Number of records found: 202
Influence of electron recapture by the cathode upon the discharge characteristics in dc planar magnetrons”. Kolev I, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Physical review : E : statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics 72, 056402 (2005).
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Interpretation of TOF-SIMS depth profiles from ultrashallow high-k dielectric stacks assisted by hybrid collisional computer simulation”. Ignatova VA, Möller W, Conard T, Vandervorst W, Gijbels R, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 81, 71 (2005).
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Laser ablation of Cu and plume expansion into 1 atm ambient gas”. Chen Z, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 97, 063305 (2005).
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Matrix-enhanced secondary ion mass spectrometry: the influence of MALDI matrices on molecular ion yields of thin organic films”. Adriaensen L, Vangaever F, Lenaerts J, Gijbels R, Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 19, 1017 (2005).
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Modeling of gas discharge plasmas: What can we learn from it?”.Bogaerts A, de Bleecker K, Kolev I, Madani M, Surface and coatings technology 200, 62 (2005).
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Molecular dynamics simulation of dust clusters in plasmas”. Chen Z, Yu MY, Luo H, Physica scripta 71, 638 (2005).
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Molecular dynamics simulation of the impact behaviour of various hydrocarbon species on DLC”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Benedikt J, van de Sanden MCM, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research: B: beam interactions with materials and atoms 228, 315 (2005).
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Numerical modeling for a better understanding of gas discharge plasmas”. Bogaerts A, de Bleecker K, Georgieva V, Herrebout D, Kolev I, Madani M, Neyts E, High temperature material processes 9, 321 (2005).
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Numerical simulation of dual frequency etching reactors: influence of the external process parameters on the plasma characteristics”. Georgieva V, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 98, 023308 (2005).
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Particle-in-cell Monte Carlo modeling of Langmuir probes in an Ar plasma”. Cenian A, Chernukho A, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Leys C, Journal of applied physics 97, 123310 (2005).
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Role of the thermophoretic force on the transport of nanoparticles in dusty silane plasmas”. de Bleecker K, Bogaerts A, Goedheer W, Physical review : E : statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics 71, 066405 (2005).
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Study of the Ar metastable atom population in a hollow cathode discharge by means of a hybrid model and spectrometric measurements”. Baguer N, Bogaerts A, Donko Z, Gijbels R, Sadeghi N, Journal of applied physics 97, 123305 (2005).
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Study of the sputtered Cu atoms and Cu+ ions in a hollow cathode glow discharge using a hybrid model”. Baguer N, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 98, 033303 (2005).
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A novel gas inlet system for improved aerosol entrainment in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry”. Bleiner D, Altorfer H, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry (2005).
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Overcoming pulse mixing and signal tailing in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry depth profiling”. Bleiner D, Belloni F, Doria D, Lorusso A, Nassisi V, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry (2005).
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Influence of the characteristics of the STM-tip on the electroluminescence spectra”. Croitoru MD, Gladilin VN, Fomin VM, Devreese JT, Kemerink M, Koenraad PM, Sauthoff K, Wolter JH, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 27, 13 (2005).
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Concentration trends and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Belgium”. Ravindra K, Bencs L, Wauters E, de Hoog J, Deutsch F, Roekens E, Bleux N, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, IASTA bulletin 17, 98 (2005)
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Main conclusions from VIDRIO EU research programme on the determination of conditions to prevent weathering of ancient stained glass windows and recommendations for end-users and practitioners”. Pallot-Frossard I, Bernardi A, Van Grieken R, Rölleke S, Verità, M, Rivista della Stazione sperimentale del vetro , 75 (2005)
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Characterization of air pollutants observed in three European cathedrals: is the protective glazing really effective?”.Kontozova V, Godoi RHM, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Deutsch F, Van Grieken R, Rivista della Stazione sperimentale del vetro 3, 13 (2005)
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Tomography using annular dark field imaging in TEM”. Bals S, Kisielowski C, Croitoru M, Van Tendeloo G, Microscopy and microanalysis 11, 2118 (2005)
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Obstacles on the road towards atomic resolution tomography”. van Dyck D, Van Aert S, Croitoru MD, Microscoy and microanalysis 11, 238 (2005)
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Statistical estimation of oxygen atomic positions eith sub Ångstrom precision from exit wave reconstruction”. Bals S, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, van Dyck D, Avila-Brande D, Microscopy and microanalysis 11, 556 (2005)
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A new method to calculate leakage current and its applications for sub-45nm MOSFETs”. Lujan GS, Magnus W, Soree B, Pourghaderi MA, Veloso A, van Dal MJH, Lauwers A, Kubicek S, De Gendt S, Heyns M, De Meyer K, Solid-State Device Research (ESSDERC), European Conference T2 – ESSDERC 2005 : proceedings of 35th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, September 12-16, 2005, Grenoble, France. Ieee, S.l., page 489 (2005).
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Analysis of façon-de-Venise glass originating from Central and Western Europe”. Šmit Ž, Janssens K, Schalm O, Kos M page 165 (2005).
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Characterization of carcinogenic Ni-rich dust particles by scanning micro-XRF/XRD at BL L”. de Nolf W, Janssens K, Rickers K (2005).
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Confocal micro-XRF study of element distribution of a uranium enriched tertiary sediment”. Janssens K, Denecke M, Rothe J, Simon R page 13 (2005).
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Estimation of relative Fe2+ and Fe3+ contents of original manuscript fragments by means of μ-XANES and Mössbauer spectrometry”. Janssens K, Vekemans B, Rouchon-Quillet V (2005).
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In-vivo 3D mapping and local speciation of Se compounds in roots and leaves of Allium Cepa”. Janssens K, Proost K, Wysocka A, Bulska E, Wierzbicka M (2005).
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Preface”. Van Grieken R, Janssens K page vii-viii (2005).
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A survey of the recent use of x-ray beam methods for non-destructive investigations in the cultural heritage sector”. Janssens K page 265 (2005).
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