chemical Society 140, 5755 (2018).
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Comparative study of the magnetic properties of La3Ni2B'O9 for B' = Nb, Ta or Sb”. Chin C-M, Battle PD, Blundell SJ, Hunter E, Lang F, Hendrickx M, Sena RP, Hadermann J, Journal of solid state chemistry 258, 825 (2018).
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High-temperature properties of (La,Ca)(Fe,Mg,Mo)O3-\delta perovskites as prospective electrode materials for symmetrical SOFC”. Istomin SY, Morozov AV, Abdullayev MM, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Kazakov SM, Sobolev AV, Presniakov IA, Antipov EV, Journal of solid state chemistry 258, 1 (2018).
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Interplay between surface chemistry, precursor reactivity, and temperature determines outcome of ZnS shelling reactions on CuInS2 nanocrystals”. Berends AC, van der Stam W, Hofmann JP, Bladt E, Meeldijk JD, Bals S, de Donega CM, Chemistry of materials 30, 2400 (2018).
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β-Na1.7IrO3: A Tridimensional Na-Ion Insertion Material with a Redox Active Oxygen Network”. Pearce PE, Rousse G, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Foix D, Fauth F, Abakumov AM, Tarascon J-M, Chemistry of materials 30, 3285 (2018).
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Mono- and Multilayer Silicene-Type Honeycomb Lattices by Oriented Attachment of PbSe Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Analysis of the Disorder”. Peters JL, Altantzis T, Lobato I, Jazi MA, van Overbeek C, Bals S, Vanmaekelbergh D, Sinai SB, Chemistry of materials 30, 4831 (2018).
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Chemical activity of the peroxide/oxide redox couple : case study of Ba5Ru2O11 in aqueous and organic solvents”. Grimaud A, Iadecola A, Batuk D, Saubanere M, Abakumov AM, Freeland JW, Cabana J, Li H, Doublet M-L, Rousse G, Tarascon J-M, Chemistry of materials 30, 3882 (2018).
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Control of the interfacial wettability to synthesize highly dispersed PtPd nanocrystals for efficient oxygen reduction reaction”. Wei H, Hu Z-Y, Xiao Y-X, Tian G, Ying J, Van Tendeloo G, Janiak C, Yang X-Y, Su B-L, Chemistry: an Asian journal 13, 1119 (2018).
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Subtissue plasmonic heating monitored with CaF2:Nd3+,Y3+ nanothermometers in the second biological window”. Quintanilla M, Zhang Y, Liz-Marzan LM, Chemistry of materials 30, 2819 (2018).
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Postsynthetic high-alumina zeolite crystal engineering in organic free hyper-alkaline media”. Van Tendeloo L, Wangermez W, Vandekerkhove A, Willhammar T, Bals S, Maes A, Martens JA, Kirschhock CEA, Breynaert E, Chemistry of materials 29, 629 (2017).
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Gel-based morphological design of zirconium metal-organic frameworks”. Bueken B, Van Velthoven N, Willhammar T, Stassin T, Stassen I, Keen DA, Baron GV, Denayer JFM, Ameloot R, Bals S, De Vos D, Bennett TD, Chemical science 8, 3939 (2017).
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Small-moment paramagnetism and extensive twinning in the topochemically reduced phase Sr2ReLiO5.5”. Hasanli N, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Hadermann J, Hayward MA, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 47, 15783 (2018).
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Kinetics of lifetime changes in bimetallic nanocatalysts revealed by quick X-ray absorption spectroscopy”. Filez M, Poelman H, Redekop EA, Galvita VV, Alexopoulos K, Meledina M, Ramachandran RK, Dendooven J, Detavernier C, Van Tendeloo G, Safonova OV, Nachtegaal M, Weckhuysen BM, Marin GB, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 57, 12430 (2018).
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Interfacial oxidation and photoluminescence of InP-Based core/shell quantum dots”. Tessier MD, Baquero EA, Dupont D, Grigel V, Bladt E, Bals S, Coppel Y, Hens Z, Nayral C, Delpech F, Chemistry of materials 30, 6877 (2018).
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Incommensurately modulated structures and luminescence properties of the AgxSm(2-x)/3WO4 (x=0.286, 0.2) scheelites as thermographic phosphors”. Morozov V, Deyneko D, Basoyich O, Khaikina EG, Spassky D, Morozov A, Chernyshev V, Abakumov A, Hadermann J, Chemistry of materials 30, 4788 (2018).
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Ferrimagnetism as a consequence of unusual cation ordering in the Perovskite SrLa2FeCoSbO9”. Tang Y, Hunter EC, Battle PD, Hendrickx M, Hadermann J, Cadogan JM, Inorganic chemistry 57, 7438 (2018).
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Effect of Bimetallic Pd/Pt Clusters on the Sensing Properties of Nanocrystalline SnO2 in the Detection of CO”. Malkov I V, Krivetskii VV, Potemkin D I, Zadesenets A V, Batuk MM, Hadermann J, Marikutsa A V, Rumyantseva MN, Gas'kov AM, Russian journal of inorganic chemistry 63, 1007 (2018).
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Dopant-induced electron localization drives CO2 reduction to C2 hydrocarbons”. Zhou Y, Che F, Liu M, Zou C, Liang Z, De Luna P, Yuan H, Li J, Wang Z, Xie H, Li H, Chen P, Bladt E, Quintero-Bermudez R, Sham T-K, Bals S, Hofkens J, Sinton D, Chen G, Sargent EH, Nature chemistry 10, 974 (2018).
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Complex Magnetic Ordering in the Oxide Selenide Sr2Fe3Se2O3”. Cassidy SJ, Orlandi F, Manuel P, Hadermann J, Scrimshire A, Bingham PA, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 57, 10312 (2018).
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Can surface reactivity of mixed crystals be predicted from their counterparts? A case study of (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3 topological insulators”. Volykhov AA, Sanchez-Barriga J, Batuk M, Callaert C, Hadermann J, Sirotina AP, Neudachina VS, Belova AI, Vladimirova NV, Tamm ME, Khmelevsky NO, Escudero C, Perez-Dieste V, Knop-Gericke A, Yashina LV, Journal of materials chemistry C : materials for optical and electronic devices 6, 8941 (2018).
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Enhanced electrochemical performance of Li-rich cathode materials through microstructural control”. Serrano-Sevillano J, Reynaud M, Saracibar A, Altantzis T, Bals S, van Tendeloo G, Casas-Cabanas M, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 20, 23112 (2018).
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Decoupling the roles of carbon and metal oxides on the electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen on La1-xSrxCoO3-\delta perovskite composite electrodes”. Mefford JT, Kurilovich AA, Saunders J, Hardin WG, Abakumov AM, Forslund RP, Bonnefont A, Dai S, Johnston KP, Stevenson KJ, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 21, 3327 (2019).
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Fully inorganic Ruddlesden-Popper double CI-I and triple CI-Br-I lead halide perovskite nanocrystals”. Akkerman QA, Bladt E, Petralanda U, Dang Z, Sartori E, Baranov D, Abdelhady AL, Infante I, Bals S, Manna L, Chemistry of materials 31, 2182 (2019).
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Highly porous palladium nanodendrites : wet-chemical synthesis, electron tomography and catalytic activity”. Mourdikoudis S, Montes-Garcia V, Rodal-Cedeira S, Winckelmans N, Perez-Juste I, Wu H, Bals S, Perez-Juste J, Pastoriza-Santos I, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 48, 3758 (2019).
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Layered CeSO and LiCeSO oxide chalcogenides obtained via topotactic oxidative and reductive transformations”. Cassidy SJ, Pitcher MJ, Lim JJK, Hadermann J, Allen JP, Watson GW, Britto S, Chong EJ, Free DG, Grey CP, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 58, 3838 (2019).
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Scalable synthesis of one-dimensional Na2Li2Ti6O14 nanofibers as ultrahigh rate capability anodes for lithium-ion batteries”. Wang C, Xin X, Shu M, Huang S, Zhang Y, Li X, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 6, 646 (2019).
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