Number of records found: 7465
Insertion compounds and composites made by ball milling for advanced sodium-ion batteries”. Zhang B, Dugas R, Rousse G, Rozier P, Abakumov AM, Tarascon J-M, Nature communications 7, 10308 (2016).
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Low-temperature plasticity of olivine revisited with in situ TEM nanomechanical testing”. Idrissi H, Bollinger C, Boioli F, Schryvers D, Cordier P, Science Advances 2, e1501671 (2016).
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Structure-property relations of methylamine vapor treated hybrid perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 films and solar cells”. Conings B, Bretschneider SA, Babayigit A, Gauquelin N, Cardinaletti I, Manca JV, Verbeeck J, Snaith HJ, Boyen H-G, ACS applied materials and interfaces 9, 8092 (2017).
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A novel red Ca8.5Pb0.5Eu(PO4)7 phosphor for light emitting diodes application”. Deyneko DV, Morozov VA, Hadermann J, Savon AE, Spassky DA, Stefanovich SY, Belik AA, Lazoryak BI, Journal of alloys and compounds 647, 965 (2015).
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Square-centimeter-sized high-efficiency polymer solar cells : how the processing atmosphere and film quality influence performance at large scale”. Ben Dkhil S, Pfannmöller M, Bals S, Koganezawa T, Yoshimoto N, Hannani D, Gaceur M, Videlot-Ackermann C, Margeat O, Ackermann J, Laser physics review 6, 1600290 (2016).
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Structural, electrochemical and magnetic properties of a novel KFeSO4F polymorph”. Lander L, Rousse G, Abakumov AM, Sougrati M, Van Tendeloo G, Tarascon J-M, Journal of materials chemistry A : materials for energy and sustainability 3, 19754 (2015).
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Water electrolysis on La1-xSrxCoO3-\delta perovskite electrocatalysts”. Mefford JT, Rong X, Abakumov AM, Hardin WG, Dai S, Kolpak AM, Johnston KP, Stevenson KJ, Nature communications 7, 11053 (2016).
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Hematite-based nanocomposites for light-activated applications: Synergistic role of TiO2 and Au introduction”. Carraro G, Maccato C, Gasparotto A, Warwick MEA, Sada C, Turner S, Bazzo A, Andreu T, Pliekhova O, Korte D, Lavrenčič, Štangar U, Van Tendeloo G, Morante JR, Barreca D, Solar energy materials and solar cells 159, 456 (2017).
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Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage : a review of the achievement of COST Action MP1103”. Callini E, Aguey-Zinsou KF, Ahuja R, Ares JR, Bals S, Biliškov N, Chakraborty S, Charalambopoulou G, Chaudhary AL, Cuevas F, Dam B, de Jongh P, Dornheim M, Filinchuk Y, Grbović, Novaković, J, Hirscher M, Jensen TR, Jensen PB, Novaković, N, Lai Q, Leardini F, Gattia DM, Pasquini L, Steriotis T, Turner S, Vegge T, Züttel A, Montone A, International journal of hydrogen energy T2 –, E-MRS Fall Meeting / Symposium C on Hydrogen Storage in Solids -, Materials, Systems and Aplication Trends, SEP 15-18, 2015, Warsaw, POLAND 41, 14404 (2016).
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Radiative and nonradiative recombination in CuInS2 nanocrystals and CuInS2-based core/shell nanocrystals”. Berends AC, Rabouw FT, Spoor FCM, Bladt E, Grozema FC, Houtepen AJ, Siebbeles LDA, de Donega CM, The journal of physical chemistry letters 7, 3503 (2016).
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A Universal Deposition Protocol for Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells with High Efficiency Based on Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskite Families”. Conings B, Babayigit A, Klug M T, Bai S, Gauquelin N, Sakai N, Wang J T-W, Verbeeck J, Boyen H-G, Advanced materials 28, 10701 (2016).
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Mechanical behavior of ultrathin sputter deposited porous amorphous Al2O3 films”. van der Rest A, Idrissi H, Henry F, Favache A, Schryvers D, Proost J, Raskin J-P, Van Overmeere Q, Pardoen T, Acta materialia 125, 27 (2017).
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Quantitative measurement for the microstructural parameters of nano-precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys”. Li K, Idrissi H, Sha G, Song M, Lu J, Shi H, Wang W, Ringer SP, Du Y, Schryvers D, Materials characterization 118, 352 (2016).
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Electronically decoupled stacking fault tetrahedra embedded in Au(111) films”. Schouteden K, Amin-Ahmadi B, Li Z, Muzychenko D, Schryvers D, Van Haesendonck C, Nature communications 7, 14001 (2016).
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Magnetic drug targeting : preclinical in vivo studies, mathematical modeling, and extrapolation to humans”. Al-Jamal KT, Bai J, Wang JTW, Protti A, Southern P, Bogart L, Heidari H, Li X, Cakebread A, Asker D, Al-Jamal WT, Shah A, Bals S, Sosabowski J, Pankhurst QA;, Nano letters 16, 5652 (2016).
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PDMS membranes containing ZIF-coated mesoporous silica spheres for efficient ethanol recovery via pervaporation”. Naik PV, Wee LH, Meledina M, Turner S, Li Y, Van Tendeloo G, Martens JA, Vankelecom IFJ, Journal of materials chemistry A : materials for energy and sustainability 4, 12790 (2016).
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Synthesis of aluminum-containing hierarchical mesoporous materials with columnar mesopore ordering by evaporation induced self assembly”. Kurttepeli M, Locus R, Verboekend D, de Clippel F, Breynaert E, Martens J, Sels B, Bals S, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 234, 186 (2016).
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The mechanical behavior during (de)lithiation of coated silicon nanoparticles as anode material for lithium-ion batteries studied by InSitu transmission electron microscopy”. Van Havenbergh K, Turner S, Marx N, Van Tendeloo G, Energy technology 4, 1005 (2016).
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Structure and magnetic properties of Sm(Fe,Si)(9)C/alpha-Fe nanocomposite magnets”. Bez R, Zehani K, Batuk M, Van Tendeloo G, Mliki N, Bessais L, Journal of alloys and compounds 695, 810 (2017).
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Tuning of PCDTBT : PC71BM blend nanoparticles for eco-friendly processing of polymer solar cells”. D'Olieslaeger L, Pfannmöller M, Fron E, Cardinaletti I, Van der Auweraer M, Van Tendeloo G, Bals S, Maes W, Vanderzande D, Manca J, Ethirajan A, Solar energy materials and solar cells 159, 179 (2017).
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Direct synthesis of antimicrobial coatings based on tailored bi-elemental nanoparticles”. Benetti G, Cavaliere E, Canteri A, Landini G, Rossolini GM, Pallecchi L, Chiodi M, Van Bael MJ, Winckelmans N, Bals S, Gavioli L, APL materials 5, 036105 (2017).
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Iron minerals within specific microfossil morphospecies of the 1.88 Ga Gunflint Formation”. Lepot K, Addad A, Knoll AH, Wang J, Troadec D, Béché, A, Javaux EJ, Nature communications 8, 14890 (2017).
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Probing the symmetry of the potential of localized surface plasmon resonances with phase-shaped electron beams”. Guzzinati G, Béché, A, Lourenço-Martins H, Martin J, Kociak M, Verbeeck J, Nature communications 8, 14999 (2017).
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A Comprehensive Study of the Electrodeposition of Nickel Nanostructures from Deep Eutectic Solvents: Self-Limiting Growth by Electrolysis of Residual Water”. Mernissi Cherigui EA, Sentosun K, Bouckenooge P, Vanrompay H, Bals S, Terryn H, Ustarroz J, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 121, 9337 (2017).
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Homogeneous flow and size dependent mechanical behavior in highly ductile Zr 65 Ni 35 metallic glass films”. Ghidelli M, Idrissi H, Gravier S, Blandin J-J, Raskin J-P, Schryvers D, Pardoen T, Acta materialia 131, 246 (2017).
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Dissolution corrosion of 316L austenitic stainless steels in contact with static liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) at 500 °C”. Lambrinou K, Charalampopoulou E, Van der Donck T, Delville R, Schryvers D, Journal of nuclear materials 490, 9 (2017).
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Heterogeneous TiO2/V2O5/Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries”. Kurttepeli M, Deng S, Mattelaer F, Cott DJ, Vereecken P, Dendooven J, Detavernier C, Bals S, ACS applied materials and interfaces 9, 8055 (2017).
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P-N Junction Passivation in Kesterite Solar Cells by Use of Solution-Processed TiO2 Layer”. Ranjbar S, Hadipour A, Vermang B, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Garud S, Sahayaraj S, Meuris M, Brammertz G, da Cunha AF, Poortmans J, IEEE journal of photovoltaics 7, 1130 (2017).
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One step toward a new generation of C-MOS compatible oxide p-n junctions: Structure of the LSMO/ZnO interface elucidated by an experimental and theoretical synergic work”. Pullini D, Sgroi M, Mahmoud A, Gauquelin N, Maschio L, Lorenzo-Ferrari AM, Groenen R, Damen C, Rijnders G, van den Bos KHW, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, ACS applied materials and interfaces 9, 20974 (2017).
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Nanorattles with tailored electric field enhancement”. Schnepf MJ, Mayer M, Kuttner C, Tebbe M, Wolf D, Dulle M, Altantzis T, Formanek P, Förster S, Bals S, König TAF, Fery A, Nanoscale 9, 9376 (2017).
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