Number of records found: 334
Topological analysis of paraxially scattered electron vortex beams”. Lubk A, Clark L, Guzzinati G, Verbeeck J, Physical review : A : atomic, molecular and optical physics 87, 033834 (2013).
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Transport of intensity phase retrieval of arbitrary wave fields including vortices”. Lubk A, Guzzinati G, Börrnert F, Verbeeck J, Physical review letters 111, 173902 (2013).
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Using electron vortex beams to determine chirality of crystals in transmission electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Béché, A, Abakumov A, Batuk M, Verbeeck J, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 91, 094112 (2015).
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Using the macroscopic scale to predict the nano-scale behavior of YSZ thin films”. Lamas JS, Leroy WP, Lu Y-G, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Depla D, Surface and coatings technology 238, 45 (2014).
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Well shaped Mn3O4 nano-octahedra with anomalous magnetic behavior and enhanced photodecomposition properties”. Li Y, Tan H, Yang X-Y, Goris B, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Colson P, Cloots R, Van Tendeloo G, Su B-L, Small 7, 475 (2011).
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X-ray and electron spectroscopy investigation of the coreshell nanowires of ZnO:Mn”. Guda AA, Smolentsev N, Verbeeck J, Kaidashev EM, Zubavichus Y, Kravtsova AN, Polozhentsev OE, Soldatov AV, Solid state communications 151, 1314 (2011).
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Controlled lateral anisotropy in correlated manganite heterostructures by interface-engineered oxygen octahedral coupling”. Liao Z, Huijben M, Zhong Z, Gauquelin N, Macke S, Green RJ, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Held K, Sawatzky GA, Koster G, Rijnders G, Nature materials 15, 425 (2016).
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Development of a fast electromagnetic beam blanker for compressed sensing in scanning transmission electron microscopy”. Béché, A, Goris B, Freitag B, Verbeeck J, Applied physics letters 108, 093103 (2016).
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Local orbital angular momentum revealed by spiral-phase-plate imaging in transmission-electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Verbeeck J, Physical Review A 93, 023811 (2016).
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Charge-ordering transition in iron oxide Fe4O5 involving competing dimer and trimer formation”. Ovsyannikov SV, Bykov M, Bykova E, Kozlenko DP, Tsirlin AA, Karkin AE, Shchennikov VV, Kichanov SE, Gou H, Abakumov AM, Egoavil R, Verbeeck J, McCammon C, Dyadkin V, Chernyshov D, van Smaalen S, Dubrovinsky LS, Nature chemistry 8, 501 (2016).
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Orbital angular momentum in electron diffraction and its use to determine chiral crystal symmetries”. Juchtmans R, Verbeeck J, Physical review: B: condensed matter and materials physics 92, 134108 (2015).
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Symmetry-constrained electron vortex propagation”. Clark L, Guzzinati G, Béché, A, Lubk A, Verbeeck J, Physical review A 93, 063840 (2016).
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CVD diamond growth from nanodiamond seeds buried under a thin chromium layer”. Degutis G, Pobedinskas P, Turner S, Lu Y-G, Al Riyami S, Ruttens B, Yoshitake T, D'Haen J, Haenen K, Verbeeck J, Hardy A, Van Bael MK, Diamond and related materials 64, 163 (2016).
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Progress and new advances in simulating electron microscopy datasets using MULTEM”. Lobato I, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Ultramicroscopy 168, 17 (2016).
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Efficient creation of electron vortex beams for high resolution STEM imaging”. Béché, A, Juchtmans R, Verbeeck J, Ultramicroscopy 178, 12 (2017).
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TEM and AES investigations of the natural surface nano-oxide layer of an AISI 316L stainless steel microfibre”. Ramachandran D, Egoavil R, Crabbe A, Hauffman T, Abakumov A, Verbeeck J, Vandendael I, Terryn H, Schryvers D, Journal of microscopy 264, 207 (2016).
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Measurement of atomic electric fields and charge densities from average momentum transfers using scanning transmission electron microscopy”. Muller-Caspary K, Krause FF, Grieb T, Loffler S, Schowalter M, Béché, A, Galioit V, Marquardt D, Zweck J, Schattschneider P, Verbeeck J, Rosenauer A, Ultramicroscopy 178, 62 (2016).
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Engineering properties by long range symmetry propagation initiated at perovskite heterostructure interface”. Liao ZL, Green RJ, Gauquelin N, Gonnissen J, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, et al, Advanced functional materials , 1 (2016)
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Locating light and heavy atomic column positions with picometer precision using ISTEM”. van den Bos KHW, Krause FF, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Rosenauer A, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 172, 75 (2016).
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Controlled growth of hexagonal gold nanostructures during thermally induced self-assembling on Ge(001) surface”. Jany BR, Gauquelin N, Willhammar T, Nikiel M, van den Bos KHW, Janas A, Szajna K, Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, Krok F, Scientific reports 7, 42420 (2017).
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Extension of Friedel's law to vortex-beam diffraction”. Juchtmans R, Guzzinati G, Verbeeck J, Physical Review A 94, 033858 (2016).
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Spiral phase plate contrast in optical and electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Clark L, Lubk A, Verbeeck J, Physical review A 94, 023838 (2016).
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Thick homoepitaxial (110)-oriented phosphorus-doped n-type diamond”. Balasubramaniam Y, Pobedinskas P, Janssens SD, Sakr G, Jomard F, Turner S, Lu YG, Dexters W, Soltani A, Verbeeck J, Barjon J, Nesládek M, Haenen K;, Applied physics letters 109, 062105 (2016).
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Energy Level Alignment and Cation Charge States at the LaFeO3/LaMnO3(001) Heterointerface”. Smolin SY, Choquette AK, Wilks RG, Gauquelin N, Félix R, Gerlach D, Ueda S, Krick AL, Verbeeck J, Bär M, Baxter JB, May SJ, Advanced Materials Interfaces 4, 1700183 (2017).
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Theory and applications of free-electron vortex states”. Bliokh KY, Ivanov IP, Guzzinati G, Clark L, Van Boxem R, Béché, A, Juchtmans R, Alonso MA, Schattschneider P, Nori F, Verbeeck J, Physics reports 690, 1 (2017).
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Determining oxygen relaxations at an interface: A comparative study between transmission electron microscopy techniques”. Gauquelin N, van den Bos KHW, Béché, A, Krause FF, Lobato I, Lazar S, Rosenauer A, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Ultramicroscopy 181, 178 (2017).
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Sankaran KJ, Hoang DQ, Srinivasu K, Korneychuk S, Turner S, Drijkoningen S, Pobedinskas P, Verbeeck J, Leou KC, Lin IN, Haenen K, Physica status solidi : A : applications and materials science 213, 2654 (2016).
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Hierarchical hexagonal boron nitride nanowall-diamond nanorod heterostructures with enhanced optoelectronic performance”. Sankaran KJ, Duc Quang Hoang, Korneychuk S, Kunuku S, Thomas JP, Pobedinskas P, Drijkoningen S, Van Bael MK, D'Haen J, Verbeeck J, Leou K-C, Leung KT, Lin I-N, Haenen K, RSC advances 6, 90338 (2016).
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Direct observation of enhanced magnetism in individual size- and shape-selected 3d transition metal nanoparticles”. Kleibert A, Balan A, Yanes R, Derlet PM, Vaz CAF, Timm M, Fraile Rodríguez A, Béché, A, Verbeeck J, Dhaka RS, Radovic M, Nowak U, Nolting F, Physical review B 95, 195404 (2017).
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Thermal characterization of polycrystalline diamond thin film heat spreaders grown on GaN HEMTs”. Zhou Y, Ramaneti R, Anaya J, Korneychuk S, Derluyn J, Sun H, Pomeroy J, Verbeeck J, Haenen K, Kuball M, Applied physics letters 111, 041901 (2017).
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